Content to remedy the intolerable Night Elf and Forsaken situations


Here’s the problem.


I can if it is not relevant to the discussion. Read the thread title.

Baine is also conviently buddy buddy with his boy Anduin

Elegy and A good War are relevant. Doesn’t matter if you think otherwise

Don’t give up on new knowledge. You are hindered by a prejudice against Bane. Accept new knowledge.

I would say the difference between how the War of Thorns is depicted in-game, vs how it is depicted in A Good War and Elegy is more important. How the two not synchronizing is part of the problem.

See, you are using it as if to discredit the problems the night elves have, when it is, in fact, contributing to the problem itself.

Prejudice would imply we are pre-judging with little to no information about the subject. We know ALL we need to know about Baine to, rightfully, dislike him.


Again, I’m simply pointing out that they are going to be part of the discussion. If you wanted an echo chamber with no dissenting opinions, go find a discord server.

Baine…the same dude creepily sending pieces of himself in the mail to Anduin. He’s alliance lite at this point, all he needs to do now is throw on the alliance tabard at this point :pancakes:

Okay, I’ll try it differently. Is Bane’s stance on Camp Taurajo the official Horde position on Camp Taurajo?

Edit. Here! You have a prejudice against the Alliance and those who sympathize with it! Accept new knowledge!

I would imagine it’d have to be, if we consider Camp Taurajo to be under his jurisdiction to make such a statement.

You can disagree all you want. You’re just wrong, and I am going to continue to tell you so. Which you have been, by me and several other people. You are just stubborn, because the very idea of night elf fans having legitimate concerns makes you caps rage, and get really toxic with ad hominem.

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It was such a dumb statement to make though. Like why is he even justifying what the alliance is doing? I would be furious if I was in his position, instead of making excuses for the opposing side

No one said NE fans didn’t have legimate concerns. Again, I said you don’t get to dismiss new lore because it contradicts with how you feel. Get over it.

This is knowledge. Humble yourself. And force yourself to accept it.
You can offer me the same muck. I’m wondering if there is a similar thing for the night elves.

Literally no one is dismissing new lore. We are dismissing it’s relevance to the discussion.

Again, you are using Elegy and A Good War to discredit the concerns of night elf players. When the entire point is that the duality of those short stories and what we see in-game is part of the problem.

Look, you are the only one here who is stuck on something that isn’t even indicative to the discussion at hand. You just get triggered by nelf players.

There’s a translation issue at play here.

Because, what?


Maybe so? “This is lore. Deal with it. Force yourself to accept it”?

We’re talking about certain indivuals who want to dismiss new lore because they don’t find it relevant. And I said they don’t get to dismiss it because they don’t like it

Is this you claiming without evidence that we’re regarding it as noncanon again?

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