Content to remedy the intolerable Night Elf and Forsaken situations

That’s true. But sometimes a book can help put a certain event in better context. Blizzard, like most companies, have this bad habit of leaving certain events up to interpretation, instead of just showing us exactly how it happened. Why I been watching the fights rage on this forum

I think that a book can certainly enhance the lore, and I hope my overall stance is not interpreted as “anti-book”, but tie-in novels shouldn’t be relied upon to deliver important information that players need to know - and I would add that they are woefully incapable of bridging the gaps left by Blizzard’s often-botched presentation of various things. I bring up Elegy and A Good War’s failures in this regard because they illustrate this concept in motion with regard to how the Night Elves are viewed.

In this case, the writers wanted to portray tragedy, and they wanted to evoke emotions of pity from the playerbase - which would have been undermined if they showed the events of those novellas. I think someone probably figured that they could still show the Night Elves as effective by having these two novels, but again, most people didn’t read them, and for those that did, the quests and the cinematics were still there, and constitute powerful contradictions of the impressions that certain parts of those novellas were going for.

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When it comes to video games and movies, novels or Lore Books in general should be supplemental, that add extra flavor lore and help build the world. Like how they tried with the first Exploring Azeroth book. Blizzards problem is they rely too much on novels to tell stories that should be in game.

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Elegy and A Good War came out before the Pre-Patch Event and the Burning of Teldrassil. So actually Elegy and A Good War are old lore and the in game presentation is the new lore.

Orgrimmar’s major problem is that most of it is as busy and crowded as Times Square. There some nooks among the racial enclaves and it’s a bit quieter by the Azshara gate, but no really good taverns or quiet spots. Brill was more popular for the Horde groups I knew.

Is this the part where someone says that everything about Brill is fine because you can talk to a Bronze Dragon?

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More like I was drawing on old memories of participating in Horde story circles there. We’d meet at a different place each week rotating among various places.

Once we even met on one of the floating islands of Nagrand.