Content to remedy the intolerable Night Elf and Forsaken situations

It’s still important. It’s relevant information. You don’t get to dismiss it because you think it’s less important

lol, yeah. But I think that’s overshadowed by the more serious “villain horde” stories that precede it in the first place, and I don’t know if many people have ever really cared about the feelings of horde rebels.

Im not dismissing it, but it -is- less important.

That’s your opinion and not fact

The position is again, based in fact. The human brain is far more able to process visual information than text. It is far more able to recall visual information than text. This information drives narrative truisms like “show don’t tell”.

There’s nothing controversial about this, and certainly not something that’s squishy or subjective.

Excuse me, can I have a sample of Thrall’s words about Sylvanas’s head and Tyranada’s? I’m not sure about the Russian translation, but there is not a word about the conclusion of the contract. Only that only then can Thrall try to speak again.

Yet again, you still manage to miss the point entirely. You’re on the story forum, to discuss, you guess it, the story in it’s entirety . Deal with it. This isn’t rocket science, why is this simple fact so hard for you to grasp?

What are you talking about? People care about the Horde…


Remembers. There are questions about “perceives”, but having “taken away” he may refuse to go “read”, because “everything is clear anyway.”

We have been desperatly trying to explain to you how it is not just an opinion, and how it is, in fact, fact. You just are hell bent on marginalizing night elf problems. As well as calling people stupid and dense.

I wonder when you’ll 180 and pretend to be a wholesome poster, with your shallow hearts and feigned concern. As if you haven’t been hella toxic this entire thread.

Do you have another example of a fantasy-fantastic-real “sentient” and “living” being falling apart and reuniting?

The brain grasping visuals is not equal to discussing the lore, sorry this is such a foreign concept for you

Every once in a while I crawl back on the forums to see if BfA still dominates discussion, and I never leave disappointed


In Shernish’s defense, I think he’s Russian(?) and uses an automatic text translator so I figure it’s just a quirk with that.

Ooooooh, lol. Yeah, I think the fantasy creature you’re thinking of is just called a “slime.” Separated mucus sounds more like boogers you sneeze out, even if it’s technically correct for what a slime monster can do.

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It is relevant to discussing the story though. How the story impacts it’s viewership is vital.

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You still don’t get to dismiss any new lore because it doesn’t fit with how you personally feel.

Is Camp Taurajo a military target?

Sure, but it’s emphasis in such a clinical manner wasn’t a thing until just recently.

For example, the Theramore/Taurajo conversations.


No. It was a camp full of crafters and a small group of defenders to protect the.

Baine called it a “legitimate military target.” What’s wrong?