Content to remedy the intolerable Night Elf and Forsaken situations

There’s a reason to it- with WoW being modeled after the middle ages, all of the units of measurement we know how to observe it exist in history, there’s just no way to hold a discussion about this stuff otherwise. They nod at it every now and then, like Lordaeron being a meat grinder for the Alliance- fortresses were the most lethal place to attack and required 10:1 odds to even make the attempt in our history, so, when the Alliance fought like hell to get as far as it did, only to get blighted, I didn’t have any question marks over my head when Genn said “we’re down to conscription now.”.

I didn’t feel like I got sucker punched on the Night Elf campaign either, in terms of statistics (how it was actually portrayed in the story however was just… jesus, it was horribly written), because it’s easier to defend a location instead of attacking it. 8 to 1 odds for an invasion seems about right.

They even did it again when Malfurion wasn’t brought down by supernatural hoo-hah, but 4 pounds of mundane steel to the back, just as the greatest duelists and knights died in our history- killed by literal nobodies. So, naturally, when I saw the Darkshore situation I thought “well, this is going to be an extreme meat grinder to attack, are they setting up Tyrande for ‘A Little Patience 2.0’?”, and the Night Warrior arc was introduced to answer that (and, more or less repeat Grom’s storyline). The problem was that they did nothing to justify it as a plot point.

I wanted Tyrande to be on the struggle bus with it, to emphasize how much of an uphill battle it’d be without it, but they didn’t, because nothing really brought her to the brink with her newfound power. So it looked really weird and unnecessary when she just fought as she usually did. No near-death experiences or grievous maims (one armed Tyrande with an eyepatch and hell’s fury in her heart to carry her forward would had been sick). Nah, just dude-fighting.

Which I suppose I do appreciate better, because I despise the idea of heroes and dislike that WoW’s story is told through them, but even then, they didn’t really emphasize just how costly the war was, until the very end, where the Alliance NPCs said “we’ve got enough for one assault, win or lose” and “we can’t afford to go to war with the Horde again.”. Very telling, not a lot of showing.

And certainly did not sell the story of the Night Warrior.


Well, the night warrior has more problems than just this one, there is still no reason, none, for which he was really necessary. And I think that’s quite a pity, at least.

The core pit of my problem with the Night Warrior story is that A) it served no purpose in the story and B) it’s building suspense for no reason.

What’re they going to do, kill Tyrande like they did Grom? Please. She sells merchandise. Blizzard owes it to their shareholders to not do anything that could disrupt cash flow. This isn’t a product made from love anymore, it’s a product that exists to churn out money. There’s no danger in her story. She’s just having a goth phase in ghost jail to go save spirits. I really couldn’t care less because the finale will be a literal whatever.

Just like Sylvanas’, too. Thanks for pissing the Forsaken storyline down the drain for garbage no-one wanted, Blizzard.


It is not even presented correctly, already this fails this story. If you plan to include the avatar of a real god, not just wild god, you have to be ready to create the atmosphere around it, and they already failed fundamentally, the first impression counts, after that it’s just damage control.

I mean, it’s the first powerup that was described as definitely killing its user without intervention because it’s soo powerful, then please, show that power!


I may have thought this more in my head rather than fully fleshing it out in my comment. I didn’t want it to come across as victimizing the Night Elves (or any member of the Alliance). No violence against their allies. I just wanted the Worgen to come across as less “subservient” to the Alliance (and humans in particular) and more “member” who still had their own objectives and goals for their race.

I tried to find a way to shoehorn that aspect in combination with beating the Horde and not requiring extending the war. More creative minds can come up with far better ways to meet those criteria. Regardless, I’d expect the fully settled in Worgen to shift to fully rebuilding the Night Elves new digs nearby (and the benefits of having main cities near each other would be pretty obvious).

I’ve been trying to avoid calling it rebelliousness - it’s not the right word - but it is a similar aspect. I just want the Worgen to feel more like a wild card. Yes they will be there for their allies - they are loyal - but they’re not trained beasts to be used as a military wing thrown at the enemy and follow orders. They use cunning and ferocity and violence but they also have needs (like a permanent home). They should act like it. Right now they seem like humans who grew out all their hair and lost their own motivations.

Well you should. Because the Alliance has been conscripting farmers since Wrath.

But that’d mean they might have to put effort in another city that isn’t Stormwind or Orgrimmar!


Problem is that the Worgen are just a part of a greater Gilnean faction and they’ve been shown to mostly want to retain their humanity. The faction isn’t just bloodthirsty wolf-men, it’s ALL Gilneans, non-afflicted included (I’d go so far as to say lore-wise most Gilneans aren’t afflicted. There is also 0 reason why Gilneas couldn’t be reclaimed in the lore right now, not like the Horde has any reason to oppose it.)

The problem with your statement is that the worgen were advertised as being the alliances vicisious race to act as a counter as to the orcs and forsaken. We got nothing of the sort.

All fans like me and Dard want, is what was promised to us 10+ yrs ago.


Citation needed.

Thanks for posting this. Now, every time someone makes a comment about Night Elves needing their teeth back I can point out that they didn’t lose them in the first place.



Arthas sold merchandise and his statues and other memorabilia still sells very well, yet they killed him off.

Never underestimate blizzards willingness to kill off a character for their perceived version of shock value

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I was gonna leave this be but since certain bad actors want to treat it like a smoking gun I’ll point out that all this does is state what the numbers were. It doesn’t assert that the Night Elves were roflstomping the Horde by any means.


Case in point.



I really wanna know what merchandise Tyrande is pushing.

To be fair, they turned Sylvanas into (LK) Arthas 2.0 and now with Shadowlands, Arthas is part of the narrative again.


I was going to reply with Stares as Kaldorei army proceeds to stomp a mud hole in the horde army but you know…those sort of facts are bothersome for some people :gift_heart:





None. She’s not nearly as popular as Sylvanas or Arthas is, hell I seen more Genn statues than tyrande merchandise. shrug

Yeah that’s my point. This idea that they won’t kill Tyrande off, ignoring all the big red flags, because she “sells merchandise” is utter bunk.