Content to remedy the intolerable Night Elf and Forsaken situations

Camp Taurajo: history is a trifle, but how many impressions the Horde had … Until the destruction of the Alliance, for “Taurajo will not be forgotten”! (laugh)
Was that how it was?

It’s one of multiple facets of storytelling sure. My problem is your insistence that only visuals, which is only a fraction of the whole pie is the part that matters most.

If you can’t in the WHOLE picture, than again I ask, why are you here?

Because it’s the most impactful…

It’s a tiny slice of storytelling

That insistence is based in facts about the human brain. This is not a wishy-washy opinion duel - visual information is far and away more memorable than text. So if you want to account for the whole picture, you have to actually do that, and again, place information derived purely from text in its proper context.

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Tiny slice, big impact.

Most of the picture is occupied by a burning tree, and a thin layer, near the frame, is the corner of the eye of a common elf who kills an orc.

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You can’t ignore the other 75% because it’s inconvient for you.


Im not ignoring it, it’s just not as important because it is not emphasized in the story as much.

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It’s extremely important. It tells you what happened before, during and after an event

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They don’t have to forget, but we can’t keep having the Alliance go out of its way to vilify the Horde every other expansion, either—that will see the entire Horde playerbase quit the game. This is a two-faction game, remember?

And again, pretty much the only way I can see them coming to some form of agreement is if Thrall makes good on his promise to Tyrande; at this point, anything less than sacrificing Sylvanas for the sake of peace (let alone redeeming her, ugh) would be just as much a slap in the face to Horde players, particularly Forsaken, as it would to the Alliance.

Forsaken players still deserve someone better and more relatable to them than a Lightbound Fairy Princess though; Lilian needs to shiv her in the back already.

Sure, but not as important.

Think Star Wars. The Trade Federation is occupying Naboo, and the return of the sith is evident with Darth Maul.

No one is concerned with the fact that slavery is still being practiced on Tatooine.

75% is a serious overvaluation - but since this conversation is going nowhere, I’m just going to leave you with this, cut at the current time. (Although the video in its full context drives home the point more fully than the line I’m about to share)

Taurajo was a legitimate target! The Purge of Dalaran is the Sin of the Horde! Resign yourself!
We will accept that Arthas is the sin of the Alliance.

I’ll just leave this here than. If we didn’t have the War of Thorns event leading up to the Burning of Teldrassil, that cinematic wouldn’t have had the same impact. It would’ve been just a giant tree on fire with no context on what lead up to it…

That’s what I’m getting it.

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Blizzard. Blizzard villified the Horde by making it do what it did to the Alliance. Don’t pretend that it’s the Alliance’s fault that the Horde got villain batted.
You can’t expect the Alliance to simply let the Horde off the hook. If you do, you may as well expect the Horde to be mired in perpetual guilt, or for the Forsaken to become lightforged.


.>its a micah acts obnoxious and somewhat stupid episode.

Well color me surprised.

But on the forum you would be pecked, because the Horde still burned Teldrassil and killed everyone in Astraar, and this time you will have no choice - the Horde will kill everyone and always. Not that it was any different now. The book was. You would be pecked at her. And Sapphiretta. Yes.

Micah is just anti night elves because muh worgen.

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I am not sure how you can say that. It is not “some tree” it is the Night Elf capital. We know there is a large population of night elf civilians there. We are told such in the cinematic. We see Sylvanas tormenting a Night Elf Sentinel with the act of it burning.

It is impactful because we see it, because it removed our capital from the game. Every time we go to Darkshore and see it’s husk we are impacted.

Something we don’t see in a cinematic or in game does not hit us the same way. That is one of the biggest issues when it comes to the Nelf story.

Most of our defeats are visually represented in-game, and most of our victories are not.