Content to remedy the intolerable Night Elf and Forsaken situations

Who beat whom - Sylvanas Malfurion or Malfurion Sylvanas?

Malfurion lost due to getting a axe in the back, but Saurfang felt bad and let him live.

Not … Not that … It seems that Sylvanas had 40% HP in the game. In the book, Malffurion was “considered trees.” Who kicked whom before Malfurion got the ax in his back?

Again, no one has argued that it isn’t canon. Please leave the straw man alone.

Yes, please deliberately ignore the part where I said


Funny, that explains why so many Horde players are claiming they now smell stink! :point_up::smiley:

Apparently not, since you seem to have interpreted this as a suggestion rather than a commentary.

I honestly don’t know why you and Kyalin both have this habit of thinking everything is a personal attack.


It’s not all about you.

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It’s not a straw man, new lore, regardless of its source, takes precedence over any lore that it contradicts in game. Not my fault you don’t like that.

Missed that part, my bad.

Right, let me rephrase. Do you think the majority brings up Teldrassil not because they were emotionally impacted by it, but because they want to stick it to the Horde? I am certain that most is in the former camp.

Who beat whom - Malf Silva or Silva Malfa? They came out at different times. On the ru-forum, the canon is what came out later. They argue about this. I don’t remember what happened before?

If its a newer book, sure. New lore takes precedent.

Kya seems to be emphasizing impact though. So are you really arguing that an obscuring piece of lore that is buried and irrelevant is just as impactful to the fanbase as a major cinematic and plot point for an entire expansion?

And keep in mind, I am too lazy to scroll up and look up context. So I dont even know what event you are talking about. Context clues of the discussion seems to indicate that it’s pretty forgettable.

You not reading it doesn‘t make it obscure. Just makes you lazy

Oh, I’m certainly inclined to put most into the former camp, and even give them the benefit of the doubt.

I used to play on Velskar, night elf demon hunter, might have seen some of my posts? I literally played War of the Thorns at content, and remember the hopeless “Evacuate Civvies” quest, so I definitely sympathize with the night elf playerbase, and mourn the destruction of Teldrassil as much as anyone.

That being said, I do think a lot of the outrage of the former camp—to use your examples—has been channeled into the latter, which I almost suspect was Blizzard’s original intention with re-igniting the faction conflict. As is often the case, the emphasis is less on, “This is terrible!” and more on “They did this! KILL THEM ALL!!!

Which, again, is what happened with the original Alliance of Lordaeron after the events of the Second War.

What happens if the majority of the fanbase is lazy and not reading it? Does that make it more or less impactful?

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So who beat whom up in Sylvanas and Malfurion’s wels before Saurfang intervened?

IT”S NOT ABOUT IMPACT! Jesus, why is this so damn hard for you. We’re not here to discuss impact. We’re here to discuss the STORY.

What part of discussing the STORY on the STORY FORUM are you not getting?

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And since I highly doubt they will do a retread of wacraft 2, for a very long list of reasons, most very good and true, another solution has to be found. One that doesn’t involve dismantling the Horde, or killing off the rest of it’s characters.
But no matter what happens, the Horde doesn’t simply get to walk away. That is for the Alliance to decide, whether they will forgive or not. The onus is on the Horde to make ammends, not for the Alliance to forget.

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Ends Shadowlands. We won, all that … And then it turns out that we were in the wrong timeline. Something went wrong with the reign of time, and now all of Azeroth has two sets of memories - Shadowlands and Post-Legion. Does the Alliance have the right to start a defensive war, complete destruction of the Horde, if the Horde does not overthrow Sylvanas within a day?

Why aren’t we discussing impact? The way the story impacts the fanbase is relevant.

Hell, people talk about impact on these forums all the time. Horde players have been harping about Garrosh on Taurajo for years because of the impact it had on them.


The impact is a huge part of that conversation. Stories are not merely collections of information. How the story makes the audience feel matters, and it matters way more than what the sterile text has to say by its lonesome.


We’re here to claim compensation for the actions of the other faction. Here impressions are very important!

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Micah’s Caps Lock seems to indicate that she is significantly -impacted- by the conversation.