Content to remedy the intolerable Night Elf and Forsaken situations

Again, your reading comprehension is just…it’s astounding. Nobody has claimed it’s more impactful, no one except your strange insistence that you think I think that

Oh boy I can’t wait for that expansion.

“The survivors of your faction’s attempt at genocide are coming for revenge. Embrace your faction pride as you sally forth to try to kill them too!”

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It’s even more amusing when you consider that he/she has already challenged my reading comprehension. :thinking:

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Credibility isn’t the end of the discussion. Memorability and impact are more important concerns because they explain why people feel the way they do about the story, as opposed to the narrow picture that a person could construct with a sterile consideration of the text alone.

@ Micah

Your statement is ambiguous, and therefore unhelpful. “More impactful” than what? More impactful than text on its own is? Or more impactful than visual information? There’s a vast gulf there that you’ve left for me to only guess at.

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Wants to discuss the lore, but than openly ADMITS she dismisses lore thats inconvenient… like what?

The lore is still lore, nobody cares that you PERSONALLY find the visuals more impactful

Just the lore that she personally thinks is relevant…huh, didn’t she also accuse me of living in a delusion and ignoring reality…? :thinking:

I mean, what we see first hand should take precedence over more obscure lore. Especially if visuals are more recent.

Let’s be honest. We all in one way or another do not care about the knowledge of the other side. We are not Anduin.

Cannon is still cannon, whether you like it or not. That’s not going to change just because you harp on the visual stuff.

It’s not a personal finding, it’s the result of how the human brain works. I also see that you’ve completely invalidated the statement that I was seeking clarification for instead of clarifying it - that really makes me doubt the seriousness of your prior statement:

Nobody has claimed it’s more impactful, no one except your strange insistence that you think I think that


Cannon is still cannon, whether you like it or not. That’s going to change just because you harp on the visual stuff.

I know that you and Velythyras will ignore this like he did about seventeen times last night - but no one is arguing that these matters aren’t canon, what’s being argued is that they are nowhere near as impactful as visually presented, in-game information. Leave the straw man alone.

Visuals are also cannon though. So what happens when we have two different lore sources showing two different things? Which one takes precedent?

Because you are also picking and choosing which lore you want to acknowledge as true.

The Horde is still evil, to hell with the “push us” excuses. And the Horde was not punished by the Alliance, despite all their repentance. I don’t know what this “argument” was for.

We are here to discuss the LORE.Not what’s more impactful, damn your dense

We’re here to discuss compensation for the night elves! It is impossible to discuss this without considering the impressionability!

As I discussed last night - this is the story forum, all of the elements of story matter, and they matter in their proper context, not just the ones that are convenient for your argument, and not in the contexts that you personally dictate.

If you think a single one of these crimes you mention holds a candle against Teldrassil, then we can have no further discussion.

Furthermore, if you wanted to make them on par with the Horde, you’d have to retcon them. And everyone would be able to smell from a thousand miles why they were retconned. That is, to retroactively try to diminish the guilt the Horde should feel by making the Alliance look worse. A poor and transparant plan.

Yes, a blind man could see that. Not what I want however. It’s merely a last resort.

So you think that is the reason I want the Horde to pay for what they did? Not because I cared about the Night elves or the Worgen, or the Alliance itself, but because I want to use Teldrassil to smash the Horde to pieces?
Well you are wrong. Although I’m not sure how to convince you of that.

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Why don’t these people get banned for this?

I swear, I get banned for saying stupid things. One time I got banned for saying “Your headcanon isn’t lore”

Because apparently that is “Inflammatory”

But these Horde posters can just call people stupid willy nilly?

The Horde avenged Taurajo and something else, right? It just wasn’t enough for the Horde, right? They seem to be some dwarves, but I don’t know much about them.

If new lore book contradicts what’s shown in game, regardless if you personally read it or not, it’s still cannon. This is the part I don’t think you guys are grasping

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