Content to remedy the intolerable Night Elf and Forsaken situations

“I don’t care about what faction is morally superior, I just demand the morally inferior faction be punished for its crimes by the morally superior faction”



glad I’m not the only one noticing a pattern there and usually posted by the same actors on Team Blue. Of course when you bring up a counter point it’s immediately dismissed

It’s almost as though your narrow perspective doesn’t address our concerns.

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We’re aware of the 4+ threads concerning them.

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Which I don’t think you read so much as you reacted to with the same stock “but what about me?” script.


But isn’t the Horde still a morally defective faction that has committed crimes? M … If some third faction lurks, listens to the point of view of the Alliance and the Horde, and begins to punish both based on their morality. For example the Abyss. She will willingly accept both that and that morality. And “Justice” will begin!

You dismiss any lore point that doesn’t fit the narrative you want to tell. You have little room to talk


Let’s not kid ourselves. This theme has been going on a long time in this forum.



As I said, I put text in its proper context. Your repeated failure to consider where it sits in the pecking order presentation-wise is probably one of several reasons for your failure to understand “blue posters’” concerns.

True. I had forgotten about the other 300+ threads that all say basically the same thing :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

I don’t like lore points that counter my narrative because I refuse to read a novel or text in game is a YOU problem.

Keep not addressing the meat of the matter I guess. It’s what you seem to be good at.

why address them, when your known to dismiss anything that you don’t like? It seems pointless doesn’t it? Because that’s your thing

So this is what an echo chamber sounds like, Interesting.

Serios talk, people, stop it, all sides, go away, do something else, but SO? it doesn’t make sense. It really doesn’t.

It’s just going around in circles anyway, you won’t get any concession from hordes players and you won’t get any forgiveness from alliance players, both have been through “bad” and each player makes the assessment for their personal environment.

However, I recall here a statement that Blizzard has insisted in Shadow Rising: Thrall was given a prophecy or a promise, as the case may be, the promise being that an entire generation will grow up with nothing but hatred in their hearts for the Horde and when that day comes, when they have grown up, the Horde will feel the fire that has been set when it comes to warp the Horde.

If you will, the horde has been prophesied a Ragnarok event by Blizzard, when Blizzard insisted, mind you, that this passage absolutely must be in the book.

I’m going to dismiss points that revolve around statements that arcane facts dug from the pits of a book that a tiny fraction of the fanbase even read somehow outweigh or counter information that’s visually presented in the game. That assertion is insane to me, and it’s the sort of thing that looks like it’s only being thrown up because it helps your argument.

The difference between my framework and yours is that mine is faction agnostic. Yours appears to shift based on whether the argument sufficiently goes after “blue posters”.

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It’s not that we don’t like your ideas. It’s that your ideas are wrong.

And this is disturbing because we’ve literally seen this before, back during the days of the Alliance of Lordaeron. An entire generation (Arthas’ and Jaina’s) has already grown up with “nothing in their hearts but hatred for the Horde.”

It’s even more disturbing when you consider that Blizzard’s current writing team seems to be tone-deaf to the implications of repeating that history without the nuance.


And this is why no one can have a honest discussion with you. You’re not coming at this with all the facts.

No, that’s wrong. There’s a difference between acknowledging something as canon and regarding it as having far more impact than it does - which again it appears that you do because that helps you take a hatchet to “blue posters”.

I mean, there are lots of holes in WoWs lore. Blizzard themselves not all in-universe data is factual, that there are unreliable narrators at work (Their excuse for getting their own lore wrong). Discerning what information is credible, and what isn’t is kind of important.