Content to remedy the intolerable Night Elf and Forsaken situations

So, what you just did there?

That is not a “correction,” and you sure as fel are not quoting me “directly.”

You have now taken it upon yourself to literally go out of your way to deliberately misquote my original comment, which I must now provide here, in its full context, to demonstrate exactly what you have done:

Just so we’re clear:

Because you believe that I “ignored” your argument, you have now taken it upon yourself to slander and misquote my words.

That is the new low you have brought yourself to, and it’s now destroyed any credibility you might have once had.

Oh, and one last thing:

I call BS on all of this.

Because after what you just pulled—deliberately inserting words and misquoting my original comment on the basis of “correcting” it—you have surrendered any right to label me as “dishonest.”

If you truly had any experience in debating professionally, you certainly wouldn’t have felt the need to stoop to such a petty, juvenile, underhanded tactic, let alone claim to know about logical fallacies while simultaneously employing them yourself.

Our “conversation,” such as it was, is over. But your words and smear attempt remain clearly-visible, and more importantly, subject to other players’ judgments.

And I don’t expect them to be nearly as fair-minded or professional as I have been thus far.


Because you believe that I “ignored” your argument

You did ignore my argument, full stop, and your outrage over changes that I clearly telegraphed is as petulant as it gets.

You’re upset because you got called out. Maybe instead of being mad at me, you should endeavor not to advance a straw man after you’ve been corrected on the point multiple times.

Was there anything interesting here besides the mutual accusations of foul play, stupidity and insults?

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Not really, Just Kyalin shooting down any attempts to offer an alternative and asserting that if they don’t get everything reverted to the way they liked it then there is no way to resolve the situation.


Did you think there was another position to be found? Not if we take the current story in mind. And if we don’t, why even bother discussing the story since we are just picking and choosing pieces of the narrative that we think can be used in an argument.

It’s all or nothing. That’s how the story, and it’s future, should be discussed.

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Lol, classic

Read: Not if we accept that the Alliance can never be allowed to be portrayed as anything less than morally-virtuous. This is literally Ground Zero of the current faction situation—as I pointed out:

The only reason it’s currently “all or nothing” is because the moral scaling has been imbalanced since Mists of Pandaria. All of that could change if good ol’ Team Blue was allowed to actually be flawed and imperfect, if we not only saw them doing bad things, but saw them being held accountable for those misdeeds.

Essentially, equalize the factions rather than continue on this ridiculous path of “zero sum,” which does make it “all or nothing.”


I fully understand what you mean. What you don’t seem to realize is that there is no way to “equalize” the factions by having the Alliance do something bad, unless you want a repeat of Teldrassil but in reverse. Even then, it would just be tit for tat. The Horde is still the worse faction morality wise, in the eyes of most.

What you want cannot be achieved by sullying the Alliance, at least not through that exclusively. You’d need to have the Horde make ammends, and then have the Alliance lash out afterwards. Then it might be enough.

I’ve said it once in another post and I’ll say it again, if blizz is content with making the Horde the Evil Faction, we as players should just own it, whole hog man. Make the horde unrepentant pricks who still get to save the day in the end.

(I may or may not be sarcastic with the above comment. We shall never know :gift_heart:)

Sure there is; not everything requires some major, Game of Thrones-style act of explosive massacre. World of Warcraft literally had a base game (Vanilla) and three separate expansions (Burning Crusade, Wrath of the Lich King, and Cataclysm) where faction tensions relied solely on good ol’ fashioned distrust and misconceptions.

Even Putress’ attack on the Wrathgate was appropriately dramatic without having to go to the extreme (read: suspension of disbelief) proportions that Teldrassil did.

Because Blizzard forced them to be that way, and they actually had to break their own lore to do so.

I’m sure you would be appropriately outraged if they suddenly went, “Oh, all those worgen really are monsters; they were never Gilnean to begin with. They’re just feral animals affected by the Emerald Dream who think they’re humans.”

It’s not about sullying, it’s about equalizing, which is why ideally, it’s not exclusive.

That’s one avenue that could actually work, yes.


Until blizzard white washes the alliance lashing out. Which is the main problem blizzard has with writing the alliance.

Sure, if you ignore the last two years worth of story. If.

Nah, sounds pretty baller.

Yes, it did. But that’s the past, and this is now. And now we have Teldrassil looming over us.

The problem is equalizing the factions with Teldrassil in the rear mirror. That is much more of a monumental task than you think, and damn near impossible without making a lot of people angry.

I mean, Sylvanas has literally been made into Arthas 2.0, with a Lightbound Fairy Princess of the Alliance set to take her place.

People are already angry.


They are. And yet I feel safe to say it would be a candle to a forest fire if they tried to artificially make the Alliance worse while at the same time trying to make the Horde look better at the Alliance’s expense, mainly because one survived a genocide while the other perpetrated it. That is unavoidable and inescapeable, like a black hole.

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Didn’t stop them from making the Alliance look better at the Horde’s expense.

And even if they don’t go that route, plenty of people will scream that’s what they’re doing if Blizzard even thinks about making the Alliance look less than perfect, even if it does concern some major, third-party threat, solely due to the fact that the factions are forever intertwined, by nature of this being a two-faction game.

TL;DR: When you improve one faction, the other one is naturally going to look worse just by comparison. That shouldn’t stop Blizzard from trying to improve a faction to begin with, and it certainly hasn’t in the past.

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At the cost of taking a massive blow lore wise, and with no real payback. We paid one hell of a heavy price for being morally superior.

I honestly don’t care if the Alliance or the Horde is the morally superior faction. All I care about is that the Horde pays it’s dues. The rest is inconsequential to me.

Funny, I must have missed that part where the “price” you paid equates to being so heavily-villainized for the second time.

This seems like a rather contradictory statement.

So you don’t think the Alliance should pay its dues?

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If the Alliance were to do something like Teldrassil, and without it being in relation to Teldrassil, yes.

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Ah, but see, that runs into the quagmire of “who can pull off the biggest genocide,” and I’m going to give you the benefit of the doubt that neither of us truly want that.

So instead, I’ll give you:

  1. Mists of Pandaria: Jaina Proudmoore leads a mass, murderous purging of every blood elf in Dalaran
  2. Legion: Genn Greymane personally leads an unauthorized assassination mission against the Horde’s Warchief, during a mutually-agreed upon ceasefire
  3. Battle for Azeroth: Anduin and Jaina personally lead an unprovoked—and, given that the Alliance War Campaign involves crippling the Zandalari navy, unnecessary—attack on Dazar’alor, which results in the assassination of Zandalari King Rastakhan
  4. Shadows Rising: Turalyon and Alleria use their combined Light and Void magics to directly torture civilians who, despite being represented racially by the Horde, are otherwise unaffiliated

And that’s just off the top of my head; each and every time the Alliance commits some massive, non-Theramore or Teldrassil-scale crime, it has gotten swept under the rug.


Because as I once pointed out in a previous post (as Velskar), once you do something on the level of Teldrassil or Theramore, everything else becomes “fair game” by comparison.

Which makes those events less horrific acts of genocide and more cheap excuses for the Alliance to justify doing whatever they want in retaliation.


Standard set of arguments.

  1. There was a massacre on a professional basis. There were bugs. They were imprisoned in anti-magic prisons, which gave them a chance for their survival (so-so excuse, but still).
  2. It’s okay, this incident has never been recalled by anyone else. Even when another war was planned.
  3. Yes.
  4. This case was analyzed a little on the forums, the information is not remembered.

Every major horde atrocity goes unnoticed by the surviving Horde. They are still alive, free, can continue to believe in Sylvanas (wearing a mask).
Hmm. Why did it remind me of some kind of formula with fractions and two oblique lines?