Content to remedy the intolerable Night Elf and Forsaken situations

My point is that Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne is where that narrative groundwork was laid. It’s where we initially saw the Blood Elves being betrayed by the Alliance, where the Forsaken was first established as a race of undead separate from the Scourge.

The current writing team’s pure ignorance of a lot of that nuance and context of the story behind Vanilla—along with a lot of the OG being pushed out ala Chris Metzen and Alex Afrasiabi—is what got us where we are today with Battle for Azeroth:

  • Orcs are barbaric
  • Undead are sadists
  • Humans are, of course, morally-virtuous and without any character flaws

I just don’t see how the Nelves losing to a blitzkrieg, that was specified to be made up of the ENTIRE HORDE, makes them look weak.

It was 6 on 1, and they still managed to make every inch cost. Then retook that territory the second it was in orbit of a fair fight.

Its not empowering like people are trying to make it either. Whether its a facet of the Horde or the entire Horde, you’re still a loser yet again.

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I’m not suggesting it was empowering but they still won. We can go over how badly it was presented but, end of the day, scoreboard says good job.

When you got the same crap hand, with more Ls, and scarcely even a sentence acknowledging your existence- hearing people complain about winning but not in a good enough way sounds like madness.


I mean, can we be honest here?

With Battle for Azeroth, we were all losers.

Literally neither faction truly benefited from that travesty of an expansion.


Nobody’s arguing BFA was a good time. And yeah having a depression dick measuring contest is pretty stupid. But at least they made a smiley face in their ash.

All I got was learning the Forsaken lost even more territory in the supplementary material. I mention this because it’s their only update in any supplementary material.


It wasn’t a “good job.” 1 to 6 is bad for a defending force. There are plenty of “good” stories that empower the losing faction in a battle (cough the Soviet invasion of Finland), and Blizzard failed at that. Probably because it would mean making the Horde walk through another humiliation conga when Blizzard wanted the faction-conflict crowd to fistpump the butchery before the question of “honor” came up for maximum moodswing.

All the while the entire purpose of said conflict, to feel sad about the butchered night elves, is hammered by the narrative over and over again. The “you did well” viewpoint is a made-up notion by former posters trying to cope with being forced to be apart of a genocide while marginalizing the nelves loss.


And on my end every single LAST piece of Forsaken development has actively ducked up my own RP. If I was being strict to the lore I couldn’t even use Shadowfang anymore. Technically Ivar Bloodfang took that.

I’ve to dig around Blizz’s own narrative to create anything orbiting a non-miserable story for a Forsaken character. To the point where Blizz feels actively antagonistic.

I’ve enjoyed SL because at this point I’m dreading what they’re going to do next when we get back to Azeroth. And when your reaction to news about your favorite faction is “Dear God, What Now?” something has gone terribly awry.

I get the Nelves aren’t in a stellar spot. But trust me, it could be a lot worse. Obviously a starving man is going to give a real side eye to someone complaining the cook spat in their already overdone and cold burger.

Itch you got food at least.


Man, I know it’s stupid of me to care about technicality stuff in outside material this way, but it bummed me out to hear that the forsaken didn’t even get to keep Shadowfang Keep. Like, that was my favorite instance before Cataclysm. I must have ground out over 50 combined levels worth of character alts through that dungeon, and carried guildmates through it all of the time.



I made that my guild base and a setting to a bunch of stories and in game events. And my only response is to shrug and say Shaw’s Intel was wrong. Blizz told me their characters were unreliable narrators. So I decided that was unreliable.

But Seriously?!. I can’t even use the table scraps that is the overworld portion of a dungeon that hasn’t been relevant in a decade? I thought that was at least safe but GUESS AGAIN.


May be just me, but I found it…almost funny that a alliance leaning character and his Pack is in charge of another piece of territory(Shadowfang) thats been a important part of forsaken/horde questing for years

Your mistake is implying that there is choice. I’d say its of a forced feeding of someone doing a hunger strike.

There are cool wood elves in other games. This is the only restaurant that serves what I want and they keep kicking me in the ribs everytime I ask for it.

But then they go ahead and give me exactly what I wanted, cooked beyond perfection, with Revendreth and Maldraxxus. And I’m confused and just feel like this is an abusive relationship.


It’s interesting that you bring up wood elves, because it feels like Blizzard is doing something similar with the Sin’dorei.

Sure, we haven’t had our leader go and massacre a bunch of people, but we have had a bunch of our own split off, go join Alliance, and then get referred to as “the real/true elves,” simply because they’re back on Team Blue.

Ignoring the fact, of course, that there’s literally this entire backstory of how Void Elves got their powers only by reading the research notes of a traitor and terrorist whose betrayal directly lead to a genocide of elvenkind…

Nah, another metaphor might be, “this restaurant claims to serve everyone equally, but then you sit down and you realize they don’t serve ‘your kind.’”

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Because it is an abusive relationship. Its a story written by narcissists.


I’m not going to lie I feel like that’s so much material to work with.

Warlock didn’t make the cut for the 4 characters I’m using in SL, thus far. Which is a shame because my Blood Mage’s (Destro Lock) reaction to Velves was;

Burn the Void Heretics in Blessed Phoenix Fire.

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Also they clearly go to the same hair dresseser so feel free to take that motivation for yourself.

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And to reiterate my older point; I can’t stay mad at this game. Because I log on and Sinfall’s just perfection.

If levitating around a vampire castle to a mischievous and grandiose soundtrack isn’t just a mood for you then we can never truly be friends.

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Oh, we’re definitely BFFs, just based on this alone.


I feel like it’s a good time to reinstate the true hero of the Sin’dorei, Sun King Kael’thas Suntrider.

To the Ren’dorei, I have only this to say:

"My rage burns with the heat of a thousand suns!!!"

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Can you show me how that’s reflected in game?