Content to remedy the intolerable Night Elf and Forsaken situations

It’s in the Exploring Azeroth book. Ivar Bloodfang and his Pack took over Shadowfang Keep and Ferris Isle and before you say anything, it still counts.

And I’m aware it’s not reflected in game because that zone is still stuck in the Cata era.

It counts, but not anywhere near as much as in-game content, visual content, and certainly not in-game visual content. The vast majority of the playerbase will not read that book. I’d argue that a large majority of posters here will not read that book, and even if they did, the interactive and visual elements trump it.


And like everyone else, you’re entitled to your opinion. But if your on the Story forum, you likely read the book or aware of the content in said book.

So, can we stop with the dismissive attitude regarding lore not in game? Otherwise why are you even here?

I know you’d like to dismiss it - but that comment is a reflection of a) the limited reach of transmedia narratives in comparison to their base product, and b) that the memorability and impact of visual information far exceeds that of text - and those premises are NOT opinions.

Those things matter because a story is not merely a collection of facts. It matters how it is told, especially if you are asking how the audience is going to react to certain information, and why they react that way. Those points are important for evaluating story, which last I checked is what this forum is all about.

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Well, if your going to evaluate the story, you have to do it in it’s entirety. Meaning not dismissing facts people bring up because you couldn’t be bothered to read a text box or a lore book.

If your discussing the story solely based on the game, there is a lot of your lore you’re not even going to operating with or have knowledge of.

If I am evaluating this function:

3x^3 + 2x^2 + x = y

The first term is the one that matters when we ask where the function is going to go. The others have impact, but that impact is small, and is completely overwhelmed by the first term.

The same is true when we evaluate the effects of text in a visual and interactive experience. Those effects are miniscule in comparison, especially when the visual information contradicts them.


You still don’t get to dismiss them because it doesn’t fit the narrative you want to tell.

It’s not you that bugs me about any of that, it’s that they put that stuff in books at all instead of in the game. The game is where the majority of the players will ever learn of things, so putting them in secondary media feels like it doesn’t really matter in-game, AND like it’s a cash grab trying to get you to buy even more stuff to understand what’s going on.


You don’t act like they’re far more memorable or impactful than they really are because it allows you to carry on this fantasy that nothing’s wrong unless we’re talking about the Horde.

I mean, I get it. But if it wasn’t a popular means of story telling and people weren’t buying the product, they wouldn’t do it, you know?

No one is claiming they’re more impactful, but there you go again, replying to something that WASN’T said, as opposed to what I actually said. You have this really bad habit of doing that.

You didn’t explicitly say it, but your overall attitude and posting history did.

If I didn’t explicitly say, than I didn’t say it at all. So start replying to what I ACTUALLY say or don’t reply to me at all.

Stop yelling at each other and start yelling at Blizzard for causing these problems in the first place!


Just tired of dealing with someone who comes to the STORY FORUM and doesn’t want to discuss the STORY in its entirety

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You aren’t looking at the story in its entirety if you’re just looking at text. You’re looking at one element and treating it as though it’s the end of the discussion. It’s not, not by a long shot.

Again, no one ever said that. But I don’t expect to grasp that.

Your approach nevertheless appears to be that - otherwise it wouldn’t be like pulling teeth to get you to consider the impacts of visual presentation, or the lack of visual presentation.

I’m aware of the impacts of visual media. I’m always aware it affects everyone differently. But we’re not here for that. We’re on WoWs LORE FORUM, to discuss the LORE, in all of its entirety, whether it makes sense with what happens in game or not

It reads “Story Forum.”

Visual presentation is a part of storytelling - and the text-only elements need to be put in their proper context.