Content to remedy the intolerable Night Elf and Forsaken situations

Nah, see…the current state of affairs would still require Blizzard to portray the Alliance as not only taking part in some form of immoral action, but then to directly call them out on it.

Which is about as likely as Sylvanas gaining any form of redemption at this point, so you don’t have much reason to complain, anyway.

There are droves of Horde players whose anger at being cast as the villains for the past decade is 100% justified.

I can’t tell whether you’re trying to deliver a threat or just being needlessly dramatic.

He has sever anger issues Vel. So keep that in mind. Is it wrong for wanting blizz to undo their character assassination of sylvanas though? I mean, how many more times does the horde have to get dragged through the mud and be reminded they’re monsters with no redeemable qualities

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I see what you did there Sarn and it made me chuckle. Have 5 pupper points and a pancake :pancakes:

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You mean the Nelf undead Forsaken fans never asked for that to add insult to injury is basically right there doing nothing but complaining and that became a member of Calia´s Holy Light cult?

That Delaryn?

You know better than to go back to your double biased ways, Kyalin.

The whole use of Delaryn basically demostrates it.

Quotes me pointing the overall incompetence of the people writting BfA coupled with blatant prevention from Quality Control policies (“No negativity in the Dojo” is basically “we don´t believe in customer nor anyone else´s but us feedback”).

Funny, I couldn´t care less on him dying. As a matter of fact, the only thing that bothered me was how the scenario he got coddled him so much in comparison to what his counterpart got at the time A.K.A. Vol´jin.

I love all these suggestion, best part is that they can be implemented INDEPENDENTLY from each faction.

This should be put in BOLD letters, cause it´s truer that true.

This should be in bold letters too, cause apparently some people strill have struggle understanding this truths.



However many times they can get away with it before their company collapses due to plummeting subscription numbers.

I’m not talking lore here. I’m talking about the playerbase itself, or atleast part of it.

Never said otherwise, or will.

I’m saying the forums would be in an infinitely worse state than now, and it’s already bad. It would just be thread after thread about the Horde and the Alliance, nothing else. No speculation or discussion about the light or void or whatever, just drama.

You have not met someone with severe anger issues if you think I even qualify.

Yes, because by doing so you are justifying her actions, or sweeping them under the rug. Both of which are unnacceptable.

Ideally none. But we are where we are, and you can run from that as much as you can run from a meteor hitting the earth. Your suggestions solve nothing. Which is why I think they are junk.

If you haven’t seen it, I’d recommend watching the full video, and then this one immediately afterward because DAMN I think this was one of the most powerful scenes in all of Deep Space 9.


Graved it so I don’t take up more vertical screen space.

Edit: Worthless spoiler speculation from the videos compared to WoW: I’m probably reaching, but

I've wondered if this kind of energy is what Blizzard was hoping to capture with Saurfang's cutscenes during BFA. Had he not been responsible for the War of Thorns, he'd kinda line up with the character in these videos, albeit in a military role. But because he was, and alliance players have had time to familiarize themselves with some of the NPCs that were lost, I don't think the story can really escape the feeling of "well yeah he deserves to die anyway" and misses the mark.

People who care about the lore deeply are at most 25% tops 30% of the playerbase. We see that much from GD and Reddit.

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Sure. Still not gonna find anyone who wants it to happen. Most you’ll get is indifference.

Which are already like possibly being justified?

At least the whole “poor wittle Arthus who got thrown in the Maw by big bad Devos and Uther” + Calia chilling around for who knows what reason in Oribos + Kael´thas trying to vaporize Kel´Thuzad being condemned as “negative” in Venthyr storyline seem to point the story going on this awful direction. Hopefully devs won´t be as idiotic, but then again, it´s the same people that wrote BfA believing themselves to be in the same tier as George R. R. Martin, so…


People simp for Sylvanas lol horny drives more of the playerbase than meticulous narrative concern.

Again, reddit and Tumblr and etc prove this lol

I mean just look at the… Art… Made for general Draven/Garrosh ships lmao

Hell I guarantee you the Parody:WoW tag of any special website of your choice has more total views than the total views of scrolls of lore in their entire history lol

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I mean…when one of the final raids of your very first expansion literally features a harem-style brothel…

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And your latest expansion has a Harvester of Desire whose paramour is a shirtless Mad Duke with a private mirror in his living room to her bedroom with an unreasonable amount of Gargoyle erotica being made the playerbase probably due to latent childhood nostalgia from the hit 90s cartoon Gargoyles that features Goliath/Eliza as a couple. :skull::skull::joy::joy:

But sure let’s pretend the “entire” Alliance playerbase of the whole of WoW would be outraged at a Sylvanas redemption arc lmao


You forgot a shirtless former Raid Boss whose VA was Quinton Flynn, and whose new hairstyle features an even edgier lock down the middle of his face :rofl::rofl:

“I burn with the rage of a thousand suns”…can be taken more than one way o__O’

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Technically, Kael’Thas is serving a prison sentence. Arthas did not go to trial, he was immediately thrown into a strict regime colony, perhaps he would also have ended up in Revendret. Their actions do not seem to be justified, or did I not see it? And what does Kalia have to do with it?

When one analyzes the whole “Kael´thas Sins” being dissected in the Venthyr campaign, one discovers the conclussions are somewhat… wrong?

I mean, the Accuser seems terribly focused in pointing how Kael´thas got lost thanks to Pride, but the way I see it -down to his current “inability to overcome the sins”- is that is NOT pride but Wrath the actual sin holding him back. And actually the cause that made him commit the mistakes that doomed him (the guy apologizes and aknowledges his failure everytime I speak to him on my Belf toon ffs :sob: :sob: :sob: this is NOT the attitude of a “Prideful” a-hole. Kel´Thuzad embodied “Pride” miles better than Kael on that final scenario).

He didn´t try to kill Kel´thuzad because he believed himself above the Lich, he did it because he IS still pissed AF about the whole massacre of Quel´thalas.

Oh, but that´s the point. Both Arthas and Sylvanas massacred innocents, but suddenly the narrative starts to become accomodating to what was the most unapologetic a-hole villain in the whole of the WoW franchise.

I call that BS. And sorry but if it fits Arthas, then it´s downright fitting for ALL the freaking villains of this franchise, period.

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Well, that sure is a mental image.

Reminds me of a guildmate earlier in the expansion blaming his repressed Catholic upbringing on why he found the Revendreth gargoyles hot, though.


Gargoyles only are prominent in French Catholicism, makes much more sense if it’s because of the 90s cartoons Gargoyles that featured human-gargoyle relations.

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What is BS? Minor difference, but still: Sylvanas killed with the intent to kill everything. Arthas slaughtered everything in Azeroth sincerely. And Sylvanas hasn’t been tried yet, either? Falls into Revendreth, all that … For a couple of eons he won’t admit his guilt until the whole anima is sucked out. But Arthas was not acquitted after all? Did they say he was “less evil than Sylvanas”?