Content to remedy the intolerable Night Elf and Forsaken situations



Well, I didn’t have that much hope that his death would be satisfying, so I wasn’t that dissapointed. Doesn’t stop me from spitballing alterantive storybeats where his death is satisfying.
In the same vein I don’t have much hope that Sylvanas will get the end that she deserves. And if she does get a redemption arc I will uninstall wow, cancel my sub and never buy another Blizzard product. Ever. That’s the extent that I can show my disdain without doing something illegal.

But if i’m lucky that won’t happen. So we’ll see.

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Might want to ease off on the anger…just a bit, just saying. What blizz did with her character is criminal, so that’s why I’m not against a redemption for her.

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Eh, to be fair, I’m goading him with my own misery and I shouldn’t be doing that either. Was just bummed out and taking it out in my posts, but I’m watching digital marbles roll down slopes so I’m feeling better.

Regarding how they’ve done the story? Absolutely not.

And giving her a redemption arc after all she has done would be a warcrime. I can see how you think they botched her character, although I personally feel like her trajectory has been has been a steady downwards spiral into the abyss since cataclysm, with a brief upswing during legion, before plummeting in bfa.
But what’s done is done, and it can’t be undone without doing even more damage, and enraging even more players. Lorewise she has become a monster, who only deserves to be put down. That’s what they did with her. Trying to undo that now would frankly be the greatest insult imaginable. Just let her end as a villain, her plans shattered into pieces, and her soul condemned to her rightful place in hell.

To quote another player who, frankly, described what we’ve seen with Sylvanas perfectly:

I could see her path throughout Battle for Azeroth being one of the directions her character could have gone, but it was never the only inevitable direction that it had to go.

The same goes for Garrosh between Cataclysm and Mists of Pandaria, by the way.

I mean, that’s a given no matter what they do with both Teldrassil and the Forsaken, as well.

Nah. Forsaken fans deserve better than having a leader for 16+ yrs just killed off to satisfy only a small number of alliance fans. The horde has lost enough leaders as it is.

I mean, I would be cool with it, if Tyrande is completely consumed by her night warrior power and dies like every other night warrior before her.

Blizzard: We like diversity!

Also Blizzard: Women can’t be powerful without experiencing at least one psychotic episode and/or subsequent act of/attempt at genocide.


Sad but true :frowning_face:

Egh, as much as her character has annoyed me, I hope this doesn’t happen, for a similar reason why I hated what happened to Sylvanas’s story. It’s basically taking a character that has become defined by being a victim of a traumatic event and putting her down as a consequence.

Plus it has the added baggage of it being a roundabout, extra “look at what the horde drove her to do” moment.


I suppose. Though I suppose I should suggested one of the alliance leaders bites it too other than her. Just to be fair. Though if things pan out the way they are, the alliance is going to be gaining another god tier level leader while the horde looses yet another iconic one

You mean like what happened with Jaina and Orgrimmar/Dalaran?

Which she’s still gotten away clean with?

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You keep using that word. I don’t think it means what you think it means.

In any case, she can’t return to the Horde, ever. If there’s even a chance that Teldrassil will be forgiven or forgotten, she has to die. That is the all and be all of that. Nothing more can be said about that. I feel for the Forsaken, and I hope that their reps gets the attention they deserve, and that they finally get characterization that isn’t cult of personality or genocidal monsters. Time will tell.

Also, small number of Alliance fans. Sometimes I wonder how out of touch you are.

It’s NE fans and you Morg. And considering the actual terrible suggestions I’ve read on this forum about how she should die, it’s definitely a alliance power fantasy

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I should have reworded that as “look at how the horde drove her to her death” instead. I’m probably still not wording it right, but I’m not sure how else to put it. Same with Genn.

I know it won’t happen but I’d rather they just get forgotten by the story instead. I don’t think there’s anything to be gained by continuing to pick at those particular abscesses.

Who wants Sylvanas to die? Anything else you want to add? Do you think the sun orbits the earth as well?

You are completely off your rocker if you think there is a single Alliance player who would respond positively to Sylvanas getting a redemption arc. And I do mean a single one. That doesn’t mean every Alliance player wants the Horde to pay reparations, or want a second faction war. But everyone on this side wants to see Sylvanas eat dirt, because that’s all she has ever been to us. A despicable villain. We have killed raidbosses that did less than she did.

I don’t care how she dies. Whether it’s a prolonged battle between her and Tyrande, or adventurers, or the Jailer backstabbing her, or a bunch of falling rocks. As long as she dies without completing what she set out to do, and is sent to hell, I will be 100% content.

Yeah, I mean…I don’t know, I’m just kind of annoyed at how badly blizz ruined things with BfA

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And you think bringing Sylvanas back will fix any of that? All it will lead to is extreme awkwardness on the Horde side, and a massive ammount of animosity from the Alliance side. It would be like the current state of affairs, but a million times worse. You don’t want that, trust me.

And what then? Once you have her back, what then? Will you simply ignore all the terrible implications that create? The droves of justifiably angry Alliance players? You think that Night elf players are irritating. I can assure you that you have seen absolutely nothing. The worst day on the forums now would be an ideal to strive for in your timeline.

Second part I deleted so I’m ignoring that. She doesn’t have to come back, she could die honorably at least, by proving the system was indeed broken.

And by doing so justifying her actions, including a genocide. Fantastic idea. And also justifying other actions and agendas, like Sargeras goal to eradicate all life or Arthas’ genocide of the High elves.

Some things should never be justified, whether in real life or fantasy. Genocide of sentient beings is one of them.