Content to remedy the intolerable Night Elf and Forsaken situations

Difference between me and you sweetheart, is I never made that claim. Not my problem that not everyone reacts to media the same way you desperately want them to.

Nor is it my problem that you can’t handle science.

No one is denying what you think they are. Irrefutable fact that not everyone reacts to media content the same way. If you can’t handle that, go seek help.

LOL. You can’t even come up with your own argument and just piggyback off of a gross generalization.

You’re trying to hide behind Science that you didn’t even know about until a few days ago.



I mean, taking it even further … I think my problem with the argument that “humans process visual data better argument” is that even if that may be true, that doesn’t mean that all viewers process or interpret visual stimuli the same way. This is especially true when it comes to visual storytelling. Which is a fact Kyalin tends to conveniently ignore when defaulting to the “The lore and content are invalid, as the cinematics are what is absorbed by the majority”. Because, quite frankly, if I were using the cinematics of BfA and the SLs prepatch alone, I would wager the “General Audience” (that does not know the gritty content and lore) would not have the same context needed to interpret those cins the same way a say … die hard NE fan would. As the “General Audience” and “HUGE NE fan” are not approaching that visual info the same way.

Because looking at the Cinematics alone, the NEs and Teld are kind of done dirty. I may know why the burning of Teld is such a HUGE deal, because I know the story and lore enough to understand what that event means. But, if you look at the cinematics alone … they tell a very different story. Teld is portrayed ONCE really, in the Sylvanas: Warbringers cinematic. Within it, no Horde characters other than Sylvie, Nate, and Saurfang are shown … and the latter is kept deliberately obscured and vanishes offscreen rather quickly. The audience knows that the burning of this tree is a horrific act, but there is very little association with the Horde itself. Rather, the “blame” for that event is visually placed on the heads of two Horde characters that we see the faces clearly of. Sylvanas (who ordered it), and Nate (who followed that order).

From that point on, while Teld is a backdrop for choices and events taking place, its not the focus. Instead its largely on Saurfang and Anduin’s journey through the story to stop the War; get “Saurfang’s Horde Back”; and defeat Sylvanas and Nate. Who are repeatedly implied to be the baddies, not the Horde as a whole. With even the two NE cinematics (which show the NEs being HYPER powerful and just effortlessly bodying their opponents) pushing that. With Malf’s “Tell her we are coming!” in the Terror of Darkshore cinematic, and Tyrande’s “Where is she?” in the Tyrande vs Nate cinematic. In short, if you’re just using the cinematics for “the General Audience”. The Heroes Won, the Villains Lost or Team Rocketed Away, all is good. Since the Horde as a whole was kept deliberately distant from Sylvie outside of the Launch Cinematic.

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Cinematics and what’s on screen in game. The only person saying “Only Cinematics” is Gantrithor misrepresenting the argument like he always does.

Couple with the several weeks long pre-patch event makes a very clear on screen message that the Night Elves are ineffective even when they’re supposed to have the home field advantage.

The cinematic by itself was great. Shame they immediately made sure to return Malfurion into nothing more than a joke but not having him physically be in the Warfront at all but pop up as a talking head to spout of whimsical one liners about nature blooming like he’s some kind of fairy in a kids show.

Tyrande’s “girl boss” moment that was completely negated by Nathan just going “Yeah kill me. Send me right to my waifu please. This is exactly what I want thank you.”

We want our powerful moments, but we will never be satisfied when we get said moments, so therefor blizzard hates NE and their fans

No, no, no. You do not get to make the argument that Content and Lore are invalid if they don’t support your argument, then try to use content and lore to support your argument.

If the cinematics and that visual stimuli are all that matter, then that’s all that should be allowed that matter. And thus you do not get to just assume that “The General Audience” is going to interpret that visual data the same way a diehard NE fan would. Solely for the convenience of your argument. Because to do so would imply that “The General Audience” is being used as an excuse and to obscure an argument that even you know has a very weak foundation. Which is … “I interpreted this in this way, and this content elicited these emotions in ME, so everyone must feel the same right?” Because on some level you both know that “I Personally Feel This Way” truly does not extend beyond that personal opinion.

This is why the NE fans screech that they were portrayed as “weak and ineffective” … despite the Cinematics, Content, and Lore not actually supporting that. But that’s how they FEEL it portrays them, because Nate had frustrating (ultimately meaningless) plot armor in Darkshore. Or because he acted TOTALLY IN CHARACTER being the snarky, dick, sass machine he is with Tyrande in her cinematic. And she didn’t act OUT OF CHARACTER, having a witty retort. Because she’s never, EVER been witty.


No one said in game Content is invalid other than Gantrithor intentionally misrepresenting the argument. Content in game is on screen and in your face just like the Cinematics.

You don’t need to be a die hard Night Elf fan to look at the Cinematics and the In Game visual presentation and come to the conclusion that the Night Elves are so weak and useless they can’t even defend their own back yard.

The Cinematics and Content do portray that.

Completely invalidated Tyrande’s whole Night Warrior ritual. This isn’t a hard concept to grasp.

Tyrande was already stronger than Nathanos on paper. No question.

Tyrande gets even more power, AND has Malfurion at her side.

Nathanos wins anyway.

I don’t need Tyrande to be witty. That’s not what I wanted out of the cinematic. But Nathanos just laughing off, what we have to assume is his true death at this point, because he believes it’ll send him straight into the arms of his Queen completely removes any weight or hype of Tyrande finally doing something she could have done without the ritual.

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Wait, Micah? Are you the same Micah? Did you race change? Is this a Horde alt? I am SO confused?! You’re a whole lot less /headpats than you once were!

What moments exactly are you talking about?

I have neither seen justice, nor was our Darkshore victory onscreen, and nobody even knows about Ashenvale.

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Tis me Droite, the same Micah. hugs and head pats to my fav adorable gob fan :gift_heart:

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Battle for Darkshore says Hi and Tyrande killing Nathanos cinematic also says hi.

But sure, neither was shown. head pat Continue to lie about it though


People can interpret the same thing in different ways. Without it, there wouldn’t be debates about anything. :man_shrugging:

The impression I got was never that the night elves couldn’t fight. In fact, it felt like the game bent over backwards to explain why the horde had a chance at all.

And how exactly does Nathanos effectively being suicidal take away from the fact that Tyrande’s still the one to finish him off? So what if he values his life that little?


Yes, nothing like the two cinematics that focus on the Night Elves having them effortlessly bodying their Horde opposition to tell us “These people are weak and ineffective”. Or their “Token Civilian Police Force” holding the line against 8 to 1 odds, and grinding the ENTIRE HORDE War Machine to a halt twice. That we had to mcguffin our way through with BS and stupid. Or how Nate acting 100 percent completely in character somehow invalidates Tyrande just stomping him with ease. How dare Blizz show Nathanos acting in character, they hate the NEs so much!

And for Darkshore, yeah it was dumb, but it seems to have been explained by a combination of Tyrande just getting her powers, and Nate being bolstered by Sylvie’s Primes (who we now can easily assume were being buffed by the Jailor, since they were using HIS CHAINS against Tyrande). And to date, how Tyrande (the Night Warrior) is the only character (including the friggen Lich King) who has ever been shown to be able to break those chains. So weak…

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Okay but that was a two sided warfront, we didn’t know who won until it was asked during a Blizzcon Q&A.

Nathanos getting what he wanted (meeting with Sylvanas in the maw) is not exactly what any of us were expecting as “justice” when we asked for that and the Night Elves to be rebuilt.

If Nathanos just returns to Azeroth after Shadowlands as if nothing happened after he finished his business in the maw, can you really consider it a victory for the Night Elves? (the answer is no)

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Dead is dead mate and the Night elves still won. Sorry not sorry you refuse to count those victories. This is why NE fans are a joke of a fanbase

I would say it’s more about the whole, “Oh, look. Sylvanas is playing 5D chess again. Even Tyrande executing Nathanos is ‘all part of the plan.’” It’s even more insulting, in some ways, than when a major lore character kill-steals a raid boss.

Not to mention that Tyrande is now apparently terminal from the Night Warrior ritual; while the Kaldorei definitely were allowed to get their revenge in Darkshore and certain cinematics, it does feel like no real effort was put into it.

P.S. This is the same person behind Velskar—yes, I swapped to Horde too!


At least someone gets it.

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So, if Tyrande killed him during the Darkshore battlefront like the rabid NE fan base wanted, and he was STILL a major dick, would you stil cry it was unfair?