Content to remedy the intolerable Night Elf and Forsaken situations

War of factions, war against great evil … What are the other two stories? We are not monsters and?

Big monster breaks things.

I mean, if this is you saying that the premise after the “if” is incorrect, you could just say so.

But, I don’t know if that’s a good way to present your position. I’d like confirmation.

I don’t know English, everything goes through an automatic translator. In the story, the villain’s servants are justified. Not?

No I dunno what stories you read but no they are not, and blizzard doesnt write it that way, as horde players will tell you

Forget about the players. In the story, all of the villain’s followers are acquitted because the villain escaped and one of the villain’s servants rebelled. And all the followers of the villain are justified. Is not it so?

It is incorrect.

Or you could, you know, not falsely accuse people of stuff they never said?

I’m sure you’d like a lot of things.


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It is incorrect.

Cool. Thanks for confirming.

what lol, the story with sylvanas isnt even over lol

You’re welcome. :beers:


But the entire Horde is justified. Loyal servants who followed the villain to the very end, and then the villain yelled at the Horde and … Is the Horde forgiven? Was that how it was?

THe story doesnt even closely frame it that way lol

How does she describe it?

Going to confirm this


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It’s not that I don’t want your greviances addressed. It’s that I firmly believe Blizzard feels they already have, and hoping for more is a one way ticket to immense disappointment.

Maybe that’s nihilistic on my part. But at a certain point I stopped worrying because this story is very clearly being written by people who want to do screenplays, and don’t know why that approach to an interactive medium is a terrible idea.


1000 posts!



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I think you have your finger on the problem. Where I disagree with you is that you seem to have accepted that this is just how things are always going to be - which I think undermines the entire point of commenting or suggesting things on a forum like this.

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1000 groans on both sides. Yuhu?

I hope they feel that way, I really dont want another faction war

So how was the story presented to most of the common soldiers of the Horde?

Edit: How did a private Orc, who was inside Orgrimmar at the time of the siege, explain to himself why he was not executed for supporting the evil leader?

Edit 2: How did a private Orc, who was inside Orgrimmar at the time of the siege, explain to himself why he was not punished for supporting the evil leader?