Content to remedy the intolerable Night Elf and Forsaken situations

And our disagreement is the purpose of these forums. Which I use to discuss the story (or more accurately make fun of it) and toss around hypothetical.

I started out making long effort posts where I detailed what was handled wrong by the Forsaken and how I think this could be addressed. Nothing came of that.

Hell the only thread where I suggested something that happened was about Shaw being gay. Which I am beyond certain was coincidental.


The Night Elves lost a lot. The fact that the Horde threw everything including the Kitchen Sink to defeat means that they did anything but “suck”. Most of what you see as defining Night Elves is your individual subjective take on events.

The Humans after all went though the same thing at the beginning of the RTS when Stormwind was sacked and it’s king slain.


Remember this.

I have described the differences imparted by the genre of game and visual vs. text presentation far too many times for this objection to have been made seriously.

Suffice to say this is more of a book club/ support group. If you want your ideas to at least be heard by people with authority in Blizz, your only apparent recourse is starting a successful WoW news YT / Twitch business.


You say the Night Elves suck because they lost. That’s YOUR conclusion, not the game’s. I say that the War of the Thorns was pretty much a classic Alamo trope story. (I dare you to go to Texas and tell them that the Alamo proved that their heroes sucked because they lost.)


If you’re looking for actual changes in the game, this isn’t the forum for it.

This works only if you incorporate events like the stand at the Farfallen River and the near-successful counterattack at Astraanar.

Can you show me where those events were depicted in the game or in a cinematic?

The Horde was not beaten by the villainous bat, this is the opinion of the Horde Players, not the game.
Is this a correct copy of the logic?

You also incorporate the Alliance player quests during the War of Thorns and Word of God has said that it’s the Alliance victory at the Darkshore Warfront that’s canon.


The handling of the Horde story has it’s own set of issues but none of them are relevant to this discussion. Deflection is a technique of desperation used by those who don’t have a relevant point to counter.

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Word of God is not effective presentation that conveys the facts of the text into emotions that translate into the motivation I’m looking for here. As for the quests - I looked at them. I’ve got content if you’d like that shares my impression on each one of them individually - they appear to be depressing in tone and designed to run counter to the idea of it being anything but a humiliating curbstomp.

Now can you show me where the events described previously were depicted in the game or in a cinematic?

Yes, I am not a self-sufficient inhabitant of the forum, I copy someone else’s and pull on myself.
But that’s it, does the game think the Horde is overwhelmed by a villainous bat?

Again… not relevant to the topic at hand. If you’re going to keep doing this, the discussion is over as far as I’m concerned.

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Rexxar: Once again the Horde is at a Crossroad
Orc commoner: “How many times do we have to see our heroes die?”

Guess someone just play one side but still feels to have the right to told others what to think and interpret

We had a word of god book saying horrible and nasty things to non alliance races(Chronicles)

Then what are you discussing? Blizzard put small breadcumbers of the discontent of the plan of Sylvanas but went ahead anyway and nobody was able to react properly until the release of N’zoth and only to push Shadowlands. is it hard to accept the mess of this storyline goes at every level?

Aren’t you the guy who salivates over wishing terrible things to happen to Night Elves? Why are you here?

Correction I do dislike all the elfies not just you and nothing will make me happy to seem them on the closet for a good while.

Besides since you play only elves and still lecture other players how they should feel…why can’t I join the party?


Where do you get “lecture” from? Are you upset because I consulted research to form a framework to explain how people feel about content?

But you reject the evidence and says “this doesn’t count enough for me to believe it” and yes you’re lecturing how other people should interpret these pieces of information.

Very dissapointed on you, I though you were cool

I do reject the idea that text is just impactful as visual information yes, because that assertion isn’t true.
I also reject that information presented in an RTS is subject to the same interpretation as that presented in an MMO - because the latter frames investment through the RPG lens, which is intensely personal and based on identity.

Sorry - I’m not following along with ideas that ignore those basic items.