Content to remedy the intolerable Night Elf and Forsaken situations

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Always knew those pesky little horde players were up to no good. I mean…could’ve least warned me first. Now look at me, I’m just a bag of bones :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Forgive me, as far as I remember the theme of blessings, but Nozdormu fell out of time at that moment, didn’t he? Or Malfurion himself refused … I don’t remember, it seems like there should be material here.

So where to look for “funny” Nelf content?

Ou. Does that mean you won’t be staying another month with long topics?

Not necessarily, but it does mean that I’m just going to have to straight up ignore some people and chase them out of my threads. I don’t have time for people who aren’t willing to be fair about things or worse, actively revel in other peoples’ misery. If there’s a good takeaway from this thread - it’s that it better shone a light on who those people are.

I am saying they got a tree with blessings, so teld the tree being burned isnt important

So you believe night elves are immortal?

Forgive me, as far as I remember the theme of blessings, but Nozdormu fell out of time at that moment, didn’t he? Or Malfurion himself refused … I don’t remember, it seems like there should be material here.

No, but teld didnt do that either

Stupid thought. And how is the “misunderstood other” card classified? As “hero”, “victim”, “villain”, “gray morality”?

Because Nozdormu didn’t bless Teldrassil… He did, however, participare in the restoration of Nordrassil. So you either Believe Night Elves are immortal, or Nordrassil isn’t blessed at all.

I’m still waiting for someone to explain to me how getting Hyjal means that we have a replacement for the up to 14 years of investment that Night Elf players had with Teldrassil and Darnassus, how it undoes the humiliation of losing an entire country in a pre-patch to the faction rival, and how it restores a city in any other way than purely on paper.

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M … will you kill the Horde (including the druids) on Hyjal while accompanying the evil Tyrande? Revenge and capital in one bottle. True, this is not the revenge that you want, but THIS IS NIGHT ELF CONTENT, is not enough for you ?! You even humiliated us, genocidal on factional grounds! Are you not enough?!

It wouldn’t. But I also suspect Blizz is going to click undo on Teldrassil and the Undercity. Ardenweald and Maldraxxus very easily could provide in universe ways to fix it.

As for the humiliation- the Kaldorei won every engagement after the WoT. I’d agree with you it was poorly presented and largely off screen or in supplementary material. But the story is they won handily pretty much the second they were able to regroup and strike back. There’s cinematics of Malfurion and Tyrande dispatching the Horde with the sort of efficancy usually reserved for Jason Voorhees VS a horny camp counselor.

You say you feel that isn’t sufficient, and fair enough. I’ve tried to suggest ways to still squeeze fun out of the setting. You’ve said you have no interest in doing that because BFA was simply to demoralizing. Again, fair enough. But I’m not sure what’s left to discuss.

I don’t think they’re going to make up for Teldrassil in any way more meaningful than going “Woosh, all better now”. If that. Regardless of how vocally we decry it here.


We agree on the problem - that our good moments were poorly (and I would say intentionally so) presented. We seem to disagree on the solution - which is that the good moments need to be presented as such. We need onscreen victories. We need something to bring that motivation back - something to point to as a point of pride without it being something that can be immediately dismissed because most people didn’t see it.

Just hitting the reset button doesn’t do that. It’s too late for that.


That’s not going to happen, though. The wars over and seeing as how loathed BFA was by every aspect of the playerbase for one reason or another I can’t imagine them revisiting a faction war again in the immediate future.

That’s not going to happen, though.

How do you know that? Do you have a line in to Blizzard?

Bloody victory over the Horde in Hyjal? The Horde will howl, they will remember this and turn into a new Taurajo. And close the Horde’s access to Hyjal. Yes.
There seems to be a couple of defects, in the form of an offended Horde, but to hell with the Horde! Time for senseless revenge, like the Mag’har striking the draenei!
Exactly … Not so long ago, there were similar arguments from the Horde in the Turalyon theme. Are the night elves mag’har of the Alliance?

It will be possible to hate the Horde for senseless reasons! “Is there a Horde here? Not for long.” And the reasons will be the most Mag’har. But then “our just indignation - their annoying whining” will start again.
What an inspiration!

No but we do have quarterly reports for the shareholders: BFA’s start was bad. Really bad. Shadowlands is doing better than Wrath.

Revisiting a war that nobody liked would hemmorhage subscribers again.


Was there a dispute between two accountants on this topic or another?