Content to remedy the intolerable Night Elf and Forsaken situations

Nah I’m still upset. Maiev didn’t grovel and beg and sob even though that would be wildly out of character. And indeed it’d make Voss look sorta psychotic for killing a thoroughly bested adversary while they’re on their knees pleading for mercy.


Elluriah called our posts trash and if she said things about the horde, she would get banned and Sarm mentioned that if he typed half the jokes he made about vol’jin he would’ve got banned to.

One thinks the moderators are playing favorites and the other pointed out they’ll ban you for just about anything if the moderaters are in the mood to.

Remember when these same posters pushed back against the notion that Blizzcon attendees cheering for the Burning of Teldrassil wasn’t representative of Horde players? I do.

I confess, I am no writer. :rofl:



You got your wish with Delaryn Summermoon.

What does Elluria have to do with it? I am interested in a brief description of the characters from Sarm.

A character created to be killed off hardly has the same impacted.

Undead fans will never be satisfied.

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Well now I feel awkward. I just know that Maiev has a big fanbase so I was trying to needle it in a “Patriots suck” sort of way but I guess I should have read the room. I’m too used to being countered by people who hype her up as Samus and Doomguy gene-spliced together.

Give me Kel’thuzad and a Necroplis styled Undercity and I’ll be happy.

Go RP it then. Be satisfied with the rest.

I only wish it had been that intense. Would have been kinda hype.

Instead she was just chillin’ and kicked the bucket. After losing hope of course. Darn that hope. So slippery… Then she joined my team! And she… uh… Checks notes Did… nothing. Huh.

I won’t lie, I still don’t know what the play with Delaryn was supposed to be. Hope is a hell of a drug.


“I watched at Blizzcon, where thousands and thousands of Horde players were cheering as that tree [Teldrassil] was coming down.”


Maybe I will. I know what I won’t be doing. Sitting here and complain how I’m a victim is the only option

Your usual responses are becoming increasingly shorter and snippier. Me thinks you’re upset.


Do night elves have funny quests like “Welcome to the System” Forsaken?

Hope…who knew man. It’s such a terrible thing to behold apparently :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Well, yeah. Certain people who I thought I could have an amicable conversation with revealed themselves to be malignant narcissists. Feels pretty bad.

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So are you saying Night Elves are immortal because Nozdormu blessed Nordrassil in Cata?

The story of Teldrassil, the decline of Darkshore, the minor tragedies of Ashenvale, the War in Stonetalon Mountains … I never went further. Wasn’t there any “funny” content? Or was he a little further? Or was this content a “swamp sapling master”?