Content to remedy the intolerable Night Elf and Forsaken situations

You must’ve missed the part where Sylvanas killed and raised her own troops as skeletons.

False. SI:7 agents killed several civilians before they were evacuated. It was in the Horde side event.


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So take offense at yourself. What does the attacking Alliance have to do with it?

Is it? I remember that the civilians were attacked by SI: 7, but you seem to be protecting them, no?

Monkey’s paw grants your wish. It is now a weekly quest for one of your renown covenant tokens. Better get grinding.


That should mean Voss gets some hitherto unmentioned super power and gets to body Maiev while looking just flawless while doing it.

Which is well worth the loss of Forsaken Deathguard #s 232 to 671 if you ask me.


You can save some, but not all.


I would totally love seeing that now. Voss just absolutely bodying Maiev and looking glorious doing it :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

I realized that Voss is gaining superpower. And she … hugs? Maiev? What did you mean?

I do not know the worries of the farm. I play too little. Hmm. I didn’t even get through the introductory campaign.
On the other hand … Are you sure you don’t want this? The Nelfs will have abundant revenge, which they will soon get tired of and will moan about getting them a little revenge, won’t they?

so in other words nord is better, so why are you arguing

Maiev glares at Voss through her helmet

“Your crimes will not go unpunished, Forsaken filth”

Voss let’s out the undead equivalent of an exasperated sigh

“What crimes have I committed against you, Warden?”

Maiev points her blade at the undead

“Your very existence is a crime against the natural order. But do not worry, I will correct this error.”

Voss tilts her head slightly

“Oh! I’m an error, am I?”

Maiev draws her arm back

“You and your kind must be…”

a glowing dagger blade emerges from Maiev’s mouth

a gurgling sound can be heard as she struggles to catch up with what just occurred

Voss materializes fully behind the Night elf

“You talk big for someone within ambush distance.”

the undead removes the blade, the Night Elf stays upright for a few moments before collapsing to the forest floor

Voss continues walking, sheathing her weapon without bothering to clean it

“Night Elves…”



Hot take, I never got Maiev’s appeal. Maybe she’s better in outside material or something, but all I remember of her is just being a single personality trait of “hate Illidan” while she swings around that stupid bladed hula hoop.


I like how this trash goes uncontested but if I started dunking on Horde characters I’d get a forum vacation.

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She was a night elf who had a spine, as well as a set of things that she believed in and would not apologize for, and she displayed confidence rather than doubt.

That’s pretty much it. Not complicated.

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If I wrote the jokes I’ve made about Vol’jin, I too would get a forum vacation.

Vol’jin is a troll who rebelled against Garrosh and died shamefully. Shall we go through all the characters like this? I like.

I’m totally sure that the forum mods hate Night elf posters so much that they’ll suspend them but not other posters.

I’m sure that’s how it works.


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Elluriah was suggesting we’re not allow to have any fun concerning NEs and blizz should delete all comments that don’t paint them as the ultimate victims.

You’re telling me that isn’t true?! What am I supposed to do now man?! Tell me!!! :gift_heart:

How does this relate to listing characters and labeling them in a few words?