Content to remedy the intolerable Night Elf and Forsaken situations

Ignore it. Absolutely. Give up your claim to frost troll-slaying dwarves. Give up the Purge of Dalaran, the military will always be enough. Give up Taurajo, because tauren always rivet new ones! Forget the Forsaken, there is always a captive necromancer!

We’re seriously getting into the weeds with indulging these people.

I’m increasingly of the opinion that they don’t get it, and don’t want to get it. This is a waste of time.

Itll be fine.

The Velves are one cult and they fielded multiple armies over the course of the Blood War - once of which was used outright as a sacrificial lamb - and to my knowledge no noise has been made about how they’re dying out.

Theres always just enough of any given population. The Syndicate have been the Alliance and Horde’s punching bag, and outright assassination practice for Rogues, for the better part of two decades.

And they still can field platoons large enough to secure farmsteads in Arathi. And this is just the corrupt Alteraci aristocracy who decided to rob people more directly after getting vibe checked for supporting the Horde in the 2nd War. It’s not a race nor a particularly large population to begin with, but they still have a functionally infinite army.

In Cata, Nordrassil was only restored, not given the same blessings. Otherwise, Night Elves would be immortal again.

Yeah I’d say none of that matters at all in terms of Horde race population numbers.

So you renounce these Alliance atrocities? After all, there are always endless warriors, which means an endless peace man who must “accept the world in order to survive, and not fight for the lands that they consider to be theirs.”

They certainly aren’t relevant to the number of Tauren or Sin’Dorei at any given moment.

Are you ready to renounce any Alliance “genocide”?

Mika, will you post the burning Teldrassil?

teld didnt make them immortal either, and they got every blessing back, you should do thralls wedding quest again

Are you ready to stop deliberately missing my point? Populations don’t matter in story. It’s fine to be upset about Teldrassil. It was truly bad writing. But pretending the Nelves are an endangered species now is just fan fiction.


How many pancakes can you make with a bonfire that big? A few thousand at a time you think?

Because Nozdormu refused to bless it. He was present at the restoration of Nordrassil though. So if Nordrassil recieved the same blessing, the Nelves would be immortal. So we are either to believe Nelves are Immortal again, or Nordrassil still does not have the blessings of the Aspects.

All of them.


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Has there been any actual lore impact to the Night Elves losing their immortality after the Battle of Hyjal? I know some stuff about aging was mentioned somewhere but anything beyond that?


The population doesn’t matter. Good. Can we execute two or three thousand prisoners on Darkshore for Blood Elves, Forsaken, Goblins, and other races of the Horde? You will not lose anything, just as it has not gone away from us.

Sure, go nuts.


Thank you.

This is a very poor attempt at a “how would you like it?” type of post.

When was the last time you saw a Horde player lamenting the loss of the Forsaken civilians killed at the SoL?


There were no killed, everyone was evacuated. Even during the attack, you managed to successfully complete the evacuation.