Content to remedy the intolerable Night Elf and Forsaken situations

Well none of them are lying about being forced to rp as sad victims


Okay, but I am not telling you that - nor do I see anyone here telling you that. If someone starts telling you that, feel free to point them out for me so that I can tell them to knock it off - provided that I don’t catch them myself.

I’m not trying to shame you here, and I don’t think the game should have opened these lines of attack in the first place. But just as you don’t like being met with canards that you’re a bad person, I don’t like getting met with unanswerable trash talk about how the race I want to play sucks and is functionally gone because of Teldrassil. We can quibble about whether that impression lines up with the lore, but that’s still what it feels like - and that’s why I don’t feel motivated to participate in the world that Blizzard set up.

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But they are “sad victims”! Where are our heroes? Why didn’t we avenge Taurajo beyond the murder of those responsible? Why are our commoners so stupid and weak-willed?

teldrassil was less than 20 years old, no Kaldorei gives a f about that place, they care cause of the lives lost lorewise

Are you talking about people trash talking you while you RP?

How does that work? It’s not like the Horde can actually talk to you in game. Or is it people on the Alliance?


And I get that. Because you’ve explained that before. So I’m suggesting possible solutions to working around this pile of burning trash. Which I’ve also done before. So we’re just going in circles here.

It held the blessings of the Dragon Aspects, Ysera and Alexstraza… It was kind of important.

Let’s just say that all refugees from the mainland flocked there. And the fertility of the NE … is in doubt. Yes, one thousand out of two thousand survived. But it reproduces once every ten years, and then one child with an incomprehensible maturation time. Another thing is when five hundred survived, but in these ten years there will be eight children and five of them have already matured (exaggerated orcs).
And yet we must continue the war.

Engaging Katiera is a waste of time.

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and we still have the real world tree

It’s okay, it’s “fun” for me to write silly pathos!

THeres no lore about that

nope we dont know the number, we only know that stormwind is packed full of kaldorei, all the way to goldshire

no lore about that

WoW population numbers should be ignored. They’re inconsistent, can vary wildly depending on who’s telling the story, and never, ever, matter in the narrative once the subplot about them has moved on.

The Sin’Dorei had 90% of their race wiped out in a single invasion. Then they participated in every war ever since. Unless Elves reproduce in egg clutches large enough to shame most fish and mature in months there should be like two dozen of them left at this point.

Likewise the Forsaken outright can’t naturally reproduce, and far as I can tell just had their method of doing so f off with Slyvanas. I fully expect this to never come up in story or be explained away in an easily missed subplot because it really, truly, does not matter.


It’s like Guys, this giant emerald nightmare corrupted world tree got blessed to totally stop it from corrupting the surrounding area and it’s now super special…because apparently we have amnesia that Nordassil is a thing

Unless you’re trying to pad your numbers to build your forum TL.


With no blessings, unless Blizz says the remaining aspects bless it again. Though, it would be a depowered blessing compared to what we had with Teldrassil.

Or pancakes. Have to pad those pancakes with extra syrupy goodness :pancakes:

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This is the problem, that there is no knowledge about the fertility of the NE. The Orcs have that mother about the eight orchat; yes, it is not known over the ripening time, but they live for a hundred years + -40, by the age of twenty they will definitely ripen. And the Nelfs are a “dying race”, slowly multiplying, slowly maturing, and the war does not end …
And yet - what percentage of the evacuees are the Nelfs themselves? So that it turns out that there are 90% worgen there.

That is not why it was blessed. The Nightmare had already been chased out of Teldrassil by the Night Elves. The aspects blessed it more as a reward.

did you not play cata?