Content to remedy the intolerable Night Elf and Forsaken situations

The times I visited Darnassus, it was a mostly a ghost town, with none of the supposed NE guilds to be found anywhere. So yeah, the times I was there…it was dead every single time.

So you are standing by this assertion of 99%?

I mean, I’m still going to doubt you - again, I didn’t just imagine two years of RP during Cata - but I do want to pin down your position.

“I would visit Darnassus once every couple months at 3 in the morning, and it was empty.”

I know your dishonest Aki, but I never mentioned what time I visited and it was usually during the afternoon by the way.

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Kyalin…I don’t if your intentionally miscontruding what I’m saying or your being intentionally dishonest right now, I never claimed no one rped there. I simply stated that when I WAS THERE, there was nobody around.

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You might have a point. I know I am not alone in the Nelf community who became bitter and resent toward Blizzard’s treatment of Nelves. BFA seemed to be the final straw for many of them.

I am lucky enough to be close friends with my guild mates. We still have our discord and we play Dnd every week, and other games periodically. For many others, they are not so lucky. For many others, their friends are just a screen name that has been greyed out on their friends list for far too long.

That is Blizzard’s failure.


Oh sod off. You’re getting called out on some BS, and you’re getting butt mad about it.

Your perceptions of how active Darnassus RP was is irrelevant. You have active members of the community telling you that it WAS an active RP hub.

That’s the end of it, full stop.

I never claimed there wasn’t. And this is a fact, when I was there, it was a ghost town. So take your own advice and sod off yourself.

You have the nerve to call me dishonest? You are the fakest person here.

I’ll tell yet another ally player this, you don’t know me sweet cheeks. But continue thinking you know anything about me.

You’re, frankly, not that hard to figure out.

You don’t know anything about me sweet cheeks.

can confirm Darnassus has been a ghost town for almost a decade every time i visit it. It gets about as much traffic as silvermoon.

EDIT: also if this is about rp guilds cant you…just go back in time and bring it back?


Apparently I’m the fakest person here because people like Aki don’t understand that the majority of people didn’t rp there.

Wrong. 105mm brings all the boys to the yard.


That wasn’t your claim. You said it was dead 99% of the time. I am telling you, prior to BFA, that wasn’t the case. There were multiple active guilds RPing there. These guilds came together and built a huge community called the Kaldorei initiative. There is a full on discord server that once has hundreds of members, that is now deserted because of BFA.

Whatever you think Darnassus was is just wrong, period.

What part of the times I visited is honestly hard for you to grasp?

Is Micah not caring very strongly again?

Let me grab the popcorn.

Just the Blizzard segment:
Blizzard segment net revenue 9 months ending 9/30/2020 = 1326
Blizzard segment net revenue 9 month ending 9/30/2019 = 1122

1326/1122 = 1.18 = 18% growth

CPI Dec 2020 = 0.4%

What inflation?

Eh, we never had much support from Spooky. It was mostly Hogs and Vipers.


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