Content to remedy the intolerable Night Elf and Forsaken situations

You did not say that until you got called out and started backtracking. As someone who was not part of that community, “of the times you visited” means F-all.

You have active members of the community telling you that you are wrong, and you double down on your blatantly false perceptions. Not because you are here for any sort of dialogue, you are just here to hate on nelves, hate on the community, because that’s the popular thing to do here.

All you do on these forums is bend with the wind of popular opinion. No matter how toxic and disgusting it is.

in a game of millions of people…a few hundred is small potatoes. and there is literally nothing to prevent them from rping in the exact same way.

I mean, you might be TECHNICALLY right in that it was not 99% dead, but from what you said it was merely ~95% dead.

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On one server, getting hundreds of people in one place, all at the same time, is pretty significant. That’s hard to do in SW.

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okay, one server

out of how many?

Nothing you have said actually disproves what micah said, merely you found an extremely small outlier that the vast majority of the playerbase didnt even know existed

I mean, if you think thats all I do…than you really are sad and pathetic. And people like you make it soo easy to hate on NE fans.

Because we were mostly reserved for JSOC and other special kiddies most of the time, and they don’t want the stupidity of regular leadership trying to establish control or their own kingdoms in our stuff. Every once and a while we’d be released to play with everyone else.

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That is my only experience with you.

Makes sense. A lot of coalition made questionable requests while I was out. I remember a British route clearance package calling a Tornado to drop a 500 pounder on a tree.


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BS and you know it. These emotional response attacks against people you don’t even know is why people dunk on NE fans. People like you just keep giving people ammunition. It’s the gift that keeps on giving.

You four need to start dating right away.
The tension is out of this world.

Aren’t you going to call her out on the meta-optics of how she shouldn’t be allowed to speak to someone who’s gone through as much as the Horde?

They would try (and sometimes succeed) to make us fly during the day in areas with known MANPAD and AAA threats. Like Alliance-tier stupidity.

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it’s not.

I don’t care if you like the occasional post I make. I don’t care if you “<3” at me for some reason.

You’ll full reverse on that BS as soon as the tone in the forum changes, I have seen it in real time. You think you can marginalize the experience of an entire community, and say their community was essentially null and void? And somehow that doesn’t make you the biggest jerk possible?

You are going to tell me the screenshots on my guild webpage where I am leading events with hundreds of people just didn’t happen because YOU specifically weren’t there to see it? You are going to tell me the late nights of RPing with multiple Kaldorei guilds in Darnassus just didn’t happen because you weren’t apart of it?

What do you have to gain by saying that? if not to write off the experience of Nelf players because you like to be part of lynch mob of nelf players?

Seriously, shove off.

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You seem to be under this impression that I care about you or your NE cult of personality fan base. Great, go back to your lil cesspool of a discord. You can all sod off if you want me to be brutally honest.


As someone who was an active RPer amongst the Night Elf centric guilds during the times when Night Elf RP was active I can tell you this is false.


You do know that Most people is not the same as saying Everyone rped else where right? It’s not false that MOST people rped in Ironforge and Stormwind

Why do you care?

And I can tell you that the major Night Elf guilds, and several smaller ones, used Darnassus as their hub. They were at the center and the majority of the Night Elf community.

Just because you saw some wayward souls in Stormwind doesn’t mean Darnassus was dead.

As several other Night Elf Players have told you, and you refuse to listen to, we are more aware of the condition of Darnassus for RP traffic than you are.

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Great, most people still rped elsewhere. Nothing is going to change that simple fact.

If by most people you means those who played Humans, Dwarves, Gnomes, Draenei, etc. I.E. people who weren’t playing Kaldorei than sure. But you’re intentional ambiguity about who “most people” are is a sad attempt to try and discredit other posters for… I guess the sake of it.

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