Content to remedy the intolerable Night Elf and Forsaken situations

They’re not my numbers, they’re the numbers in the statement. You can’t be looking at the 3rd quarter year over year numbers to support the 52% - because that was the first comparison I made - not if you’re looking at Blizzard as an operating segment, rather than Activision-Blizzard, the combined company. Doing the latter incorporates Activision’s results into what you’re looking at, which is not a good way to look at the performance of Blizzard and its products.

How would you depreciate their goodwill?
err amortize.

You don’t. Blizzard doesn’t qualify for Small Private Company alternative accounting methods.

Edit: Although there is of course goodwill impairment, which is another matter.

That certainly wasn’t true on Earthen Ring. Unless you’re a mage, Darnassus was a pain in the neck to get to from where people were usually questing. Most Night Elves I knew did their roleplaying in Stormwind…,. or around Southshore when we were doing open world PVP battles with the Horde.

I’m not familiar with Earthen Ring as a server, but Cenarion Circle CRZed with MG and WRA where a lot of that activity did exist.

Edit: As for Stormwind’s popularity - the artificial nature of that is a worthwhile discussion as well. When all of the services are there, that does mean that it’s the first to build up critical mass. Darnassus happened to follow it - largely on the back of a lot of interest in the Night Elves.

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Darnassus was pretty dead 99% of the time. Most people on WrA and MG rped in Ironforge or Stormwind, because as Darhalian said, Darnassus was a absolute pain to get to unless you had a mage in the group.

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I mean, if it collapsed in Legion, I’ll have to take your word for it, but I was there from Cata - WoD. I can tell you from being there that the assertion of it being dead, much less 99% of the time is false.

I havn’t RPed in WoW for awhile because most of BFA, that has been my RP. Shadowlands really didn’t change that because Sylvanas is still at large.

Post BFA? Yeah, pretty much.

And I’m from MG…and been playing alliance since Cata. It wasn’t as busy as your claiming either.

From your reference of their SEC Quarterly filing

For the Three Months Ended September 30,
2020 2019
Total net revenues 1,954 1,282

1954/1282 = 1.52

52% growth.

Again, scroll down to note 10 for the operating segment data - like I said when we first started talking about this. You’re using combined company numbers, not the operating segment numbers, which are more relevant for the discussion.

@ Micah

Odd that I didn’t see you. I was on MG during Cata, and I was often in Darnassus. Did you just not show up there that often?

Uh, I was successfully running a pretty major Nelf Guild out of Darnassus with multiple other Nelf guilds, during Legion and prior. I didn’t RP in SW at all, and I could easily organize and RP event with upwords of 100 nelf players.

Now, I would be lucky to get 10.

You have no idea what you’re talking about, frankly.

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It feels like the perspective of someone who only RPed in Stormwind and never visited Darnassus on the belief that it was always dead.

But I know that I didn’t just misremember two years of RP.

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I never claimed no one was rping in Darnassus, I just said it wasn’t nearly as busy as you think it was.

I said that I was using Activision Blizzard consolidated numbers. It doesn’t change my point. They are doing better even if you just look at Blizzard. My point is they have no incentive to change the story.

You seem to be under this impression that I never visited Darnassus.

You said that 99% of the time it was dead. So, are you arguing against 98%?

It’s not a matter of what I think it was. It is a matter of what it was.

You did not RP in Darnassus. I never saw you in any significant nelf RP gathering. You are not in a position to say what something was or wasn’t, and I am telling you, Darnassus was a major RP hub for the Nelf RP community.

They’re doing better by the most marginal amount possible - 392 went to 393 - inflation wipes that out (especially this year).

If all that was true than your role play scene was dying on the vine and BFA was mainly an excuse for most of your roleplayers to just quit. I remember people posting about race changing their characters because they saw Night Elves as a popular loser choice for Tolkien-obsessed newbs.

When my roleplay scene was at it’s hight it happened anywhere and everywhere, Teldrassil, Astrannar, Stormwind, the Plaguelands, battle fights in Nagrand, and Northrend. That’s why we had addons in the day like TRP and it’s predecessors so that roleplayers could find each other.

But it’s clear that most simply didn’t like or love their characters enough to ride them through thick and thin. or got tired of being ridiculed as rpers by the “leet” gamers.