Content to remedy the intolerable Night Elf and Forsaken situations

Nah, that idea sucks.

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Good thing when it comes to Forsaken content your opinion matters less than that of a Forsaken fan.

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What you’re describing wouldn’t be exclusively Forsaken content. Since you’re involving the Alliance it would by its nature matter to Alliance fans as well.

It’s like saying that the Forsaken should conquer Stormwind and responding to objections from Human fans that it’s Forsaken content so their opinions don’t matter.

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Well to that I say bravo Blizzard. You know how to create a great MMO. You know your audience and how to immerse your players into the game and cause conflict to the point they have such strong opinions.

It’s no different from any good book. You are immersed in the story; you empathize and sympathize with the characters; given the perspective, you become the character.

Nah don’t agree with that, That is just penalizing one side of the Alliance to make allow nigh elf players get their ego stroked. Unless you want the rest of the Alliance being the ones to help night elves reclaim their homes and build new defensive keeps in ashenvale.

Besides ultimately it does nothing for the Forsaken as they’re primary issue is the Lack of a proper leader that isn’t an alliance replacement. Forsaken need some proper charcters back and luckily there is a whole nation of recently freed undead running around northrend. Maybe give them a few power Scourge leaders from up their maybe a undead Ogrim or something,

It only matters to Alliance fans if they have to quest through it. I didn’t mention the Alliance player base having to quest through it.

It’s not even close by nice Strawman.

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Okay so for future reference, it’s fine to burn down Night Elf trees as long as Night Elves don’t quest through it.

This should happen on Kalimdor. They’ve been there for however many years/decades now and they’ve spent most of it fueding with the night elves over Ashenvale and Stonetalon while the bulk of the continent sits empty, save for centaur or w/e.

This is another easy win for Blizzard - the Horde gets to build its civilisation by taming Kalimdor, requiring nothing be lost by the Alliance, completely non-contentious.

Troll city in Un’Goro, Iron Horde-esque rail lines running through the Barrens, connecting the capitals, Forsaken building a naval port in Dustwallow, etc.


I mean, I will say that they do know how to evoke certain emotions in the story - and for me, those emotions prevented me from wanting to buy it - because they ran contrary to the reasons for why I would play a video game in the MMO format.

This is why I have the problems that I do with hiring book authors and putting them in the MMO format. They don’t appreciate what’s required for this medium, or what its objectives are.

Edit: @ Badmaa & Gandred

If you need to give the Horde a powerful onscreen victory, there’s this place called Lordaeron that the Forsaken could, with the assistance of their allies, gloriously retake.

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I know you like to jump to extremes by try to stay grounded just a tad.

The areas surrounding Undercity are not significant to Alliance players other than Gilneas. If the Forsaken get to boot the Alliance out of Hilsbrad, Silverpine, and maybe the Plaguelands, Alliance players aren’t suffering from that especially if they aren’t forced to quest through losing that land.

If the Horde are burning down trees in Darkshore and Ashenvale it’s gonna be really odd if Night Elf players aren’t questing through that.

If they want to have a squad of Sentinels strike out into the Barrens and the Horde quester gets to curb stomp them then fine. Go for it. I don’t quest in the Barrens as a Night Elf.

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Yeah it immersed me so hard I quit the game for months and only came back to play Classic and only Classic.

It immersed the Night Elf community so hard that the majority of Night Elf Guilds on RP servers like Moon Guard and Wyrmrest are dead and long gone.

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Lordearon is the birth place of the Alliance, Arathi was the Humans first kingdom came together. Tyr’s fall was where the titan keepers remains are that saved the humans. Alot of the Alliance champions called Lordearon and the surrounding cities home.

Just because its not important to Night elf players doesn’t mean it doesn’t count. Its why players have been asking for the Alliance to take it back since wow started.

Outside Warcraft 1 and WOW Stormwind has been nothing but a rebuilt city with no flavor or history.

Hang on let me find it…

There you go. :point_down:

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Stormwind has been the iconic city associated with humans since 2004.
Capitol City in Lordaeron held that title from 1995 to 2000 - in an RTS which doesn’t have a fraction of the daily engagement that an MMO does. It also showed up in a feature-length movie.

I’m quite confident in calling Stormwind the more important of the two.

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Yet Teldrassil isn’t as old capital as lordearon was yet you won’t stop complaining about losing it.

Stormwind ultimately was built to be a total hub which only robbed the humans in the story of everything interesting that came from the previous games.

Hell they didn’t bring back the unique factions like the brother hood of the Horse or conjurers from warcraft 1 when the remade it.

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Speak for yourself. Don’t presume that everyone cares about the things that you do. Lots and lots of old-school Alliance players care a lot about those places, even if they had only played WoW. Hillsbrad in particular is a storied place in the annals of the playerbase.

Teldrassil also has been an iconic city since 2004, whereas capitol city was only a human beacon for five years. The other thing I might want to point out? Warcraft 1 and 2 sold around a million copies each if memory serves. Warcraft 3 got 3 million. World of Warcraft’s sales figures and subscriptions beat them all, and by a substantial margin.

So, if we are going to have this zero sum game, where we pit Lordaeron-piners against the Forsaken fanbase AND the NIght Elf playerbase, I think that seesaw lands in a particular direction.

Edit: Rechecked my source. WCII sold 2 million. http^s://

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Let’s try a hypothetical then.

In this hypothetical you get to reclaim Lordaeron for the Alliance and keep it. Restore to it’s former glory or something.

But you have to either put up with either

A) Stormwind is successfully conquered by the Horde and turned into the new Forsaken capitol.


B) See A but replace Stormwind with Ironforge.

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I’d be fine with either of these hth


And I’m gonna call your bluff on that statement.