Content to remedy the intolerable Night Elf and Forsaken situations

This is the most boring option. The Forsaken have already had their glorious conquest of Lordaeron, in Cataclysm, where they borderline-destroyed Gilneas, defeated the Alliance at Andorhal, defeated Dalaran, scourged most of the living on the subcontinent and culled the disloyal from their own ranks, all under the guise of faux-patriotism for Lordaeron.

They are now in a situation where their much-vaunted status as victims might, for once, be true. Their nation has been destroyed, a hostile Stromgarde sits adjacent, the Bloodfang dominate Silverpine, the Alliance is making inroads into Hillsbrad, and the Lord Protector of the Alliance is an ex-Lordaeroni hero publically espousing the benefits of reclaiming lost territory.

They should do something with that, not just hard reset to Legion-times, with a golden queen rather than a purple one.


I regret that I have only but one like to give to your post.

I think you should ask Forsaken fans how they feel about that before you call it boring. I’ve talked to a few - but maybe you’ve talked to others? My impression is that they want it back.


I would be happy to give up stormwind for this. Ironforge might be a hard sell but guess the dwarves could always build a new city in Alterac near the wild hammer.

If it’s in your power to call, then call it. I’m 100% dead serious.

your the one making claims on what they would like. We are just pointing out this has already happen so it really does nothing for the forsaken for them to just take back the same ground again. I see more complaints about Calia than I do about the fact they have no capital.

Again the Game has to stop repeating the same events over and over and try something new you just want everything to return to status quo before BFA.

Why? We can just ask you, the self-proclaimed authority on what everyone cares about and wants in the World Of Warcraft Video Game.

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I’m passing on what some Forsaken fans have told me. Again, if they’ve told you something different - feel free to share. I certainly don’t think I talked to the all-knowing god and arbiter of Forsaken fan opinions - but I would ask if you consulted with Forsaken fans at all about what they want.

Im not claiming to speak on their behalf. I’m just throwing forward possible solutions and ideas that don’t revolve around just putting everything back the way it was pre BFA.

Ultimately even if the did return to the status quo whats to stop them doing the exact same thing again in another few years. Blizzard has a habit of repeating stories. Do you really want another one where the horde invade ashenvale again and the Night elves lose?

What we need is for the story to move forwards and change to present both factions with a chance to grow and not stagnate because some players don’t like change.

So, you appear to be holding up the status quo as something that necessarily means that we can only have another conflict in Ashenvale where the Night Elves lose. I don’t see where you find that determinism - or the idea that we can’t write a different story from the base of the pre-BFA status quo.

I believe we can, and I certainly don’t see where you find growth in telling two playable races to just suffer as refugees forever.

Night Elves still control most of Northern Kalimdor. They can grow another tree. In fact it looks like they might be claiming Hyjal which, to be frank, strikes me as a more iconic location for a capital than Teldrassil anyway.

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Here is the issue with this is that some Night elf players would only accept taking back their own lands on the own terms. They would never accept the rest of the Alliance coming to help them do it. They need to be able to take on the whole horde single handedly to protect their homes.

We are not suggesting that two player races remain refugees forever(though some races have had to suffer this for years). However we want the game to evolve and change.

That’s disputed. I’d love it if it were true, but we don’t have confirmation.

As for Teldrassil - my personal bias creeps in here. I’d love to see a re-imagined, more vertical Teldrassil that incorporates layers - almost like a natural version of Deus Ex’s Hengsha - with cities on top of cities.

@ Badmaa

some Night Elf players would only accept taking back their own lands on their own terms. They would never accept the rest of the Alliance coming to help them do it.

I mean, I’m one of those NIght Elf players - I believe they should have a modicum of independence, but I don’t think this precludes the involvement of the Worgen and the Draenei - which would work fine in a world where factions can’t put their entire weight on one point on the map as would be more realistic for two globe-spanning associations.

Such could be a great opening for that Worgen and Draenei content. A previous suggestion of mine involved a Draenei Paladin/Dr. Zhivago character ripoff who got some content. We could certainly see their more aggressive, and less forgiving side come out. I’d figure that some of them would stop giving the Horde the benefit of the doubt after BFA.

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So if theoretically, the Night Elves did reclaim Hyjal and establish their new capital city there, you would consider this an acceptable evolution of the events of BfA?

No, not by itself. The most important thing that the Night Elves need right now is an onscreen refutation of the idea that they’re pushovers. Darkshore was too much of a mixed bag, and the War of the Thorns was not just devastating for that, but it was preceded by eight years of absolute humiliation brought about by Blizzard’s strange desire to show their defeats and hide their victories.

I don’t hide that I’m a PVPer - my standing in the faction rivalry is what motivates me to play, and the way the Night Elves have been presented drove me from the game. I can’t feel good about PVPing on that team, not until I’m given something to make me feel good about it again, like I can win. Give me that? Give me something that will allow me to enthusiastically throw on that “jersey” again - and I’m good. That’s why I continue to advocate for an onscreen reconquest of Ashenvale. Such would do that.

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Any “REAL” Alliance fan liked Ironforge far better than Stormwind anyways. Its not even an argument. The people who liked Stormwind better probably main a male human paladin or thinks eating at McDonalds while in Europe makes them cultured.


In the greater perspectives of Blizzard’s development, neither matter much at all.

But most people didn’t quit the game and you did come back to play classic. So, how is it a mistake on Blizzard’s part.

If it really bothers some players so much they can reset the zone in-game back to the way it was and pretend it never happened.

Problem solved.



I have several posts documenting my return to Darnassus demonstrating why that doesn’t work. Cenarion Circle used to CRZ with MG and WRA - there used to be Night Elf RPers all over the place. It wasn’t as lively as Stormwind, but the place was still alive.

Now it’s eerily dead - and it’s dead because of what Blizzard did. Otherwise, I’m not sure how you argue that substantial numbers of people didn’t leave over this - I talked to a fair number of people who did, and if I’m using them as a sample of the population? That should suggest a larger movement.

So no, resetting it back using a Bronze Dragon does not correct the issue.