Content to remedy the intolerable Night Elf and Forsaken situations

Sure thing, I’m sure Turalyon, Alleria and Tyrande never said “we are from the alliance btw” at any turn, sure thing dude/ette

Yes and many times

In that case why you act as offended when we call out Zahir from his bs?

Heh this is ironic

Ok you believe the Horde had a party when we genocided the elfies, gotcha.

She could and the writing will somehow search for a way to justify her even if it’s lazy as BFA war narrative

I got the perfect solution, try to focus in the neutral content and think about Azeroth stuff when we return.

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The Night fae Covnenant is more about Tyrande and Ardenwaeld…not the genocide per se, it is touched on, but it is only the beginning of an arc that will and can go on for years.


I hope not. We don’t need ten years of hearing about teldrassil. It doesn’t need to be bought up every expansion after this one.

Which is why blizz will probably claim it’s been dealt with once shadowlands is over. We did save the souls from Torghast after all, the Kaldorei have lore wise moved to Hyjal and now we’re searching for more Night warriors to save Tyrande.

What else can be done? Really?

Danuser even said so.

Blizzard says a lot of things. Believe none of it. They also said trees can be regrown.

rebuilding the nation itself…the land and their country, for example

Darkshore will need help getting the blight removed sure. But they still hold all their other territories. Sentinels are actively patrolling ashenvale again and it’s described as a rather boring thing now a days.

ashenvalle is right now…not so clear :wink:

Leading up to the events of War or Thorns Ashenvale was considered a peaceful and boring post for a Sentinel.Hostilities between the Alliance and Horde began again in Ashenvale on the horde’s march to Darnassus, and Astranaar’s population was killed.

During the course of the Fourth War, Alliance soldiers continued pouring into Ashenvale, reinforcing their holdings,and attacking Horde outposts across the forest. The remaining Sentinels of Ashenvale were under the command of Tara Thenysil

That’s from WoWpedia. It sounds pretty clear who controls it, and it’s not the horde

Just give us Sylvanas back as our racial leader and the forsaken problem gets fixed instantly.

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That’s literally the worst thing Blizzard could do because one of the issues with the Forsaken was that their entire story revolved around Sylvanas. Which is dumb. Just being a cult that is all “for the dark lady!” is poor racial development.

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I think the Forsaken should developed houses like the Maldraxxi and have a council from each house to make decisions. Gives them some development


That would be kind of cool. I really liked when Blizzard made the Desolate Council to lead the Forsaken because the Forsaken realized Sylvanas couldn’t lead them as easily while being Warchief… and then Blizzard wasted their potential by killing them all of to hit home the point that Sylvanas is EEVVVVIILLLLL.


Yeah, the Desolate Council had so much potential. They could have been the voice for the forsaken while Sylvanas was leading from Orgrimaar. But like you said, they thought a genocide and another Hilter styled Warchief was a good idea

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Worgen honestly were a mistake, Gilneans homever were not.

I say that because, there honestly are so few ways to go for the Gilneans, they have less stuff going for them than the Draenei (non lightforged) that sets them apart from other races. Beyond being Worgen there is Nothing, Zip, nada

But to say they have been ignored by blizzard is pure stupidity. They have had their presence in the story, pretty much since Cataclysm, They had a Presence in WoD, they had a presence in Cata obviously, they had a presence and their lore got slightly expanded in legion. And they obviously had a presence in BFA, to say that “but but that wasnt all Worgen”. Like it or not but Genn greymane is a Gilnean, a Worgen cursed Gilnean at that. I dont see the problem, the draenei were supposed to be this “alien” thing for the alliance kinda like the Orcs were to the horde, (but not as ferocious, savage etc etc that part was filled by the worgen)

Agree both the races need proper story.

As of now Blizzard’s storywriting is hilarious. Shadowlands is better than the forced faction war but who knows what kind of stupid story we’ll get as they become Sylvanas redemption fans.

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But, in what ways are they allowed to show their “fangs”? Because, tbh, their presentation isn’t that bad when they’re pitted against other Eternal Magic centered beings like them. Even ones that arguably should be very difficult for the NEs to handle like the Firelands or the Nightmare. The living embodiment of flame used against Plant and Wind users, and a cancerous perversion of the very powers the NEs so heavily rely upon. They should struggle with these. And while struggle they did, they did overcome (and since its an MMO the player was allowed to help with that. That’s how everything in WoW is solved, the PC, the NEs do not get preferential treatment there). They also did quite well on their Legion fronts.

The only time they’re really ever shown getting bashed up hard is against the Horde … which makes sense when you think about it. The NEs were this absurdly formidable force back in WC3, but they were never portrayed as overwhelming. With Grom’s Warsong being able to push them back successfully, despite never having faced them or their tactics before; caught completely unprepared; and in the NEs own favored terrain. At least until Cenarius showed up. So, when you add in the absurd rigidity and stagnant nature of the NEs military (for largely cultural reasons), and the Horde constantly changing and adapting since WC3 … the power on Kalimdor is prone to shift. Unless its being artificially maintained.

Even the WotA content does not make the NEs out as an oppressive force, outside of a handful of their reps and their allies. They are absolutely potent, but honestly they were having a brutally rough go of things until Jarod decided it might be wise to call for outside help; and even then the tides didn’t really change until the Wild Gods, Aspects, and Stone Giants came in to do a lot of the heavy lifting. All of which cannot be counted on in wars between mortal races. Which as remained consistent with those Allies.

He’s not wrong. Someone else might call it traditionalism and in our world can usually be said of cultures that stayed close to nature. The same can still be said of Tauren even though they went through a major shift recently by abandoning the nomad lifestyle.

The Nelves have had societal changes of late but the last 10k years speak for themselves.

I reject this notion that Night Elves are stagnant when the only technological advancements made in WoW are the Horde sucking up Blackfuse’s left overs and the Alliance learning how to make siege towers in BfA.

Edit: There are also other ways to advance as a society. The Night Elves aren’t crafting bombs and mixing chemicals. But we have a whole plethora of walking fortresses we aren’t allowed to ever make use of.