Content to remedy the intolerable Night Elf and Forsaken situations

If you don’t want your character judged then don’t pass judgement on others.

Practice what you preach.

Let he who has not sinned cast the first stone.

Treat others the way you want to be treated.

This is not the first time you have done this, but you are right about one thing. Personal insults have no place here in my eyes, and I find it regrettable when someone thinks that’s the only way to argue.

Love the irony from someone who comes into a thread about Night Elves to talk crap about Night Elf players.

You come in here to belittle a section of the fanbase in a thread made to talk about their story issues (puke emoji by the way) then get outraged when people respond in a hostile manner.

If you were reasonable you wouldn’t have posted in this thread at all since all you seem to do is antagonize Night Elf players by telling them they have it good.

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You resorted to personal attacks against me. Practice what you preach.

I respond to wholesome with wholesome and toxic with toxic. If you feel attacked then reflect upon your own actions.

I said they don’t have it as bad as they claim they do.

And what exactly does this very common opinion among Story forums denizens bring to this thread? What did you hope it would accomplish by telling this to Night Elf fans? Did you expect people to agree with you that “Yeah, actually, our story’s great”

You were here to borderline troll and and crap on Night Elf players.

Leaving this here.

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Good for you? Congratulations? Want a cookie? We been dealing with with NE players complaining for 2 yrs about how they’re victims.

The forsaken legit had their entire culture destroyed, city bombed by their own leader and brill burned down by the alliance and forsaken players complain far less.

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" :cry: Some people on the forums dislike the current state of the story, i need attention myself, so I’ll start trolling and posting smugly about how my grievences about my favorite race are more important than theirs in threads that very clearly are about Night Elves."

You want to talk about Worgen, make a thread about worgen. Stop trolling threads about Night Elves.

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I don’t like your opinion, so you must be dishonest and a troll.


If your “opinion” is to tell me that my race has it objectively better than all the others and to be content with what I have, and that other races have it worse, in a thread very clearly about Night Elves, yes, you are a troll. If a Night Elf player did the same in reverse in a thread about orcs they would get dogpiled on instantly.

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Two years of complaining has worn out a lot people’s sympathy for NE posters. Which is why, if you haven’t noticed, they get dog piled regardless.

It’s the constant acting like they have it the absolute worse is what’s tiresome. No one is saying what happened to the Kaldorei wasn’t terrible, it was.

Just that there are races in game who need a lot more work and attention is all.

Your feelings are not a justification for anything, and you are hardly making a good point by saying that you discriminate and troll certain posters based on what race they like.

Don’t click on threads about Night Elves if you can’t handle people talking about Night Elf story woes. Is it that hard? I don’t comment on most Horde threads because it is not the races I personally enjoy.

I don’t care at this point. Make your own thread. This one is clearly about Night Elves and Forsaken.

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But leaving what happened to the night elves, or what happened in bfa, as it is would definitely not make it better, on the contrary.

i´ll agree, that many races need work, worldbuilding and such things are important and blizz clearly lack it right now.


Yeah, when they do it right, they really hit it out of the park, it just some of their story decisions are real head scratchers.

Like, the whole genocide thing never should’ve been okayed by the higher ups and the fact that blizz labeled it an actual genocide only makes it worse.

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It is, now it needs to be taken care of, definitely.

Above all, what makes Teldrassil unique and worse is that a genocide of one player faction was carried out by the other player faction.


Blizzard are good worldbuilders but awful, terrible storytellers as of late, which makes it all the more frustrating. It’s like having a golden toolbox with old rusty tools inside.

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That’s the other issue too. Besides how they’re handling it now? It can never really be dealt with the way players want. That would require the horde to be kicked around again for revenge.

The fact that they are even addressing the problem at all is is good enough. As there is really no other way this could go.

In a long …sensitive arc, it cannot be done in a “revenge” event without simply repeating history.

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I personally like how the Night Fae convenant is dealing with it. But that’s me.