Content to remedy the intolerable Night Elf and Forsaken situations

Getting zones and getting to party with your heroes just isn’t enough.

Thread title : Content to remedy the intolerable Night Elf and Forsaken situations

Your only contribution to this thread has been a puke emoji because some Night Elf players dislike the current state of their story.

Getting what zones? Literally all of the zones the Night Elves “won” in Cataclysm, they were the defenders. In fact, not just Cataclysm, the Night Elves in WoW have ALWAYS been depicted as the defenders and have never gone on the offensive.

They still lost out on Azshara in the end, the only zone to actually change from contested to fully Horde.

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While a lot of races have not gotten a good amount of positive focus, I think the Night Elves starting as their own RTS race does create more expectations.
However it should also be kept in mind that their campaign is heavily themed around their power fading and needing help. While it was Malfurion calling on nature powers that saved the world tree, it took an army of Humans, Night Elves and Orcs to hold back the demons long enough for him to do that.

In WoW, Blizzard just has a tendency to tear things down rather than build things up for the sake of often cheap drama.

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Yeah, keeping Ashenvale when it’s the backdoor of the capitol of the Horde and thus proving the Horde is inept is a small thing, nbd.


Valsharrah says hello.
Tyrande says hello.
Ysera says hello.
Cenarius says hello.
Malfurion says hello.
Maiev says hello.
Jarod says hello.

Interacting with Treng is a waste of time. He’s dishonest and twists anything and everything he can to suggest that only his enjoyment of the game is what’s important. Your enjoyment isn’t even secondary to him.

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Ashenvale is literally the most lore-important place for Night Elves along with Hyjal. Did you expect Blizzard to give both Ashenvale and Azshara to the Horde? Seriously?

Not sure what this means. Hello?

True enough.

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This is the primary fault with Blizzard’s writing tendencies imho. In their quest to chase eye-catching thumbnails and titles they throw the established world and characters under the bus in order to reach some kind of misguided emotional moment. It is very hard to build a model trainset for people to wonder at and appreciate. It is much easier to blow it up with firecrackers for a cheap thrill later down the road.


I suppose having two near god like beings as leaders, being in involved in every expansion, often getting a night elf specific zone and story isn’t enough. Must be hard being a NE fan, while there are races literally being neglected and have nothing.

But you know, I call out how absurd the Night elf victim complex is, and I’m the problem. The delicious irony


Let’s try a hypothetical.

You have two choices, which is more than Nelf fans get.

You can be ignored by everyone around for 1 hour a day.

Or for 1 hour a day a body builder sadist will come and spend that hour kicking you between the legs without relent. You aren’t allowed to resist him.

Which one do you choose?


Bodybuilder for a thousand please. It’s more than goblins, gnomes,dwarves,pandaren and worgen have gotten storywise.

Then I believe you are Blizzard’s ideal customer.

Or more likely you’re dishonest.

Leave the personal insults aside, it’s tiresome dealing with people telling me who I am. Find a new profession.

Just because people disagree that the night elves had it the worse out of everyone doesn’t make someone dishonest.

It’s really says a lot about you though that you and so many other alliance posters have to resort to personal attacks.

You might feel it’s insulting but it’s accurate.

I can give more extreme parallels if it’s not getting through to you that negative attention isn’t better than positive attention.

You know, i like you, in terms of the most player here, you try to be fair, thats an improvement but i have to say…you started this atm here.

You wanted to say other how they should feel about their race.

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That was never my attention really. I was just pointing out, in my opinion, the NE don’t have it anywhere as bad as people think they do.

I never once told anyone how they should feel and you damn well know that.

Just about every time you talk about Night Elves you do exactly that. You might think you’re not but you are. Especially when you handwave their concerns and marginalize their complaints.

If that’s not your intention then you should rethink how you approach them.

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You don’t know me or anything about me. So, I ask again, don’t go with personal insults. That’s a battle you’re not going to win. Ever.

But that is exactly what you say you have not done.


Well, if it came out that way, that wasn’t my intention. But I think most reasonable people can get the point I was trying to get across, without bringing personal insults into the mix.