Content to remedy the intolerable Night Elf and Forsaken situations

What does he mean by “Corebook”?

the pnp -books of warcraft & wow in the earlier days of wow. I mean, in the PNP book of Warcraft, Azshara has a higher powerlvl than Norgannon…that says enough.

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The old non cannon books

funny observation, btw, the Javelins of Suramar were from the old pnp books.

its part of her loottable there^^

“This person is not talking about my favorite race at this moment! Outrageous! Vomit!”

You’re acting ridiculous. I was talking about the Night Elves then you come in and try to fit your personal grievances. I never said anything about Worgen, I am aware they have been forgotten by the story, I was talking about the Night Elf story.

Get a grip.

The Warcraft RPG wasn’t canon for nine years. It wasn’t even canon for four.


And I merely pointed out that NE fans think they have it the worse, when there are races in far worse shape. shrug Be angry though. It’s cool.


oh? I had something in my head about 9 years, well, then I was wrong.

Come on. This reads as “Well I think my race’s story sucks more, so shut up”. I never said a single word about the Worgen’s story and you still came in with your little puke emoji talking crap about Night Elf posters for no reason.


Just pointing out they don’t have it the worse. At all. But you’ll get used to me pointing that out routinely

According to you because you don’t care about Night Elves. If you have nothing to contribute to something other than mockery and ridicule, I’d suggest to just abstain.

People are free to care about the things they care about.

again, this will not end well, it will end in an “Who have it worse #2058296739856” and beliefe me, the last thing the community need, is such a toxic discussion again…

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Yeah. Which is why I’m going to stop responding to it. This isn’t going to go anywhere, accept in circles.

Ne Fans have been dealing with the same 10 years of mistreatment which then got capped off with the War of Thorns. It’s really unfair to claim that Teldrassil is the only mistreatment Night Elf fans have been dealt.

Not saying that Worgen fans don’t deserve to be treated better as well. They most certainly do. But you don’t need to try and marginalize other groups of players to make yours seem more important.

This mythical group of the NE Fan base doesn’t exist.

You take away Thrall and Varauk from the Orcs you realize they aren’t as powerful as people think they are.

You take away Sylvanas and Nathanos and you realize the Forsaken aren’t as powerful as people think they are.

You take away Adnuin…

You take away Thalyssra…

It’s almost like the current set of writers can only handle writing characters and not nations and that’s why Night Elf fans cling to what world building they had around Kaldorei as a people from Warcraft 3.


A lot of people on this forum sure like to use them as a strawman though.

Legit don’t know how anyone could believe how Night Elf players think Night Elves should be “invincible” with how they’ve been portrayed since vanilla, lol.

They haven’t been portrayed as bad as you think they have. One scenario in MoP and BfA are the only things that put the NE in a bad light. But sure, keep thinking they’ve had it the absolute worse.

Thank you for telling me how to feel about my favorite race.

Yep, just that.

I do try not to compare my favourite race’s story woes in an Olympic competition with others, unlike what you seem to enjoy doing.

Edit : Notice the thread title? Screw me for talking about Night Elves in a thread about Night Elves, I guess.

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There’s this odd thing, where people seem to think they know how I feel…It’s odd. Should really find a new profession.

I take no joy out of it. Just pointing out they haven’t had that bad. People can disagree.

You come into a thread about Night Elves complaining about Night Elf posters not being happy with the current storyline and saying your favorite race has it worse.

Feel free to make your own thread about Worgen, nobody’s stopping you.


No one is happy with how BfA turned out. That’s not a Night elf specific thing. They weren’t the only ones who got shafted that expansion