Content to remedy the intolerable Night Elf and Forsaken situations

And the Forsaken are still squatting in Org, and the story now revolves around Sylvanas. Whats your point? Its also far more up in the air if they’re getting any of their territories back. Its all but confirmed the NEs get Darkshore and Ashenvale back. There is no real reason nor impetus for them not to.

And “genocide” is a bad thing, but that’s not what we’re talking about here. Population numbers have never mattered in Warcraft, and the NEs are hardly the only race to go through one of these near extinction level events in it. Not even just WoW, the Bilgewater went through that in Cata. Not even the most recent in WoW, the AU Mag’har hold that title (and they were also the victims of Genocide. A prolonged, systematic, very intentional, cultural genocide too boot).

And … no? But I don’t think Orc players are quite as adverse to the stories that would come from such a narrative. Because Orc players generally are pretty accepting of tragedy and resulting change for their PC race. Only the NEs Racial Fantasy really revolves a healthy dose of “Returning to and Maintaining the Status Quo”. That’s their thing. Most Horde PC races especially know there is no going back.


Go ahead and find me an Alliance player who cares about the story and enjoyed BfA’s narrative. Good luck.

Why? How? They never lost Silverpine or Hillsbrad in the first place, as far as I remember?

The Night Elves lost Teldrassil, and that is what you should compare Tirisfal to.

The population number is not the bad thing, it’s that the trauma of the event is going to dominate the Night Elf story for years to come.

We barely know anything about the AU and what happened… all we ever get are the Orcs’ side, the very same Orcs who tried to enslave and genocide the very same Draenei years prior. No angels here, even if we give the Orcs the benefit of the doubt.

Okay, I’m done. “Orc players are cool and good and Night Elf players are meanie stupidheads.” Lol.


I didn’t say capitol cities were meaningless.

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Go ahead and find a post of mine saying that Alliance enjoyed the story.

I’ll wait.


That’s not what you said, you said that we “got” something by being “right” (whatever that means) then you tried to call me out because I said that meant nothing to Alliance players.

You said nameless NPCs. Fine then, have Jaina fill the city with toxic gas and kill every nameless NPC in there. Meaningless, right? It would have no impact on the story, I’m sure.


The nameless npcs are, yeah. She’s still a genocidal maniac, though. I don’t feel bad for the npcs who do not exist and were not actual characters. I just acknowledge that jaina killed a whole lot of nothing to become a villain.


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Didn’t try at all. I did.

Didn’t realize you spoke for the entire Alliance playerbase.



Hey, you’re the one who said it not me. But more to the point, it has to deal with the Racial Narratives and Fantasies that are generally ascribed to each PC race. And generally speaking, I don’t think the Orcs being subjected to such an event would result in the same sort of reaction from Orc players as what came from the NE playerbase. Largely because, the MU Orcish Racial Fantasy is mired in genocide and near-extinction events (both when they were used as pawns against others, and the consequences for them as a result). The World has been a very harsh and cruel place for Orcs, and Orc players accept that.

The NEs though? So much of their racial fantasy seems to revolve “returning to and maintaining the status quo”. They hit their peak as a people 10k years ago, and its that peak they must return to and remain. Change is not really ever recieved as a positive within the NE playerbase (beyond flattering things like “humbling” the Shen’drelar till they were broken enough to let rejoin) … and them changing that took 10k years. Major events that would require major change in response? Even less positively received.

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Knock yourself out. I’ve noticed that all you try to do in threads is mostly try to catch people in “gotcha” situations instead of trying to have a conversation anyway, so I’ll just stop replying to you now. Have fun.

You’re really saying that Orc players wouldn’t have minded if they got genocided and that Night Elf players are at fault for disliking their capital and half their population being wiped off the map? … I don’t know what to say.

The Night Elves have not received a single positive change in years aside from the Shen’dralar re-joining them and that’s extremely minor. I’ve never seen a single Night Elf fan who wanted to somehow go back to the days of Zin-Azshari, that’s insane.

This caricatural portrayal of both Orc players (in a positive light) and Night Elf players (in a negative light) is quite funny if I’m to be honest.


Again, population numbers never really matter … case in point the constantly fluidic amount of people who actually died at Teld; and what percentage of the NE population it actually comprised.

And no, I’m not saying Orc players wouldn’t have minded, I’m saying they wouldn’t have been as opposed to the consequences of such a tragedy. Because Orc Racial fantasies aren’t nearly as hinged on “returning to a status quo” that such an event would infringe upon. Like the status quo Teldrassil clearly infringes upon the NEs returning to. Also, Orgrimmar has already been burned to the ground before Cata. The Orcs just rebuilt it, so you’re point is kind of moot on that point. They lost their capital already. The Orcs have also lost their entire Home World being made pawns of Velen’s jilted lover KJ, and still continue on.

And no, no NE fan wants to go back to the days of the Highborne empire. They want to go back to just after the destruction of the Highborne empire. The Long Vigil. The 10k years of largely flawless eternal paradise, of flawless eternal people, with a flawless eternal culture … that could only really be any of those things while isolated in a 10k year old bubble away from the rest of the world.

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You have 0 way of knowing this because it hasn’t happened during WoW’s lifespan. The Nelves are the only player race to have suffered a genocide at the hands of the other faction.

There’s something about victim blaming genocide survivors that ticks me a little. Poor orcs, they only massacred the Draenei just a little bit!

Mostly I think we’d just take not being made fodder and plot devices for the Horde story, I think. But thanks for the psychoanalysis as to why I play a Night Elf. Apparently all Night Elf players have a superiority complex or something.

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Enjoy your victim card.



Then adapt, like life is apt to do. Instead of expecting the NE’s stagnant as hell military to just get to invalidate the Horde constantly changing one for eternity. The idea that the Horde continues to do better and better against the NEs who do not change a damned thing about their 10k year old tech and tactics they developed to fight Highborne and Legion … is not surprising.

And yeah, the NE Racial Fantasy is such that it does seem to attract fans who like the idea of being “superior people by birth and blessing”. Stronger, Smarter, Wiser, More Agile, and more magically gifted than nearly any other race. Thrice blessed by Demigods, and the chosen children of the only real god in the entire Warcraft cosmos. Superior to even the Draenei, with their worshipping of those inferior chandeliers anyone could worship, and reliant as they are on Arcane tech the NEs evolved beyond thousands of years ago.

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Adapt to the fact that the Horde is more prone to being evil villains and their characters are more likely to die then. See how frustrating that sounds?

That’s… a lot of headcanon. Wow.

JHC, you don’t really believe this do you? I really didn’t think you would stoop down to the level of feeling morally superior to others because of the race you play, lol. I play Night Elves because they were my favorite race back in the WC3 days and I like their nature, savage elf theme - and also the Wardens because I loved Maiev (Still my favorite character) in TFT. But no, I guess it’s because I want to feel superior to everyone else. Sure.

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I theme that was almost immediately diluted to “savage, by Highborne standards” once we learned more about their racial history. There was no real environmental, cultural, or historical pressures to make the NEs “savage”. Their guerilla warfare tactics were largely just developed in response to the WotA, and thus were a response to fighting the Highborne and Legion. But they lived for nearly 10k years in relative peace, within a very curtailed isolated tranquil natural environment. Savage NEs honestly never made that much sense. They can be nature attuned and formidable, but savage?


If you want savage, the Horde is waiting for you.

Not sure what’s your point. I said back in Warcraft 3 - they very much were in that game. Obviously that changed in WoW and plenty of us have lamented this fact.

No matter, this is a small nitpick of my overall point that you shouldn’t try to make (very negative) assumptions about why people play certain races while making (very positive) assumptions about those on your team. Or just, don’t make assumptions about why people play their favourite race in a video game at all.

That said, Forsaken players all have anti-social tendencies and listen to the Linkin Park disography on repeat.

Apparently waiting for you too since your main seems to be an Alliance toon.

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Savage is unfortunately not the main draw of the Horde for me.

Repeated genocides isn’t a draw for me, so I’ll take the Night Elves not being that savage. Seems like a good trade.

Then why are you a night elf??