Content to remedy the intolerable Night Elf and Forsaken situations

Man … in retrospect Cata was a weird beast. Ambitious, but weird. That being said, I still would love a chance at an Anti-Cata expansion. Just take the whole run of it rebuilding the world. Focusing on like, I dunno, individual racial rebuilding stories for each installment patch. Slowly do a few zones at a time as you do, over the course of the entire expansion. We really don’t need big bads to do fun dungeon and raid concepts afterall. Just a goofy premise and some creativity.


Yes to all of this! We desperately need a new expansion of rebuilding and something that develops the stories of each of the races separately. Expand the lore and develop characters who desperately need it, or in the Horde’s case build up character’s to add to the roster.


Have I ever said you’re story is great? I’ve outright said you have serious problems, mostly stemming from the over-homogenization of your faction (suppressing individual racial narratives), and Blizz’s constant maintenance of an artificial purity test (suppressing nuanced stories and internal conflict). What you don’t lack in is strong representation, and thus do find relevance in Blizz’s stories much easier. Its just not necessarily the relevance you want, but it does often result in further development for those characters.

Literally no one is saying you should love your story. In fact, several Horde players have even said how they’d rather be in the Aliiance’s position because we would be the heroes were told we were. And our characters would be alive and not villain batted.

I have seen exactly zero Alliance posters say “I’d rather be Horde because they are in a better position right now.”

Besides winning every battle after the WoT?

Besides keeping all their important characters alive and not villain batted?

Besides seiging the Horde capital again?

Besides addressing a loose story thread with Azshara?

Besides all that?

The most important thing in the story.

The Alliance got to be ‘right’. Again, as usual.

But we all know you’ll just dismiss that as not mattering because you Tyrande didn’t get high quality CGI video of Alliance important heroes going through some serious character assassination.

Or because you didn’t get the instant gratification you may have wanted regarding Teldrassil despite UC being destroyed (because, apparently, 1 is less important than the other).



I feel like I’m reading mixed messages when going between Droite’s and Gantrithor’s posts, lol


Wow, the Alliance won Warfronts were they were defending their own lands in both cases! Great victory!

“Characters not dying” is getting something to you?

To help the Horde get rid of it’s second despotic leader and that’s it. The Alliance was there as supporting cast.

…how is Azshara Alliance content? What?

Literally no one cares about being “right” if the story portrays us as victims and incompetent fools all the time.

One was destroyed alongside thousands of innocent civilians killed. The tree (an entire zone) is gone.

One was destroyed with little to no civilian losses and was destroyed by Sylvanas herself while making the Alliance look like complete fools. Tirisfal is still there and green goo can be cleansed.


You which have a history talking how BFA was a horde story and Legion doesn’t count as an alliance focused story because they were giving quests to Horde players, is it really hard the story and narrative the Horde pmayers wants is being the Heroes again or at least not involve the Alliance dirty humans?

Owww but if Nelves says it loudly makes it more righteouss and more dire to resolve?

Just reading your comments here has left me a not very kind image of you. Besides you’re defending a known nelf supremacist that has justified genocide done against Trolls, defended Azshara and claim the nelves are equal to Titans.

Easy, your first quote “everyone that is against red narrative is called a troll” was a giveaway.

But seriously everyone knows you got a short stick and is capable pf understand the horrible feeling but can you stop attacking Horde players? Drahalia, Anya and Dardillien are examples of players that knows where the real problem lays and get the people behind them in support rather than alienating them.

At least you’re predictable.


Nameless npcs are utterly inconsequential and meaningless.
Call me when you lose your hero characters, who are your actual stand-ins in the story.

I won’t wait up.

(and for those of you in the back, the forsaken lost Sylvanas, Nathanos, AND Tirisfal.)
Also, the orcs lost Saurfang.

I mean, we do have varying opinions. But, I do agree that on a surface level the Alliance did win every battle in BfA beyond the single one the Horde had to win to be the villains. And on a Meta-Level the Horde lost … a lot … and the Alliance didn’t lose too much more than getting a black eye.

That being said, I do tend to hyper-fixate on underlying story structure. The core issues with the Alliance generally does come from two factors. The first is the homogenization of the Faction, where “Unity” is too pervasive and it represses variety and individual Racial narratives. The second, actually does stem from Blizz’s constant insulation of the Alliance from their own shades of grey; to seemingly maintain this weird purity test. Which has only gotten worse since Cata. Moral Absolutism only allows for a very limited range of stories, and are almost always against external, less moral threats. You wanna have variety and nuance in your Alliance internal stories? You gotta shed the Absolutism. The Alliance needs to be able to be grey, and make mistakes, and react to those mistakes. Even in not so great ways.


To be honest you really could argue that up to 8.2.5 BfA was a Horde story. It wasn’t a good one, but it was a Horde story.

The entirety of the overarching story across the patches is about Saurfang’s journey and rebellion, while building up Sylvanas to be the next big bad (which you could argue isn’t a Horde story). The Alliance story is literally just reacting to Horde stuff, we are just a set piece in that Saurfang story, really seen in the fact that Anduin tells us that the Alliance can’t win without Saurfang so he releases him to start his rebellion.

N’Zoth just felt tacked on at the end because BfA storywise was just trash.

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I’m personally leery of trying to tell the other faction how much or little they lost, because I don’t know what was important to the players that read it. Even if it’s something where I might think it’s not a big deal, it could be the lynchpin of what they enjoy about a story.


Sigh … well at least on a surface level. Sadly, the cinematics weren’t really allowed to count for much beyond loose lip-service of what Blizz clearly knew the Horde Faction Identity was supposed to represent. Shame all that money they threw at those amazing cinematic experiences didn’t stop them from stomping into the ground every ideal espoused within them solely to help Sylvie settup SLs. She was the real actor, we were very much also along for the ride. We “Honor Horde” had to wait to be convenient to act just as much as the Alliance did I’m afraid.

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I said Legion doesn’t count as an Alliance story because it literally is not. The “Alliance” as a political entity is completely irrelevant to Legion’s story.

Did I say that anywhere?

I do not have a single clue what you’re talking about.

Anyone with a bit of an edge, yes.

Literally all I’m saying in this thread is to stop saying that the Horde has it much worse and we should somehow be content with what we have.

Wow, congrats, you correctly guessed that I would say that being “right” (whatever that means) literally means nothing because… it’s true. It’s certainly not “something”.

Oh, okay. I guess Jaina could flood Orgrimmar and kill everyone save the named NPCs then, it’s fine. Inconsequential and meaningless, in your words.


I mean, yeah? Like you’re not going to find a lot of Horde players who really fall back on population numbers I’m afraid. They’ve never really mattered in Blizz’ writing unless Blizz specifically says they matter. Like they did with the HElf culture and the Drakkari. If you don’t get the “effectively extinct” tag like those two, you’re in pretty good shape. And losing Reps does take a whole lot more time to replace than Blizz magicking up another X-Thousand of faceless X-Race. Which they do constantly.


This is silly. Really, the genocide of a race is inconsequential and meaningless? True, no “major” character died but the entire narrative arc of the race changed for the worse likely for the rest of this game’s lifespan. Night Elves are still squatting a farm in Stormwind and the entire Night Elf story now revolves around Sylvanas. Nobody wanted this.

Do you think a human genociding the Orcs would have 0 impact on the story or…?


Correctly guessed that while you call others out for minimizing things that are important to you, you freely minimize things that aren’t.

Yeah, called it.



You told me what the Alliance got which I countered by telling you how Alliance players feel about it.

Try again.

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You could use that to argue Wotlk is an Alliance expansion because we whack a mole with ex alliance members and some traitors or 4.2 because we kill Fandral and many other Nelves druid.

Going to be frank buddy, whacking a “insert playable race” shouldn’t be our standar to mesure storyline or else WoT is a nelf one as well because we genocide them

I mean the story is about a human kid teaching an grizzly veteran orc about honor and then you have same prince in 2/3 cinematics of the orc playing a role…saying that story is 100% Horde will be untrue.

Horde story is being lecture we are mean, bad and we should be more like the alliance, basically we are both forced to look like fools while Danuser and Golden laugh at us

You mean yourself?


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