Content to remedy the intolerable Night Elf and Forsaken situations

But is that much better when it means you are an Anduin bootlicker? Is it worth being alive if your butchered to be a lackey to the Wrynn family?

Everyone is an Anduin bootlicker.
Sylvanas is an Anduin bootlicker.


Looks at Ivar Bloodfang and Darius Crowley and sighs knowing the last time we seen them IN GAME…was 10+ yrs ago Like…not all us are in love with Anduin and friends you know?

I just hate how some horde players think we’re this giant hive mind alliance side who all like the same thing

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They really aren’t. Individual racial narratives on the Alliance have issues and see deep neglect, but their character roster is fine. Gnomes never get any stories for them, and the Alliance playerbase seems to rage the moment they get half a patch after 16 years. But Gelbin is fine. The Dwarves are great, and have great characters comprising their council … they just never get stories. Genn is a solid character, and Tess/Lorna are decent enough B-Rankers. The Worgen again, just don’t get stories. The Draenei are struggling outside Velen, that’s true, but at least he’s super developed.

Generally speaking the Alliance character roster is pretty good shape. Its just the faction as a whole has been so “Unified” that the individual races they represent get nothing of their own. That’s hardly the same thing as say … Voss or Calia being shoehorned into the Forsaken leadership position because there is literally no-one else left. Or Gazlowe and Rokhan being asked in 2 seconds of dialogue with Thrall to lead their respective races; because they’re the only ones left. Or the MU Orcs most developed reps literally being Eitrigg and Cromush had Thrall and Rexxar (I think) not come back. Its really bad.


I give you 10 pupper points for snarkness and big truths :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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To be fair, of the three characters you listed in this example, two of them aren’t even worgen. They’re these weird limbo characters where they represent an aspect of the race that their associated player characters aren’t anymore. :stuck_out_tongue:


Ivar and Darius really do need to play a more active roll in the worgen story. Or Lorna becomes a worgen, like her daddy, because I can see her actually going through with it. Unlike Tess, who chickened out last minute and opted for her Human Pontential instead


And THIS is more an issue of how Blizz settup the Worgen.

The curse cannot be passed down to children, so obtaining it either means that it needs to be forced upon them … or they accept it. However, despite there being no real drawbacks mechanically in game, the drawbacks in world aren’t something to make light of. Especially since you are a Worgen down to your very soul, which means its an eternal thing. No backing out. Not a lot of people are going to willingly want to become a Worgen with how Blizz set things up. And until you give them that motive now that “being rezzed into undeath otherwise” is off the table, that’s not going to change.

Tess and Lorna are Gilnean characters, if not Worgen ones. And like it or not Genn is the King of Gilneas, not just the Alliance Worgen. Until something changes, Worgen players may very well need to get used to being Gilnean players who happen to be Worgen.

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You can’t just say "We don’t have characters !!! " then turn around and say “Well the Draenei literally don’t have anyone of note other than Velen, but that’s fine. He’s developed!”

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And that’s another problem amongst people I know. There’s no contention between the Human and Worgen Gilneans. Like, now half of your people are these wolf men who are barely in control of themselves at the best of times and no one bats a damn eye at it or worry the worgen might decide to convert the rest one day.


The Draenei not having a proper supporting cast being built up is problematic, especially after Maraad’s death. However, that does not invalidate my point. Look at the god damned Horde roster. Voss and Calia being forced into the Forsaken leadership position, because there is no one else left. Rokhan finally getting two lines of dialogue to make him Darkspear leader after two years of no-one, and he’s still a B-Ranker. Gazlowe replacing a villain who should have been gone a decade ago, but still a B-Ranker. The MU Orc roster being so delapitated that had Thrall and Rexxar (I think) not come back, their most developed reps left would be Eitrigg and Cromush. That reality could not be more humbling. And that doesn’t even get into the barebones effort most of the ARs leads have right now.

The Alliance is generally better off with characters right now. Which is part of why Blizz defaults to using them over Hordes so often; outside of their clear comfort zone. But, truly Velen is an highly developed character within this setting, I think only Thrall can really compare to even him on the Horde.


All I’ve got out of this is once again

“Okay you have problems but my problems are bigger and matter more so stop complaining”

Also if we keep using the Draenei as an example - Velen’s arc is mostly done. I feel that if he’s going to be brought back he’s going to get offed fairly quickly - and if that happens the Draenei are left with literally no one aside from an Allied Race who literally just took their themes and emphasized them * 10.


Woah, Droité, you have so many things out of order with these statements, which is unusual for you, on top of what you stated wrong.

The Night Elves’ Azshara deal with the Horde came after the Siege of Orgrimmar, two expansions after the Wrath of the Lich King. In fact, the Bilgewater Goblins had not joined the Horde yet before the Cataclysm when the Night Elves had stopped trade with the Horde because of the Wrathgate and that leading to Garrosh’s war.

So, no, the Night Elves did not time travel to break a deal. The only ones that broke the deal with the Horde when they invaded Ashenvale again for the War of the Thorns.

And to very clearly specify, Azshara was never a gift. The Night Elves never gave up claims on Azshara. The only thing in Tyrande’s deal was that the Horde could use Azshara’s lumber in return for staying out of Ashenvale.

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Well, then they’re in the same position as the Forsaken are right now, or the Darkspear have been 4 two years before Rokhan I suppose. That being said, I’m not convinced that Blizz wont have Yrel pop up and get “saved” or “redeemed” just in time for Velen’s death. So there is that. AU Grom will likely do the same to pad out the Mag’har after he’s had some serious torture time by his victims.

And yes, the Horde character roster is THE big issue with Horde in this game. Faction Identity is too, but in such a Hero Driven game if you don’t have strong representation … you’re race might as well not even exist in the story. And even having strong reps might not cut it, but its still a better chance. Most of the Horde reps, save the Elves, are in miserable states. Underused, Underpowered, and very Underdeveloped.

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So, question then. Did the Bilgewater settup shop in Azshara before they joined the Horde, or after? Because even as a Bilgewater fan, our new capital was essentially built before I even got to talk to Garrosh. There was a lot of weirdness with the timing of that chain of events. Also, Wix still was the only racial leader up until the Warchief position fell who never canonically swore a blood oath. Which was also weird.

Wasn’t it made using a Town In A Box so it basically sprang up the moment the goblins arrived? I think the timing of it would have been an off-camera moment during the time you’d be acquainting yourself with Orgrimmar.


I suppose? Who the hell knows. The Bilgewater storyline after the intro questline was first disjointed as hell in Cata, then almost non existent after. I don’t even think Wix existed anywhere in game until MoP, and the majority of Gob stories we got to play around with were Steamwheedle outside of Azshara.

Patently False.



To be honest I think this is one of those in-game can’t show time instances. For example, the Gilneans flee the starting zone and then immediately after that we see Worgen in several zones, the Howling Oak was already grown, etc.

I just think they can’t show some stuff and leave it to you to infer. Another example is Surwich, it is settled and there is a whole story that happens there where they followed a Worgen druid there and he went nuts… well how did that happen immediately after the Gilneans just escaped?


The Draenei have had this problem since they were put in the game in BC. Maraad and Yrel were the only glimpses of more but they offed one and decided not to bring the other in order to turn her into a Light fanatic to give a reason for the Horde to get AU Mag’har.

Okay, the Horde has problems. So does the Alliance, stop trying to convince us that our story is great and that we love it. It’s crap in it’s current state.

Please, do tell what the Alliance got in BfA aside being made a prop for yet another teenage temper tantrum from the Horde. Got genocided? Killed one whole Val’kyr? Got a nonsensical “victory” at Dazar’alor that didn’t matter at all and only solidified the bond between Zandalari and the Horde in the end?

Oh I know, we got a sense of pride when Anduin sent all his troops to siege Undercity without any masks. That must be it.