Content to remedy the intolerable Night Elf and Forsaken situations

That’s because since Cata Blizzard has written the Alliance as Wrynn and Friends. It is basically an empire with a Wrynn leading the Alliance, everyone just falls in line with whatever they say so it’s hard to have internal issues.

I would love if Genn, rather than being a Wrynn bootlicker, actually had some conflict with the Alliance because he wants to reclaim Gilneas and resettle, meanwhile he has the backing of the Night Elves while some of the others are neutral or against the idea.

As for Legion, again like I said it has a bunch of Alliance characters leading the charge (which I thought was dumb there were Horde characters who definitely should have been involved) but none of it is really for the Alliance story, it doesn’t further the Alliance story in any way. The most we get of that is the Draenei stuff on Argus, but to me that is more their specific racial story than Alliance story as a whole.

Oh! To add to that, I would like a story like what Draenei got on Argus, for ALL races. I really hope the next expansion goes into racial stories and development for each race the way Legion had Class Halls and the Argus campaign.


That’s why I kind of hope he doesn’t survive Torghast. Not because I despise him particularly but because a power vaccuum in the Alliance would be interesting. There’s really no Stormwind human to replace him as Stormwind ruler.


Sigh … here we go again. Lets take a look at the Legion Roster:

  • Kadghar: Admittedly the most neutral of the bunch. However, still an Alliance legend of the second war. Still was the leader of the Alliance Kirin Tor for a time.
  • Magni: Magni Bronzebeard. Speaker of Azeroth, sure. Also Prior King to IF. Father and Brother to two of the Council of Three Hammers Members. Brother to the leader of the Alliance Explorer’s League.
  • Velen: Leader of the Alliance Draenei.
  • Tyrande & Malfurion: Leaders of the Alliance Kaldorei.
  • Alleria & Turalyon: Alliance Legends of the Second War.
  • Maiev: Leader of the Kaldorei Wardens.
  • Illidan: May not be an Alliance character, is absolutely a heavy Kaldorei Lore character. His neutrality also did not stop him from having my Horde here send sweet nothings to his brother and waifu.

Yup … Legion was NOT an Alliance expansion. Hell, the ONLY Horde rep outside of the Class Halls that was actually shown doing something to fight the Legion … was Liadrin in Surumar. Nowhere else though. :smiley:


Is literally Neutral McNeutralson. He even overruled Jaina about letting the Horde back in Dalaran. Dude is about as loyal to the Alliance as a Basic Campfire.

Neutral McNeutralson junior. Getting your faction characters turned neutral then used in arguments against you is tiring.

He HAD to be part of any journey to Argus, Alliance or not.

Same thing as with Velen about the Xaivus arc.

Were not Alliance at that point unless you consider all Legion Nightborne content to be Horde content.

Didn’t do a whole lot aside lead a neutral world quest faction that had it’s only other notable character turned into a Sylvanas sycophant off-screen in BfA. (Which immensely disappointed me because Maiev is my favorite character)

No matter how many times you people list him, he’s not Alliance and has never been.

Correct, it wasn’t. While yes, it had more Alliance character representation, it was an Azeroth vs Legion expansion, unless you look at everything under a red vs blue scope even if it has literally no bearing on the current story.


It had ONLY Alliance representation. The friggen MU Orcs didn’t even get to play second fiddle to down KJ, the one who turned them into monsters for his grudgematch with Velen and destroyed their world? The very fact that Alliance players can look at Legion and think “this is not an Alliance expansion, it only counts if it focuses on our non-existent Alliance issues” is absurd. The Horde Faction was entirely irrelevant for two years during that story for goodness sake. You Blues were the Heroes that beat the Legion.


I don’t see why something has to be anti-faction in order to count as racial representation. A character being “lost to neutrality” has always seemed bizarre to me, because it’s still giving that character and their race a bit of screentime.

Which is what made the nightborne joining the horde so thematically odd to me. The whole time in Legion, they were nothing more than the third helping of night elf-adjacent content, then all of a sudden POOF Blizzard does an Elf Swap and I’m left thinking “Wait, so all of that Suramar stuff is suddenly supposed to be content I feel a connection to now?” It really made me resent seeing Nightborne show up at all in BFA.


I admit this sort of makes sense. I would love to get more screentime for worgen other than Genn even if it means they are neutral.


So Aethas was the Muffin Man?


LOL! YUP!! :smiley:

Not really. It wasn’t an Alliance expansion because factions were almost entirely irrelevant for the entire expansion (Stormheim aside)

So was the Alliance. Characters weren’t acting on behalf of the Alliance or the Horde, but on behalf of Azeroth and the class halls. Blizzard chose who they thought were the most relevant, for better or worse.

If it starts to get personal like this you might want to take a step back.

That’s only the case if you also consider the Blood Elves as “Night elf-adjacent content”. They had more in common thematically with them than Night Elves.

Admittedly I can’t really reconcile that with my distaste for nightborne going horde. I’d be blatantly lying if I said they didn’t have a cultural similarity to the blood elves, or that it doesn’t make in-universe sense that they’d click faster than they would nightborne - night elf.

Honestly I’m just one of “those” horde players that didn’t like the concept of the faction getting pretty elves to begin with. Like, I GET why Blizzard threw them in, and I can kinda see the kind of ironic appeal in what they were going for, but I want more actual playable monsters, damn it. :angry:

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Forsaken really need some love overall in terms of lore, all they have had since 2004 was Sylvanas lore. I really hope they get more, as for the NE, they need to actually be able to rebuild and reclaim or build something new.


Probably best they didn’t. They can’t even write the ones in game right. We don’t need more beast races for blizz to ignore or mistreat

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But at least you had representation. You got to follow your heroes around on their grand adventure. The Horde didn’t even get that. We got one burst of “we got our backs broke on the easier front to hold” during the Broken Shore intro, and that was it. With one of the most insulting deaths I can imagine for our last WC3 Leader on staff; and a Warchief who wasn’t allowed to do a thing during his tenure. Then its Sylvanas doing shady crap in Stormheim, and Liadrin. No one else. The Horde was simply non-existant.

And beyond that, do the Alliance players really want what the Horde just got in BfA? The supposed Horde Expansion, that took us for a joyride and made all those ideals of what was supposed to represent our Faction identity in those amazing cinematics little more than cheap lip-service. Because they couldn’t be allowed to count until it was convenient for Sylvanas’ setting up SLs. And Horde player who joined the faction due to the WC3 Horde, and not to be a tool for a woman who never in her life even represented her own people very well … were just as much along for the ride as the Alliance players were. But yet, its considered a Horde expansion … because Blizz manufactured Horde issues solely to settup a future expac. With zero consideration for the Faction beyond it being a vehicle to do so. A plot-device.

So, truly, is that the sort of Alliance Expansion the Alliance players want? An Alliance expansion that leaves your Faction Identity damaged likely beyond repair? That leave several of your core Racial Fantasies deader than the Forsaken? And your character roster in a very hero centered game broken to pieces? With little chance of any of that ever getting meaningfully (or even half-heartedly) rebuilt with Blizz’s miserable neglect they’ve shown you for over a decade? Is that truly what you want?


Maybe, but at least I’d have a character model I could enjoy for my main. Come on tauren mage. Or playable naga / drakonid would be preferable. :dragon_face:

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Droite, you know I have a ton of respect for you, but let’s not kid ourselves here. Alliance heroes are in just bad of a shape, if they aren’t a Wrynn, Proudmoore or Windrunner (two of the sisters are alliance).

It’s not like the alliance has this massive list of god tier characters. All the power is centered around Anduin, Jaina, Tyrande and Alleria.


People mistakenly believe that retroactivity counts as Horde content.

I mean, Alliance heroes are alive and not villain batted so…

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Speaking as a Night Elf fan, I got to see Malfurion and Tyrande make fools of themselves in Val’sharah, Illidan vindicated(ew) and Maiev turned into a fool for ever wanting to imprison him and the other Demon Hunters. Wasn’t that great let me tell you.

Literally no one said so. Everyone hated BfA, Horde and Alliance alike.

The Horde didn’t have it easy in BfA, but the Alliance didn’t have… anything. Different problems but you have to stop discrediting Alliance players and their gripes with the story by saying you have it worse.

At least I’ll give you full marks for the dramatic flair.


The ones most of us like might as well not exist in game. shrug It’s not as good for us as you think it is