Content to remedy the intolerable Night Elf and Forsaken situations

He’ll twist any lore to fit nelf narrative or “only matters when we do or get the short stick” which makes her just a female zerde


You don’t seem to realize that to be made perpetual stupid victims that never get any retribution on the same scale is not any better than the Horde’s lot.

I think your “pro-Alliance” definition is literally just “Does not want to kill every single blue there is.” because aside from Baine and Thrall to a much lesser extent I don’t know of any other “friendly to the Alliance” Horde character.

You have an extremely bleak view of humanity, though I can’t exactly blame you with what’s been happening.

Ah yes, every single person who does not agree with the red posters’ narrative are all speaking in bad faith and trolls, we know.


These are the only characters who are allowed to be portrayed as virtuous in the current narrative, and its always in relation to their relationship with the Alliance.

Frankly speaking, you cannot hope for any moral nuance in both factions so long as one faction enjoys Total Moral Absolutism. Which the Alliance does. And its playerbase does truly revel in that reality, outside of instances in which that absolute morality infringes on their also demanded absolute power fantasy. Which thankfully for them, only happens when a Faction Conflict arises.


Are we going to forget that Thrall had an entire expansion where he was treated as green Jesus or…

Also Lor’themar has always been portrayed as a fair and good leader, I’d also say Mayla is as virtuous as you can get and has little to no interaction with the Alliance.

Oh yeah, so many Alliance players LOVED BfA’s story, really, it was a hit! Getting one race genocided then “winning” the battle of Dazar’alor only to go super soft and let them “mourn their king” instead of pressing the advantage was so rad, dude! More of that please! You’re delusional if you think a majority of Alliance players enjoy the current story. (or the story dating back a couple expansions)


You mean the expansion where he left the Horde and refused to come back to it, until he was finally guilted into doing so in BfA? Which his wife Aggra constantly reminds us of? As for Lor’themar … he sat on his hands after Teldrassil just like every other leader. He didn’t officially turn against Sylvanas until he was dunked into Naz’jatar. In fact, he’s always late to turn on a despot. As for Mayla, she’s essentially just an accessory for Baine now … who himself has been turned into an accessory for Anduin. Of course they’re virtuous, they’ve lost all independence as characters and been made super convenient for the Blue’s story.

And no, I don’t think the Alliance playerbase enjoyed BfA’s story. Just like most Horde players took no enjoyment out of it. The difference is what the Alliance seems to hate is that their Moral Absolutism was used as a tool against them to nerf them to allow that mess of story to work. Because truly, the Horde is the weaker of the two factions, once again forced to play the antagonist solely for the benefit of setting up a future expansion and villain. With little regards to Faction Identity, Racial Fantasies, or our Character Roster. Alliance players didn’t get narrative satisfaction true, but it was never even an option for the Horde players.

EDIT: And of the two Factions, I’d wager Blizz far more work trying to “fix” what the broke with the Alliance, than they do the Horde. Hell, I’d wager they put more effort into trying to “fix” Sylvanas than they do the Horde. The Horde is fun to use as a plot device, but appears a burden beyond that to the devs.


Alliance players didn’t get narrative -anything-. The Alliance -especially the Night Elves- were used as props, tools to show a mostly Horde story about their internal struggle, however bad the story was. (And we have 4 Sadfang high quality CG cinematics to show for it! Where’s the Tyrande one?)

What did the Alliance get? All expansion long they were either shown as prop victims or completely brainless. The legit only cool moment of BfA, Jaina’s warbringer song and clip and her story in Kul Tiras, was completely ruined by her being completely defanged and made back into a Horde-lover early into the expansion.

You people laugh at Night Elf posters complaining but do the exact same thing, lmao.


This this this. Alliance felt like nothing more than a tool for Blizzard to use to prop of the Horde story of Saurfang, and as well as Sylvanas. Now, I get that the Horde players hated the story too, rightfully so because it was a worse retread of MoP, but man it would be nice to see the Alliance get a cool story instead of being just a set piece.

The only time Alliance gets story that isn’t as a Horde set piece is if it’s solely focused on Anduin, which is crap.


World of Warcraft: Legion would like to have a word with you.



That’s because the settlement was going to be contested by the start of the Gilneas City Battleground… which was never executed so the area has been left in limbo.

Oh I meant in BfA, sorry I should have specified that.

Legion was weird because it’s like Alliance characters, but they weren’t doing stuff for Alliance story, they were all made neutral. Which don’t get me wrong sucks for the Horde because why would they want to quest with Alliance characters? I think that’s dumb.

Legion to me was like: Alliance characters leading the story, but not Alliance story. If that makes sense.



It was all about Illidan (Night Elf) being vindicated and Velen (Draenai) getting catharsis. We even found some long lost Alliance heroes.

The Orcs had a bone to pick with the Legion because of what was done to them in the MU but that wasn’t addressed in the slightest.



Azuremoon being frank, nobody cares and got tired of the self pity narrative nelves has put themselves into. Besides other races lost far more and are waiting for a bone from years, tell what gives you the right to be put over others? I want to hear your version

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I mean Illidan was never Alliance… he is a Night Elf yes, but not Alliance. I will give you Velen and the Draenei, they got their story wrapped up with the Legion which was kind of a huge deal with them. So that was Alliance story.

And I think it is kind of hard to call Alleria and Turalyon Alliance in Legion, they were part of the old Alliance of Lordaeron… which so was the Forsaken so that is a moot point.

And I agree it is very weird that Orcs didn’t get any story regarding the Legion considering you know it was the Legion and their blood that made them green and come to Azeroth. That was dumb and a huge oversight by Blizzard, although I suspect it was because everyone had Orc fatigue after WoD.


Who talked about night elf posters only? And it doesn’t matter either. Any person going against the red narrative gets called a troll.

Totally not biased by the way. “My race lost more because I said so!”

How in the holy hells did you come up with that, I’d love to hear your thought process.

Illidan was never Alliance in any way shape or form unless you consider every single Orc and Troll bad guy to be Horde as well.


That’s the other thing. WoD is touted as a Horde story but all it does is validate the Alliance in claiming that Orcs always were and will be genocidal maniacs. Pitlord blood or otherwise.



6 likes. I’m not sure whether that’s a sign of support, or a request for me to post less. :slight_smile:

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You would need internal issues to have internal issues dealt with; which for the most part the Alliance is not really allowed. They’re all kept far too clean and picturesque by Blizz for that.

As for Legion, c’mon man. It may not be dealing with internal Alliance issues, but it was overwhelmingly championed by Alliance-Alliance/Neutral heroes, Alliance themes, and Alliance moments. So much so that the entire Horde could have been written out of that story without having to change a single thing. It truly was the Alliance that beat the Legion. The only two Horde characters that even made it to Argus were Liadrin and Aethas, and I think they got a grand total of 3 World Quests put-together to their names.


And 1 of those was about a muffin.



That would be the one Aethas got … ayup. Liadrin got two killing some random goons.

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It was Illidan, Velen and the Army of the Light.

To which you will answer - “Army of the Light is Alliance!”

To which I say fair, that makes the entire Nightborne and Highmountain content Horde content and that was a sizeable part of Legion.