Content to remedy the intolerable Night Elf and Forsaken situations

and? the night elves lift there since their times as dark trolls, its their home for over 17000 years. why should hyjal no longer belonging to them?

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But I quested there one time, 10 yrs ago is probably the dumbest excuse to use. Hyjal has nothing to do with the horde.

And given the recent actions of the horde, I wouldn’t be shocked to find that the Cenarion Circle is strictly a kaldorei organization now.

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We know that isn’t true because Blizzard will never make the Horde as a faction (not the players) be punished for their actions. Granted those in the Cenarion Circle realistically would be pretty neutral and likely wouldn’t have agreed with the Horde’s actions.

Again this is one of those examples of lazy Blizzard writing. Once the Horde started destroying Darkshore with Plague the Cenarion Circle should have been like, “Hell nah that’s it!” and stepped in to stop them, but they didn’t because reasons.


Hyjal, Darkshore, Ashenvale, Felwood, Moonglade, Winterspring should be the “Core-Territory/Sphere of Influence” of the night elf in the nothern kalimdor area.

With a small area on the western shore down to feralas as a “safe way” to the south. Rest of kalimdor could be horde, or neutral. without a problem or another war.


Yeah. That’s completely fair.

I know, it’s why besides the story beats I do like, they make these utterly lazy story decisions that just aggravate the hell out of you, you know?

I wish I could have made my character jump ship to a third faction or something. But I feel like even that’s too late, since this hypothetical option would chronologically come after BFA so you end up carrying your sins with you.

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If I remember correctly, it was because they were helping to treat the wound in silthus. they were not there in darkshore.


The genocide against a playable race, never should’ve happened. I honestly don’t who the hell even okayed that and thought it was going to go over well.


the gameplayteam did this, lead by ion himself.

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That explains so much.

Interesting but how would they enforce it ? Night Elves have recently suffered a sizable dip in their numbers after all. That’s a lot of territory to cover…

The night elves are not alone. Felwood could easily become the new Worgen territory, hyjal they take themselves, Darkshore could be co-populated by lightforged/normal Draenei, and Ashenvale defended all together.

And everyone forgets that the Night Elves have just an cosmos of natural allies like Dryads, Ancients and Treants, furbolgs and and and.


They had those natural allies in the WoT… they have less now. (I was Telaïn poster above btw ) I do like the thought of Worgen in Felwood though. It seems natural and Worgen at this point pretty much have a blood oath with the Kaldorei in all but name. Draenei however and especially Lightforged I see more leaning towards Stormwind. Pay this no mind though, it’s just a gut feeling I have and no material or lore source to back it with,

the roots will heal in time, you know, they will come back, in time :wink:

I have nothing concrete to offer you to the contrary, only that I know how Activision functions and they’ve only done something of its likeness once, in Modern Warfare 2, where they killed Ghost, an iconic character to the franchise. They immediately tried to walk it back and still push his goods.

Arthas was always advertised as a villain, though. Someone to beat up. Tyrande by contrast is a hero and has longevity in the story. I’m not underestimating Blizzard’s appetite for shock value, I promise.

What I’m trying to say, ultimately, is that, if you look at Warcraft as if it were a product and not a project, you’ll see how dangerous it’d be to villain bat her or kill her off. Not only is she the face of a considerable portion of content that revolves around this game, it’d be highly toxic to the fanbase that they draw their money from.

Seriously. The fanbase would go nuclear. People would be quitting en masse.

They know they messed up with BFA. It appeared in news articles. They were dragged across the coals every step of the way. Even Red Shirt Guy, the most level headed dude around, took shots at them with criticism to tell them how weak the story was.

Normal people in my social circles who do not play video games asked me about WoW and told me they had heard that people were not liking BFA’s story.

And from where we were then (non-committal language, shying away from inflammatory content, dodging big lore questions during their Q&As, coming out with statements like the Warcraft story is a matter of perspective) to where we are now, they’re walking on eggshells. They’re not going to do anything other than play it safe.

I’m so confident that I’d even make a bet on it. They won’t kill off Tyrande. Looking at this like a Corporate goon, it’d simply be too dangerous to a money-making product.


Serious doubt. You overestimate how many are actually that attached to her character to warrant a mass exodus. The only people who would quit are the same vocal minority for the last 2 yrs.

I mean, it is kind of sad that tyrande has nothing, but they went out of their way to make a statue of Genn in his Worgen form.

I have it sitting on my desk and it’s awesome.

Is the plastic one that came out with the Orc Grunt? Or was it Saurfang…