Content to remedy the intolerable Night Elf and Forsaken situations

It’s the made out of PVC. So it’s pretty durable.

I just remember people saying the Orc looked scuffed.

The orc one is a little rough looking. But the Genn statue is beautifully made.

I’ll walk it back a little bit - I don’t know what happened to the stuff they were selling for her, like her dress and whatnot, but, I suppose a more accurate description is; she is a critical advertisement piece. She is synonymous with the word “Elf” and is the literal storm’s eye to their story (which happens to have a lot of overlap with other subjects. A lot of ancient context surrounds the yesteryears of that old society.).

I still cannot see a future for Warcraft where Tyrande isn’t apart of it. It simply does not scan to me. She seems too important to be removed. The message alone that it’d send just doesn’t read right.

I’m still extremely confident they will not kill her off, or anything bad will happen to her. I will still bet on that. I feel so confident to say that I’m more likely to get hit by a bus than she is to be removed from the Warcraft story. I’ll revisit this post some months later when her story’s concluded and say “I told you so.”.

I’ll also come back and take the L if it turns out I’m wrong, but, there are few things I’d ever take a bet on, and this is one of them.

Maybe ‘mass exodus’ on an extreme scale would be a bit of an overshot, but, I can tell you with certainty that a lot of people took BFA’s story hard-done. My battlenet friend’s list is down to a single digit’s worth of friends. My guild exploded and retired (both my Alliance guild and my Horde guild).

The rest all quit to FF14 or GW and have expressed no interest of coming back, even to SL. A massive personal bummer to me aside, its very telling. Maybe Moon Guard and Wyrmrest Accord are comparatively small sample subjects in comparison to bigger servers like Area52, but roleplayers tend to care more about the story than others who’re just here for the game experience, and even communities outside of the usual circles I frequent shrunk.

I think it’d be a considerable enough of a loss to not make a decision so calloused as to get rid of Tyrande.


Again citation needed.

This is a two parter. I would argue that Sylvanas is far more synonymous with the word elf or hell even Malfurion after Sylv.

Storms eye of the story:
This third link is official, like the rest, promotional material for the patch where Tyrande becomes the Night Warrior btw.
And lastly
There aren’t any time stamps but you’ll note the closest we get to anything Tyrande related is a Neutral Dragon being resurrected.

Outside of a very brief chapter in the Night Fae convenant and the start of SL, where she jumps into the maw first, we’ve not seen or heard anything about her.

Besides Huln Highmountain looking for more Night Warriors. Not that thread has gone anywhere. Least not yet.


I agree. And not just on it and Moonglade being absurdly sacred sights for the NEs. But also because, I think the Horde Druid roster has developed enough to finally get its own flavor a bit more don’t you? I get that they were taught by Malf, but it would be nice if Tauren were allowed to find their own style to it by now. Druids of the Savannah? Druids of the Steppe Plains? Things like that?


On the subject of what will happen to Tyrande: The idea being floated around by the campaign step I am currently on is that splitting the power with enough people might save her life.

Tonight on whim I spoke to one of the Nelf spirits I saved from the maw ( the pair standing by the mushroom room ) and one of them mentions generally wondering if there is something they could do (paraphrased)

So here’s what I see happening: the souls of the Teldrassil dead will help save Tyrande by siphoning a part of the Night Warrior’s power into themselves. A tiny part each, since there’s a few thousands of them.

In the process. they will sell her onto the fact that their lost lives still have meaning because now thus empowered they will be better able to protect Ardenweald… which will bring her peace and allow her to go back to Azeroth a changed woman!

I didn’t say it would be good… just that it’s currently what I see happening :wink:

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Nelves are just invaders and aren’t the owners of anything

Technically it’s cenarius and wild gods place where the nelves never ventured, even with Furion after the sundering. In any case I believe as long an area remind for cenarion circle(since Blizzard didn’t want to make a horde one which leads to many problems) I’m fine.

Also kick the dwarves from the barrens

That wasn’t the end of the Warfront, but it’s beginning. At the end of that sequence, Tyrande orders Maiev to begin the offensive to take Darkshore back.

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I’d say be more assertive. Lets kick the Dwarves out of the Hinterlands and actually put the work into get the Forest Trolls into the Horde. If Magni is right, and the Old God corruption is on the way out, then Grim Batol and the Highlands should be perfectly reclaimable. Especially with the aid of Magni and the Void Elves expertise. They should reclaim their ancestral homelands of the Highlands, Wetlands, and Grim Batol. While maybe we can secure the Hinterlands for the Forest Trolls under the Revantusk, and throw in the prior Scarlet Enclave territories to unite Northern and Southern FT holdings.

As for Hyjal … let the NEs have it. Its theirs. Let the Tauren build something new for themselves in one of their sacred sights in Stonetalon. You could do some cool stuff there.


I headcanon we kicked them but agree, we need to exterminate wildhammers from Troll lands

Wetlands is ok but it seems dwarves doesn’t need much land anyway

If we get cool stuff? Sure but if only give more stuff to nelves while still stealing spotlight at every nature base zone…yeah no, wild gods land is not theirs but can have the corner of Cenarius

Building bridges with the Amani is near impossible, despite how shattered they are. Largely due to the Horde’s relations with the BEs. Building bridges with the Forest Trolls as a whole is still a monumental task, but not impossible. The Revantusk show us that. If the Horde were to help them fully secure the Hinterlands (their last bastion of home), and then “gift” them to secure their holdings in the south to Zul’Masha and Zul’Aman in the north … that would be a start.

It would give the forest Trolls a very nice, decently sized strip of very defensible land from North to South and East to West to rebuild. And, if we can get them to make inroads with the Frostwolves to help them secure Alterac … all the better. And our new head Dark Ranger does already have friends in the Revantusk.


I like the idea of helping Raventusk as a way to strenght their positions as well the Horde power but also I think Amani being given more land is a must and also show some military victories are a thing Trolls need as Blizzard has never gaven them a real victory

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She was the literal main character of the Night Elf campaign in WC3. People dress up as her every Blizzcon and go on the stage to show off their costumes (and I mean every Blizzcon, comb through them). There was extreme tip-toeing from Blizzard when they royally dropped the ball on WOT and Darkshore and a lot of feel-good commentary about Tyrande’s situation and the Night Warrior (which, really, most of it rang hollow, but so did everything else about BFA.).

The former is strong evidence that it’s mission accomplished with advertising (and I mean, it’s only been further coasting off of when she made her debut as the central character in the WC3 night elf campaign.). The latter implies they give enough of a damn to do damage control, because they wouldn’t do drastic changes to the Darkshore story (that still fell exceedingly short!) and commit that much dev time, if they didn’t care about preserving the audience that cares about her and the associated story she’s used to explore. That has to be a considerably large audience. They won’t do that for any other story. They didn’t even do it for the Horde story when the same uproar was made twice (Brennadam and War of Thorns).

I don’t know what else I could possibly share with you as an example to convince you that she is, commercially, a valuable asset and that her removal would most assuredly cause considerable commercial backlash. These people do not see this game as a project. It is strictly speaking a product to make money out of. Each patch is ship and forget, no love, no passion, just straight out the door, occasionally come back to tweak but otherwise move on. Tyrande isn’t some cherished character in their department’s eyes. She is an asset that makes money. They do not tamper with things that make money.

I’m more or less going to call it here and say; I’ve got this page saved. I’m going to revisit it once SL is over or until the Night Warrior arc is over. But I’m so dead sure that nothing bad will happen to Tyrande and that this will have a happy ending, and I assure you that they would do nothing to uproot a perfectly valuable asset to their product.

If I turn out to be wrong later, I will come back and tell you all about how I earned the nose and rainbow wig, and admit, publicly, that I was too certain in my cynicism towards corporations, especially with Blizzard, after 16 years of business.


Besides everything,

yeah. I mean, how salty must someone be to show such a behavior like you?

You know, this land belongs not to the trolls, if you argue with ancient claims than every little corner of land belongs to

  • dwarf
  • human
  • gnomes

Without any expection, even zandalar belongs to them. And really? Extermination?

I’m pretty sure droites goal is not another genocide through the horde.

The trolls in the north of ek will never be able to survive as long as they think in such ways.

Everything what happened to them would then only be charma, if they try such a campaign, again.

A joint crusade to purge the mistake that is worgen from existence will remedy alot.

I’m really torn by this. I feel like Genn has lost any sort of ferocity. I think the Worgen need new leadership (and I don’t want it to be Tess, I want it to be more fierce/rebellious/cunning in a good way). But for some reason, I have a soft spot for Genn and really don’t want to see him die. I know, characters sometimes die - it shows there are real stakes - but I’m a bit of a softy for him.

I’d like to see him step aside for younger blood to push the Worgen forward.

Fan engagement doesn’t translate. Blizzard are notoriously ignorant to what their fans want. If they weren’t they wouldn’t have chosen the second most played race and genocide them for cheap shock value.

“Tyrande got her revenge for the Kaldorei in 8.1”

This entire paragraph is lost on me. I don’t see how all the advertising that has come out during a time when Tyrande should be front and center not having her for even a moment is proof of anything other than Blizzard failing.

Show me a single bit of advertising that meaningfully features Tyrande.
She’s not even important enough to them to be on the Blizzcon Promotional Art of the Blizzcon where they used the Burning of Teldrassil as a “Ooo such mystery who dun did it?”

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Yes of course, a massive war between the factions just happened, let’s have another, seems like a great idea, because the Wildhammer sure as hell ain’t leaving on their own.

In the lore it’s already pretty much theirs.