Content creators like Preach are crucial to the game

No they are not. The people that made this game great are the players. Not streamers. When Blizzard starts caring about the players again this game will be great again. As long as they keep hating us and punishing us for playing the game this game will die.

The fact that people can sit here saying Preach is a doomsayer and never says anything good about the game boggles the mind. Preach has been a voice of reason for the game for so long. I’m someone who enjoys semi-hardcore content (pushing for CE, doing +15’s - +20’s). Preach makes it very clear that his view is biased to a hardcore perspective, but still takes the time to try and learn and understand the casual perspective too. He praises Blizz when they do something right, even if it’s something minor. He praised the Shadow Priest rework, he praised the idea of Torghast when it was announced. The honest truth is, there just hasn’t been a whole lot to praise from Blizz over the last few years. They continually ignore and deflect feedback and criticism. He more than anyone wants the game to be good. And to say content creators ‘jumped ship just when it got hard’, you’d had to have been living under a rock for the past 3-4 years. The game has been in a bad space since BFA and they have been continually making the same mistakes over, and over, and over. Mistakes that players had warned about on betas and PTR’s but were ignored.

Criticism does not mean you hate the game or aren’t a “true fan”, it means you love the game and want to see it in it’s best state.


No he hasn’t he was one of the biggest reasons the gear was changed and forging was removed. cause his little fee fee was being hurt by casual progressing there own way.

good riddence to him .

Disliking titanforging has nothing to do with not liking casuals progressing. It was never an attack on you and it’s narrow minded to think that it was. I have absolutely no issue with titanforging being reintroduced for base Mythic dungeon gear and world quests (besides trinkets). The issue with titanforging and the current grindy systems are that they make character power progression infinite. They stop players from finishing their characters progression and moving on to something else. Having BiS lists is a good thing. It creates an end point and prevents burnout from being on an endless hamster wheel. Good riddance that titanforging is gone if you ask me.

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And here is why the game is at the shambalic state that it is NOW in. every time the company does something people enjoyed certain people would complain, or have it nerfed, or even better removed. People did NOT want borrowed power and yet it’s shoved down our throats. Mean while trival problems are instantly fixed and long term problem still ignored.

Well we are on the same page there. Borrowed power systems are not wanted by anyone, casuals and hardcores alike.

My ideal WoW would be for them to take a step back and stop forcing players to do content they don’t enjoy. Create a world and let players do the content they want to do. No grindy systems necessary.

Dont get me wrong by aside convenants blizz did a lot of what those guys said.
“scarcer gear is better!”
“remove templates from pvp”
“Bigger raids!”
“Nerf our chars the are too op”
I mean, none of those ideas turned out to be good and most came from streamers.

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they use too till the developers got mad people did not want to do the bad content. when I started in 2007 you had great ways of leveling Now you do 1 way cause some developers wants YOU to see his mushroom or boring puzzle.

I’m still boggled on where this idea came from.

There is no going back to Classic / TBC scarcity of gear for the Live game. The live player-base is way to use to how the way things are now.

Trying to make gear “remember-able” again, was always going to end poorly. No matter how “good” the idea sounds on paper.


Are we talking about the same content creators? The ones I watch never suggested such things. The overwhelming voice I see is they want Blizzard to just go back to the basics. No borrowed power, no grindy systems, just let players play the game. I genuinely think if they ripped all the current restrictive systems out of the game, the game would be in a much better space. I do like WoW. The design of the zones is incredible. The class design is brilliant, it’s just masked by these poorly designed systems that force players to do content they don’t enjoy.

I agree with you there, the developers have paved a pathway that they want you to follow. There are chores you must do and you need to play the game their way to keep up. Gone are the days that players make their own paths. That’s the core issue.

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And unless they admit that things will not change and will continue to slide. At least we both see the underlying issues and know it’s a huge chunk of the issues in game now.

Ya. Same, i was in fact surprised people were in fact convinced playing dgs and raids for hours upon hours and gain nothing was a good design.

Then you didnt watch asmongold, preach nor stoppz lol

I’ve watched Asmongold on occasion, I’m by no means a regular viewer of his though. Preach I watch regularly. I’ve never even heard of Stoppz.

On the point of bigger raids, even if one of them had recommended that, it’s hard to argue that’s the downfall of WoW. I personally loved Castle Nathria. Raiding is one of the few things that most people are happy with in the game right now.

In terms of less loot, Preach specifically said this was stupid, if my memory serves me right. This was entirely Blizzard’s idea. When they took titanforging away, they didn’t want people to get BiS gear and be done with the gearing process so quickly, hence less loot. I remember hearing Ion say exactly that in an interview.

If Blizzard ever do listen to the players, they also make another change that contradicts the point of the first change. The whole give one thing, take another thing away mentality.

Edit: I went and found the interview. It’s Ion’s interview with PCgamer in January, he talks about loot there and addresses why they introduced the change to have less loot.

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