Thats pretty rough if thats all you do in the game.
The game mode that gets 0 resources and 0 attention 0 balancing to vehicle tuning or anything else all expansion except at the very start with lag galore and minimal reward for time investment.
And you choose to only play that when your paying for full access to everything else? Yikes.
Although it perhaps shouldn’t be surprising given you have 11k posts of trolling so you do not put as much value on your time as you say you do.
I pay 15$ a month for collection m+ pet battles solo shuffle and unrated pvp in the downtime.
I enjoy it. I get to hang out with my friends and win games. It’s great.
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Yeah thats great and what do you really have to show for it at season end?
Oh nearly nothing thats right the only lasting thing you get from epics is honor level which im higher than people in premades.
Fun memories I had with friends?
What an odd question to ask.
but do you have each other added on facebook?
Who uses Facebook?
Discord is the place to be these days.
Discord is the place to be if your into saying and linking kind of off the wall stuff that would outside a private discord channel be considered fringe.
Plenty of regular conversations albiet some of them heated happen on x or facebook.
Some of the most weird stuff i’ve heard said in recent memory has been said and posted on discord.
Mainly because unless someone is recording everything you say and post in there is private and can be dismissed with a “i didn’t say that”.
Sure there are plenty of people who use discord for regular stuff but there are also plenty if not the majority who use it for fried stuff.
Which i understand there are a lot of people out there who need somewhere to go to vent their petty frustrations without catching any weird looks or reports.
some of you never farmed mats for FAPs and it shows
Is that some sort of euphemism?
true, but if everyone in Premade A all has
but only 4 players in Premade B has it.
Then it would be considered a Skill Issue? maybe. Lack of knowledge or poor gameplay?
Some of the toys+consumable combinations are just bonkers
Blizz removed the Gravity Bomb but they added Electric Shock; why would they do this?
at one point in wow history FAPs( free action pots) were the most cried about consumable.
That’s well before my time here. Sounds like an early trinket.
No, i’m not 50 years old.
When BlizZard added those consumable in Legion but had the template system both design decisions were at odds.
What is the point of a template system if you introduce salt water potions? That undermines the entire point of a template system. Worse trinkets were disabled too in Legion.
These consumables needs to go bye bye for any instanced play. For world PVP it is fair game though.
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The only defense i’ve heard for them being active or not at least having a healer equivilient for a 30% flat damage buff is “oh well its only randoms so its supposed to be fried bro so everything is fair game”.
Like… ok. why?
Its on the same level of “oh of course its broken bro its blizzard entertainment”… ok.
Again, potion bomb of recovery.
How is that the same exactly?
Increases healing received from all sources on 5 players by 10%.
If you are in an epic BG (which to the best of my knowledge is the vast majority of what enfers does), that is an extremely powerful cooldown to throw down in the initial clash, unless every other healer on your team is dead weight.
But it’s not the same as the potions is the point. Also 5 people in an epic bg is borderline useless lol
About the same as a single person using saltwater potion. Saltwater is impactful when you have multiple solid players use it. One guy with saltwater is borderline unnoticeable and easy enough to counter with any number of cooldowns that are lower than 5min.
Have a few people throw potion bombs and suddenly your whole frontline is taking 10% bonus healing from every healer, their own self healing, whatever raidwide healing any other DPS are outputting, and third wind potions.