Tournament realms for the RWF, MDI, and anything else remotely competitive where addons are disabled and no PTR knowledge is available ahead of time. Let’s see the so called “best of the best” do it when they don’t have cheap auras and DBM to hold their hand every step of the way. They still will to be sure but I reckon it’ll be far longer of an event and it’ll force the devs to design encounters that only the monkey brain can grapple with instead of addons bearing the brunt of the mental load.
Endgame content redesigned from the ground up to favor casuals over mythic raiding tryhards. All gear no matter what source can eventually be upgraded to the tippy top item levels with enough time and effort with the difficulty of the content granting higher base ilvl items and more currency to upgrade with letting right of bell curves be “done” quicker and earlier. Nobody should care if Johnny McCasual gets mythic raid quality items and only uses it for picking flowers and curb stomping mobs for their world quests. Johnny McCasual isn’t trying to take Timmy LeTryhard raid spot.
But if I was Blizzard I’d value money over the fee fees of tryhards…tryhards whose sub dollars I already all but guaranteed am getting anyway because they are addicts who many only have a smidgen of self importance and worth for their feats in this game in the first place unlike Johnny McCasuals.
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Just remove gear at this point.
But see, casuals want to feel superior to other casuals… so that doesn’t really work.
I would like to see Pathfinder removed from the game and never return.
Farming Harbinger crests for upgrades is a nightmare. Flying around the world is the quickest, most reliable way to do that. Can you at least make crests character specific, instead of a server specific resource? They are hard enough to get on most maps, even without the competitive aspect. The competition for this resource often turns farming attempts into a waste of time. Not everyone has hours a day to blow on fighting over these floating orbs or religiously attending raids.
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More class unique/specific content.
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Someone didnt read the post. << please refrain from making unrealistic and misinformed posts thanks
Honestly, I’d settle for at least more frequent aura balancing.
Like sure classes are often better due to damage profiles or whatever, stuff that can only be changed with targeting specific abilities/talents, but even just bumping classes up or down a couple % every other week would do wonders for keeping the game fresh when half the time we’ve got classes with insanely good damage/healing profiles and they’re overtuned on top of that.
Make evoker range the same as other specs, can keep the breaths at the existing distance but the other spells having shorter range is extremely annoying
Bring back class halls and make more class specific stuff
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