Improve combat visuals. To me, combat is boring. It’s just numbers flying, the only exciting thing about it, or rather what may be considered exciting, is how big the numbers get or how fast they appear and that’s just pathetic.
I would add, first, death animations that happen to coincide with the attack that finishes off an NPC or a PC, so if I’m on my ret and I’m planting a hammer between a guy’s shoulders I expect him to look like he got hit by a hammer not do some stupid animation like for example the overly-dramatic male nelf death. Or something like I saw in a game, I can’t honestly remember which game it was but as a melee fighter I had knockback abilities and got bonus damage for knocking a guy into a solid object. Stuff like that, make combat more exciting at least visually.
Improvements to character customization for so many races left behind. And adding jewelry for both male and female, along with body and facial scars for everyone and tattoos for everyone, both face and body, as well.
Let’s give some of these races some love that need it. There’s very little customization for some of them.
Customization. A billion, trillion times over, customization.
Draenei are one of the most neglected, having less than LFD to work with. For humans, I’d really like separate makeup options and please for the love of god let us pick our expressions. I don’t know why they’re obsessed with every female face having a creepy smile permanently glued to them.
Upright undead! It’s just animations!
I think some classes could use some button/spell pruning. Not to the tune only having 2 buttons only but somewhere in-between what we have now and less…
There is a lot between all of the spells/buttons and shall we say “interesting” trinkets - it is a lot.
I’d like to see a transmog revamp.
Right now it’s just a dropdown box, I’d like to be able to create categories, make a transmog category for adventuring, one for casualwear when I’m in cities, another one for profession, etc. With housing on the way I’d like to see them improve the roleplay aspect surrounding this, it would enhance the experience.
Next, I wish we had more cosmetic stuff at the trading post or w/e. We get skirts but how about shirts, bracers, shoes, and other casual looking clothes? No I’m not referring to stuff like Twilight or Clockwork since these are complete sets but I don’t think I’d consider these casualwear either.
Also, I’d like a Holy RDPS spec for priest.
I second this. I want some burning crusade and eastern kingdoms/kalimdor delves.
That could be fun actually
There was an addon for this, but it quit working and I’ve never found a replacement.
I know that eventually we might get there with it but I’m afraid that delves are going to end up limited to only staying relevant in expansion cycles similar to how raids and dungeons are handled. Would be cool if they just kept expanding on it and eventually we could go anywhere we wanted to use up our keys and get our vaults for delves.
I think the amount of spell interactions/modifiers can be dramatically toned down. There shouldn’t be half a dozen+ different modifiers for every single spell (I’m not even exaggerating either, some are that bad) that requires you to do calculus just to perform your rotation.
This isn’t even the most egregious example, just one I could quickly find on my phone. I think some modifiers/interactions are ok, but we’re kind of past the point of ridiculous with it, and it just creates the illusion of choice at the expense of making the difficulty curve go up in a straight line once you start doing anything at endgame
Oh my god yes this please Blizzard
My small suggestion: the ability to see the Trading Post and store sets in the transmog collection window without an addon
I want to see more things with the Bronze dragonflight. Revamp the Caverns of Time and add some of the dungeons or raids from season of discovery. I don’t really do any of those things but they may be fun for the people that do. For people like myself they could offer their own delve type of content. The difference is the delves are themed from the past or alternate time ways.
I feel like Dark Ranger could use some more aesthetic and procs to feel more like Dark Ranger, and that the next buff isn’t really enough. I think people will still pick PL over it.
- A holiday store in major cities where you can turn in currencies earned during holidays year-round.
- Deserter debuff made account-wide. Make staying more attractive than leaving.
- Every pet, toy, and mount in the game should have a non-zero chance to drop from open world content. It should be a very rare chance, but enough to encourage more open world play.
- Allow us to package up extra honour and send it to alts the way we did anima in the Shadowlands.
I think this is a good idea.
Pretty sure most people will not get behind this one.
Make mythic raid lockouts personal and by boss like with heroic
Remove valor stone requirement for champion and up tracks
Renumber but not rename tracks from 1-16 so that “champion” drops at 4 but caps at 8 heroic drops at 6 and caps at 10 or whatever the correct numbering should be
Revert nerfs to aoe stops / stuns / disorients
Buff tank survivability and threat
Give priests an interrupt even if it’s a long one
Delete aug (jk) more support specs in general maybe
People being able to quit, change characters and reque instantly is ruining epic battlegrounds. A lot of the rest are fully in favour of it being account wide.
Leave that to the great push and MDI.
And it is an even playing field because everyone could flex.