Constructive changes

What realistic changed would you guys like to see in wow?
(Please be realistic. Blerting out no addons, kicks, f2p etc are not realistic nor constructive)
Personally i would love to see some pet battle changes to make it more engaging because i always forget thats a thing and maybe discussion with top preforming players per class and spec to discuss how to improve and balance the game better.


I’d like to see an effort to make sure there are more frequent story updates that keep the plot moving even during dry periods of the game. This expac has been a bit tough for me so far because it hasn’t felt like there’s been enough actual narrative to really sink my teeth into once i finished the main story back at the start of TWW. There was a little in Siren’s Isle, and a little with the Kirin Tor questline, but otherwise… not much.


More active talent balancing. Classes and specs get massive revamps and yet some talents are left dead and underpowered somehow. I get that some talents are going to be better in some situations, but there are always dead talents that never see use in any situation.


Better spells and melee abilities graphics wise. There needs to be a guide for newer players because this game can’t keep new people.


Frost Mages getting back the option to have a Water Elemental.

Improve performance of water shader on Mac - or even a new water shader.

For the Battle Net Agent to not leak memory.


Let us know if we’ve learned a transmog from a raid token already when we mouse over the token, like any other piece of armor.


Vastly expanding the delve system. I’d love to see delves in all content areas.


Dialing back the mechanics vomit of dungeon trash.

Redesigning healing and incoming damage to require consistent steady healing and occasional spikes of damage to use cooldowns on; the healing experience is extremely dependent on whether the group is avoiding the avoidable damage (low/mid keys)

More frequent spec tuning.


Increase the dungeon group size to make dps finding a group easier for m+. I’d even suggest letting it flex from 5-10 man dungeons.

Put summoning stones inside the dungeons.

Apply weekly small tuning to help with class balance.

Give tanks more health.

Improve the leveling experience for new players.

Leveling dungeon mobs should have more health but reward proportionally more experience.

Leveling dungeon mobs should deal much more damage via white attacks but tanks while leveling should have more armor and health to compensate to stop non-tanks from pulling.


Bring back those small raids, they were fun :slight_smile:


Actually this is a good idea … Maybe give tanks and healers a little extra when they have to run with such a group.


A hard reset on dmg profile of the game mostly in dungeons. If the ups and downs of our HP is slower, the game is better. Make all dmg smaller and more constant, nerf all healers by a megaton, remove almost all self healing and defensive CDs mostly from DPS and some from tanks.

Make most avoidable dmg actual one shot mechanics, keep peopel on their toes and give the game a bit more of an action vibe.

Allow almost all casting while moving, rebalancing numbers according to that. Keep some big crank up skills a cast that requires you to take root, but these skills have to be worth it, maybe even give them the new charge up cast evokers have. Melee specs can have those as well casting has no reason to be limited to range.

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I like this. The most fun I ever had on my Balance Druid was at the start of Shadowlands when Stellar Drift allowed you to cast while moving during Starfall with no cooldown on it.

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Huge disagree here. Healers have talents that are optimal for five man content that we take for m+. Increasing group size is a far bigger change than you realize, let alone flexible group size. They would have to reevaluate every talent in every tree.

Plus, flex groups just can’t be done in a competitive game mode like m+. People pushing title need to know that the playing field is the same for everyone.


I think you misunderstood, he said improvements.

Who wants to take bets on when this thread will devolve?

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Lets not be the spark.

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More like let’s just go ahead and close this thread already.

Bad trends suck. The sad part is this place is full of them.

All I want to see is the devs put in more effort and not be lazy at introducing new races to the game. LITERALLY the Allied Races we got are copy pastes with different customization options and then they go, “Yay new race!”
Like, WTF how is that new when it’s just an existing race with different customization options?
F for effort.


This combined with more personal plotlines.

We don’t need the whole world to move every patch, give us little things like Genn being glad Anduin is safe. Or Tess and Lorna hanging out. Or anything at all to do with Aleria and her kid interacting.

Allow characters to be characters when not fighting for their lives.