Yes, hes an amazing leader. But theres someone else doing groups or premades as well. Not sure if it was the chinese group or not though. Honestly have no idea.
They wouldn’t win trade for advantage, they’d use it to get players on the other team easier so they can better grief.
One of the leaders of a Big Bad Premade did the same earlier tonight when they vs’d a bigger badder premade… just fyi
No they won’t lol
The majority of ppl in sync comms are in it for the wins and conquest (xd). If their lead is barking at them to lose on purpose they’re joining a different community before the match ends
srsly why are ppl opposing the easiest fix for qsyncing idgi
Anyone that’s posted a reflex of their epic bg wins is permanently banned from my lazer tag parties, I know who you are.
lol, lmao even.
what flavor is his boots
yeah but what you don’t understand is that the horde players one time typed /moon and used a flag of ownership, you should feel honored that the alliance premade ruined your game
this happens often it’s kinda funny
yea have fun dropping queues and /afking out of possibly good matches just so you can roll pugs and wonder why you’re even there
Cross faction would affect the 1st type you mention but without other changes would give another tool to the second type. I mainly am concerned about the second type, I’m actually an advocate for cross faction I just don’t expect it to fix that problem. Second type isn’t there for easy conquest, they’re making a game of making the game bad for others and are the reason why the forum is littered with anti-sync threads.
The “second type” your worried about are sync leaders who will find themselves with empty communities when cross faction queues pilfers their free pug wins
I’m sure there will be fewer communities but some will continue if the exploit isn’t closed and they would be worse when you meet them because it would be easier to get people on your team.
Fortunately you’re not a gambler, or investment banker
…I hope
Unfortunately people looking for simple solutions to complex issues tend to worsen problems rather than fixing them…
thanks sun tzu, anyways
I see you throwing the name around but have you ever read The Art of War? EDIT: It’s a short read, highly recommended. It would add weight to your insult if you did.
no but i will if i find myself in an ancient eastern conflict
i saw a silly chess clip and all of the comments were goofy misquotes like
“I can’t lose a battle if losing is my objective.”
- Sun Tzu
It’s actually a useful book, all about determining when to attack and when to run. It’s pretty short, give it a read. It was not what I expected.
Seems like something that would go down well in a job interview or a date.
Maybe we can just ask people who freqeuntly queue-sync epic bgs how they would react?
@Inemia (or anyone else who does q-sync epics), If blizzard hypothetically forced crossfaction in epic bg while keeping the 5-player group limit, how would you and others you queue with behave in this new queue system?
Reminds of high-school when the kids at the “cool table” would brag about things nobody cared about.
the amount of whackos that would do this are single digits and irrelevant without their hordes of syncers who easily would never sacrifice their own conquest/time to pad some random challenger hardstuck’s ebg winrate
That’s why my last girlfriend dumped me. My “win rate” wasn’t big enough…
Could they achieve some result by making a hard stance, a statement on game startup and maybe short term bans for people that queue drop excessively? I think we might have a better idea how many would leave if they took a hard stance. Don’t get me wrong, I want cross faction just want to make sure it’s done right.