I don’t mind losing if it’s fair and the better team win. I’m not prepared to go through a morning of coming up against premade teams in Epic BGs and not enjoy it.
When I’m in the grp with the premade it’s too easy, when I’m up against the premade it’s over before it started (99% of the time).
That is not enjoyable to me and not in the spirit of the game. The more it happens, the fewer people will play PVP. So at the end of the day, we all lose.
Since you’ve been playing this character since 2022 I would feel you should have a good grasp on that kind of thing. Not that it really matters from a random BG point of view.
I’ve never stood up in front of a group of people and relayed my PVP stats/percentages IRL. I don’t believe it’s going to impress people in an interview etc. You do you, though.
At least if people afk / intentionally grieving you can report them for legitimate reason, enough times and blizzard can take action against them if they are doing it frequently enough
As horde, I can tell you there’s no horde premade sync at this time. What you guys face are the oceanic player base and it’s a VERY small set of people who play those hours.
You’d be wrong to assume they wouldn’t do it for no tangible benefit, some of them just get off on griefing other players.
Taking the wrong GY, reporting strategies through their comms, healers can pretend to guard the FC, grab and hold the flag then drop it at a critical time, and then there’s 40v20 as they hide somewhere if nothing else.
Nah, they were horde premades, It’s pretty clear. This was 2 nights ago though. The same person running those Horde premades is doing Alliance premades right now. I was in 3 epic bg’s this early morning (3-5am) and we stomped Horde. Complete change of gameplay, run by the same person that most people are becoming familiar with. They’re a great raid lead, for sure.
His Horde name starts with an “R,” and he never runs with more than 5-8 people—I know because I’m usually one of the five on the Horde side.
It’s a deliberate choice to keep the group small; anything larger just isn’t as fun. Games usually run a long, but fun one where pugs get to play objectives.
But let me tell you, he’s an incredible PvP leader. Your thinking it’s a full premade sync is a testament to that.
The only counter to a 5 man team with pugs is to lead the alliance side to play as a team.
I assume this is in epic? If so, this is an example of great leadership, where this leader doesn’t need to queue sync a full raid team to win. I hope more community will follow, make their teams self reliant, and avoid queue syncing.
No, Rus doesn’t need a full sync to make games that enjoyable. In fact, this is the time he tries different strategies. We got away from the usual boring SR fights one night, and it was so fun! The one thing that makes him different from most PVP raid leads is that he runs without a pocket healer, does the objectives too, so he doesn’t boss around the entire raid. He doesn’t zerg with stacked metas. It’s really good, old pvp style.
Glad there are still great leaders out there and I would be keen to observe his leadership up close but too bad I no longer play WoW. Hope Blizz will address the pvp issues soon.
Imo this type of speculation boarders on paranoia. People can already queue as the opposite faction to ‘sabotage’ them but realistically win trading rarely happens outside of rated. It’s such a stretch to believe a meaningful number of players would find purposely losing their own random games (for the simple benefit of their faction/friends) to be worth their time queuing up.
I don’t see how the existence of cross faction bgs would exacerbate win trading. If we are to begin suspecting poorly performing teammates of sabotage, I think you’ll find in essentially every case that their performance was not related to win trading - they’re just bad/new/inebriated/lazy/afk/spiteful/defeated
It’d be a lot easier to sync into the opposite side for one thing, now you’re relying on approximately equal faction queue lengths but they could all queue and pop at the same time if they don’t fix the exploit. It’s not paranoia, it’s happening now maybe as we speak. I’ve only solo queued in epics and I’ve been pulled into more than a few farms in progress, there’s no benefit for them to do that but it doesn’t stop them.
Regardless its pugs or premade, unfortunately this is a fundamental attitude problem caused by game design. Demanding fixes on just one side will not make things better.