About every minute or so I get disconnected from the game. It is also a guarantee to get Dc’ed if I go into a high traffic area or combat (example: the pre-patch event or dungeon/raid). I have tried everything from resetting my router, refreshing IP/dns, uninstalling/reinstalling, to in game network options. Cannot figure it out. I stay connected in WoW classic wrath no problem. Anyone else having this issue or heard of this being an issue?
Yep, getting that on my end as well. Even a two-person dungeon run triggers it.
same here nice Im not the only one but sorry your having issues too.
Completely agree, glad I am not the only one too. But it is nice to hear others are having it.
yes same here
Same problem here on OCE servers
Same. Started happening to me after bnet agent made an update to WoW at around 10:30 eastern. Since then, it’s been constant disconnects. Able to log right back in, but can only stay connected for at most a minute once loaded into the game.
Sameish, was playing but got disconnected now can’t log back in. Stuck at “Logging into Game Server”, followed by a disconnect.
(EU - Argent Dawn)
Yep, been having this a lot in the past few days! Mostly in dungeons, also in Orgrimmar (US - Ursin)
So I found a solution for me. I uninstalled the Battle.net app and then deleted all the leftover files from the install/games. Then reinstalled the app and game, that seemed to have fixed it. Not only uninstalling the game but the app and making sure all associated files are deleted too. Really seems like corrupted files are the problem. Hope this helps someone!
Oh thank god I’m not the only one having this problem.
@Beastboi but are you joking? To re-download WoW it takes me a whole day. I don’t have fiber internet. I can’t freaking redownload all of WoW because this crap is corrupted somehow. And for the record, this wasn’t happening to me a few hours ago! Now it seems to happen whenever I get in the vicinity of another player, especially…
(https://twitter.com/BlizzardCS/status/1593797152173481986?s=20&t=hxoRV_8RBqrseVFhMOcX9A) this is the response from the Blizzard team and I said GO TO YOUR FORUMS AND DO YOUR JOB!
Still having this issue. Called my ISP at 3am this morning. They said my modem had locked up. Power cycled the modem and router. Full. 10 minutes before I plugged them back in. Signal showed strong and modem and router responsive to ISP pings. Still happens in WoW.
Once again. Game client played fine until I was disconnected for a forced WoW client update by the bnet agent at approx. 10:30 eastern November 17th. Since then. The game disconnects me within a static 1-2 minute window.
Every other game that requires a solid connection and doesnt require a bnet connection to stay online has no issues. Repeat: This is only happening to WoW, WoW Classic, And Diablo III. Nothing else is effected.
Same happening here, several hours after the original poster… I just wonder how long it will take for something to be done about it?
Just had it happen to me after zoning into Mara instance and everytime I reconnect I get DC’ed before models load.
So, just wanted to add on to my previous post:
Because my parents own a Hydroponics store, I was able to go there and use our MUCH faster internet to re-download and re-install WoW. I had already downloaded it on my work computer and I jumped on there while my laptop was downloading and played without a single disconnect, but there have been latency problems (but those existed with that computer yesterday too and it’s a Mac)
I’ve redownloaded WoW on my laptop and logged in and it seems to be working alright. I’m just worried I’ll go home now and get the same problems again.
One thing I did last night that clearly contributed to the problem was download and use the Addons SilverDragon and Rarescan. I suppose I’ll wait to download them now because I’m afraid I’ll cause the problem again, even with fast internet it still takes an hour + to download WoW again and I’ll be at home which means waiting all night for the redownload instead. So just FYI to everyone else, maybe also don’t use Addons for the time being.
And for the record, simply DEACTIVATING and even UNINSTALLING the Addons didn’t work, so yeah, maybe just. Ditch Addons until this is solved, or the whole expansion launches or something.
As soon as I got home, I jumped on and got disconnected minutes later. This seems to be somehow related to the user’s internet speed, vaguely.
I uninstalled completely and reinstalled today. That did nothing for me. This all started after the last patch.
Nope. Didn’t work.
What ISP does you guys have? Spectrum here, DC issues.
Mine’s called Sebastian. They run my tiny town and one other town North of us. It used to be Foresthill telephone. I imagine they probably use another company’s equipment and lines, but I’d have no idea who they use.
For the record: Started playing tonight, and unlike this morning, no constant disconnects on the Isle of Thunder. The lag is significantly less awful as well, though I’m still detecting a few lag spots here or there, it’s plenty tolerable. Mobs are dying when they’re supposed to, when I talk to NPCs, the dialogue window pops properly… Pretty sure they fixed it, for the most part, anyway.
Now what’d be nice is to get my 2 days of gameplay back. All those missed dailies…