Constant Disconnects/Reconnects from Blizzard Services

Been having pretty consistent issues with my chat popping up with “Disconnected from Blizzard Services” then is immediately followed by “Reconnected to Blizzard Services”

I have cleared my cache, flushed my DNS, released and reconfig. my IP.
Tested my internet connection and have 10/10 connection. Not sure whats going on.


Id edit and move this to tech support.


I suggest either moving the post to the tech support forum, or making a post there.

It could well be something on Blizzards end. Happens to me occassionally too.


Chatting with a friend, needed to switch to different alt. For last 20 minutes have been watching being told “connected to Blizzard Services” and “disconnected from Blizzard Services” alternating about every 12 seconds.


I’ve been having this issue as well as unable to see guilds. I posted earlier today but haven’t gotten any reply yet.


I also have the same problem


Have been experiencing this a lot on account with TWW early access while leveling characters through the pre-patch events. Often results in missing the XP and rewards from an event if I’m disconnected at the moment things are rewarded.


i.imgur .com/QwPbHgF.png

This is very annoying.


Ditto issue, along with client disconnects.

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been having this issue since pre patch, every day i log on and i keep getting “you have been disconnected from blizzard services” “you are now connected to blizzard services”

Same here started with prepatch. Disconnect/reconnect message every minute.

imgur. com/a/Yk39rnG

not sure why i even need to be notified about it when it did absolutely nothing to me

Disconnected from Blizzard Services

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Yea I’ve been having this issue a bunch also

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Having the same issue…following for a fix.

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Having the same issue. It disconnects and reconnects from blizzard services off and on normally when I am doing something important. This needs to be fixed because it also knocks out your guild stuff as someone else mentioned in a previous post and that makes it hard when you are trying to do stuff with your guild and can’t communicate with them.

Same issue here.

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Same here. It’s constant connect and disconnect. It’s been happening since prepatch.

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Same issue recurring

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Same problem here. I’m sure they are aware of it though.