Constant Disconnects/Reconnects from Blizzard Services

I mean, it’s been happening to me for two weeks and none of my guildmates. So I’m not sure they are that aware of it…

I’m having this constantly and the auto responses from blizzard do nothing.

This has be driving me crazy, this and frequent disconnects

No longer happening to me on Illidan.

Same problem here. Possibly a ddos attack? That is what it feels like :frowning:

Let’s see during peak hours. I don’t have the issue 6am to afternoon. Server load I think affects it.

I played all night during peak hours and beyond. It’s not happening to me right now and it’s 5:24pm EST.


This happens to me all the time, I actually even made my own post about it a little bit ago only to get ignored lol.

Same issue here since launch

Still happening to multiple Guildies, from different servers, on different Zones… Any way to get blizzard to at least acknowledge this issue is NOT isolated to individuals ?