Constant disconnects from Blizzard Services and game on Hardcore

There seems to be an issue with constant disconnects from Blizzard Services and from the game entirely since yesterday in Hardcore Classic. This has been happening since yesterday with many of my guild members on Defias Pillager constantly disconnecting. Today, since around 10am EST, I am affected as well. Sometimes there is just the message “You have been disconnected from Blizzard Services”, and other times it just disconnects from the game completely, and the app has the message “Oops, something went wrong” and tries to reconnect to the server for 2-5 minutes at a time.

I’ve already addressed all possibilities on my end (everything technical is fine on my end).

I am already resorting to not playing the characters that are important to me so they don’t die due to these disconnects. But I wanted to post about the issue here so that possibly someone can look into the issue. :pray:


Start disabling addons until you find which one is doing it. That is usually the cause of unexplained disconnects if it isn’t your internet.


I’ve already addressed that. It is not the addons. Thank you for your suggestion though.


I think it’s definitely on their end and not just in classic. It’s happening a lot in retail recently as well. Happening to me and at least two friends. Entirely differently parts of the country as well.

Not always happening to each of us at the same time, but we all get it at different times.

Often have to alt tab and speak to them via the launcher because I can’t talk to them in-game if we’re not in the same party.


Yes. I do believe this issue is on Blizzard’s end. This hasn’t only happened to me, but several guild members as well. All in different parts of the US - East Coast to West Coast - as well as a couple of our members who reside in Australia. Each one of us have received the in-game chat message “You have been disconnected from Blizzard services” with either a followup message stating we are reconnected, or a complete logout following the message. We’ve all resolved to not playing our mains or the characters we are focusing on leveling during these times. It is, however, sporadic occurrences. Over this past weekend I myself experienced a break in this happening, but a few guild members still experienced it. Furthermore, some of the raiding guilds have experienced the same, causing major losses in their raid numbers.


Doesn’t happen to me.

Playing on Skull Rock from the midwest. I also don’t use addons.

Well, I’m very glad for you Loamysand.

However, as I once before tried to point out, it’s not just happening to me. I’ve also tried to point out that it is not addons, yet you insist in your replies.

It is happening on Defias Pillager to many. And it is not addon related.

One of our major raiding guilds was affected as well. 38 raiders died in Naxx on 4 Horsemen last week due to whatever is causing this.

Many of us ARE experiencing it outside the alleged fact that you aren’t. Please stop replying with “it’s not happening to me, I don’t play with addons”, as it’s not helpful.


Been happening constantly for me since coming back during TWW pre-patch.
I’ve power-cycled both the router and my pc. I’ve flushed DNS and flushed WTF, cashe, and interface folders. Released/renewed ip. Updated drivers. Checked my firewall. Scanned and repaired. Troubleshot my VPN. Troubleshot addons.
Only does this in retail and not classic.
I cannot figure this out.

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This is happening for myself and other guildies, all the time in retail.

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disconnects killed hardcore mode in a big way.

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yup , 3 high level deaths from odd disconnects made me say to hell with hc mode.

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Happening to me as well, started last night/today (but that issue happened before). Not sure if it matters, but it started once I started to farm my Sojourner achievement in Azj-kahet…

Not sure if in your end this happens as well, but whenever it connects again, my game freezes for a few miliseconds, which is annoying.

Tried to check if it was my Internet connection, so I unplugged my router, Renewed and Flushed my DNS but it didn’t work. Also I checked for drivers and Windows updates, but everything was updated. Disabled some addons, and the problem is still there.

So I am assuming it’s something on their end. Hopefully they fix this shortly, it will be a freaking nightmare if this problems comes along with the new Season.

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I don’t use any addons at all, and it’s happening to me constantly. It’s been especially prevalent the past few weeks. It’s most definitely not strictly an addon issue.

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Only happens to me on characters in a guild from a different server.

If I am on my characters in guilds of their same realm, no issue

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This happens to be almost every night around midnight or 1-2am EST. Also, this is the times im most consitently active. But never disconnect before or after these times.

It always says theres a issue when i look at the launcher and it takes some minutes to reconnect most of the time.

One time I was in the middle of a fight and luckily i made it back and was able to survive. I got EXTREMELY lucky. Because most times its out for minutes.

I do not use addons. This is absolutely not a addon issue.

Please make this stop.


Is this even possible in classic HC?

Another night, another many disconnects around 1am nearly dieing.

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When I created this thread, it was intended solely for Hardcore Classic. But people from Retail have chimed in. Which is fine.

It’s not unlikely or unheard of that there is an issue affecting all versions on WoW, since they are most likely on the same Cloud Service Provider and ISP. And in lieu of that concept/perception, this may even be out of Blizzard’s hands and be an issue with one of their service providers affecting these connections. It’s possible that not all connection end-points are being affected, hence why it only happening to a fraction of people.

It did happen to me over in Retail over the weekend during playing early access TWW, just like other people here reporting to this thread as well. BUT, since Retail server connections were experiencing issues last night typical on launch dates, I logged over to Hardcore instead. From ca. 9PM to 11PM EST, I experienced it several times again, the “You have been disconnected from Blizzard Services” message in chat. I would get the message again that I’ve been reconnected a few moments later, and unlike 2 weeks ago, last night it didn’t LOOK like I was disconnected (before it would just log me out of the game, as it would others in my guild and MANY others all over the Defias Pillager server).

I noticed a change to the maintenance time frame announcement on the Blizzard Desktop App yesterday. Yesterday morning it said on the Hardcore section of WoW that maintenance would be from 7AM to 8AM PDT. But last night at 9PM EST when I logged on, the maintenance announcement time changed to a 2 hour window instead, from 7AM to 9AM PDT. So HOPEFULLY someone has acknowledged this thread and is looking into the issue. Fingers crossed. :crossed_fingers:


I lost my shaman running to thunderbluff due to a disconnect. Level 12, probably killed by a lvl 6 wolf while autorunning while disconnected. I am livid, and that’s only after a few hours of playtime. How on earth could anyone be expected to play HC wow to a reputable level with the threat of this kind of death, especially if they happen to not live directly in the US (Because Australian gamers aren’t as important as anyone else) and have to deal with an already shoddy connection.

I especially love how there’s absolutely no recourse, there aren’t human GM’s anymore who can actually look into these things for you so sucked in you shouldn’t have played in the first place, no one cares about your feelings and thanks for your subscription.

Suck my hardcore blizzard

Is this still happening to you guys? It’s been happening to me in retail since I’ve started back playing The War Within.