Conspiracies on why Blizzard limited the amount of servers at launch

Thread to brainstorm why Blizzard would limit the amount of servers at launch despite all the signs that showed that Classic WoW would have a massive demand during launch:

  • expected drop off of players in coming weeks/months that would desert a lot of servers (Blizzard’s word)
  • influence market by creating drama for media coverage giving increased interest in stock
  • not allow people to organize groups of friends on servers forcing them to split up to different realms to avoid queues then profiting from later realm transfers

It’s better than having 30+ servers, then closing half.

Who knows what the end result will be in 6 months time.


Because they don’t want low population servers when the hype dies down?


because their upper management is incompetent?


It is almost certainly the fact that after launch half the realms will drop dead about 8 months from now.

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Its this one. The one that is responsible policy, is consistent with the company’s history, and is the actual reason they gave.


Why stop there? Heck by next week 99% of players will quit Classic and will be down to one server…:roll_eyes:

Why even have multiple servers? Everyone’s going to leave…in 6 months Blizz will just shut it down cause nobody will be playing on in. :rofl::joy::rofl:

Its funny, cause you do know their doing Phases right? That when each phase drops you’ll get an influx of people, right? The game is going to GROW, not have this drop off and everyone leaves…at least until the last phase.


Its because they want classic to fail so they can pretend BFA is popular.


Care to make a gentleman’s bet?

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Servers cost money to run and maintain and like others have said, If they need more, they have them ready, but until that time, there is no need.

In a week if the queues are still there they will open up more, but no need to open more if populations drop in that same time. So…

You mean the same company that said: “You think you do but you don’t?”

The same company that was UN-perpraed for launch?

The same company that gave us BFA?



It’s simple…they thought we didn’t , but we DID


The theory to prevent deserted servers is probably the most common and accepted theory especially considering that Blizz themselves have come out saying so…but allow me to play the devil’s advocate here and challenge that theory by saying that that is what they want us to think when in fact they did it with ulterior motives. For instance, they will create more profit from this by forcing people to choose a different server to avoid ridiculous queues then later pay the $15 for realm transfer.

I would say that 90% of the dropoff is going to be pre-60 players.

All of the phases are pretty much just endgame stuff.
Except for PVP and BGs.
I could see those bringing in an bunch of people. But probably not enough to blow up every server.

“a lot of the guys who play retail wont swap over for free on launch they are more busy with retail”


The same players asking for more servers will be here complaining in six months their realm is dead.


Because #nochanges

That’s what I thought, but I try to put myself in their shoes and try to see how they can capitalize on the demand and make money from it. I wonder how many people will be rolling on a different server to later pay for a realm transfer once things cool down a bit.

If they would have had a whole bunch of servers at launch, then groups of friends would have been able to stay together rather than be forced to split up. Ultimately, (in theory) less realm transfers by this mean and method. Not to mention, having to then merge servers later on – more work for them and less money from realm transfer fees.

Because they don’t want low population servers when the hype dies down?

Merge servers, ezpz


drop off…