“You are not meant to max these renown’s immediately, they are season long systems. Same thing with profession skill at max 100 - you’re not supposed to max them immediately like in previous expansions, that’s why we don’t have the recipes immediately available on a trainer like past expansions.”
No one is necessarily trying to maximize their renown OR professions. The issue is that we’ve gone from having the ability to improve them to a full-blown inability to work on them.
“M+ has seen this change too with the additional scaling and also moving the rewards from M+15 to M+20.”
No one has an issue with how mythics are operating, this is irrelevent.
“They are making these changes to add a sense of progression over a whole season.”
Adding artificial, complete blocks to progression isn’t “progression”. In fact, since you pointed this out, makes one question the whole system if they couldn’t create something that could be effectively worked on every day to make small progress with small rewards that could still take a whole season. This system of just forcing players from 60mph to 0mph is hurting the new expansion.
“Daily WQs does nothing to add value to that, all you’re boiling it down to is wanting everything immediately, and then what are you going to do, complain that WQs give you no meaningful rewards anymore? That you’ve maxed your renown so there’s nothing to do anymore?”
Again, nobody wants everything immediately, we just want the ability to work on progression. Everyone, as dailies originally were, are completely aware its going to take potentially weeks of dailies to get where they need to be. How is the system of just straight removing anything to progress a benefit to progress? People would much rather work on progression for 2-3 weeks, then having nothing to progress, rather than progression taking 1-2 months because the rates of progression were limited to two days of the week with nothing to do for the other 5.
“The renown also unlocks more world quests types and doing all the side content unlocks even more world quest types.”
Not as much as you think. It’s introduced maybe 1-2 new types of dailies, and thats it, of which is still not a large enough award to not being able to do dailies for 5 days of the week.
“Do you just not play Alts? When the main complaints from previous expansions was that there were so many daily systems in place you didn’t have time to do much of anything else.”
Everyone has alts, but they hit 70 before you are even into the 3rd zone, of which they quickly become victim to the same issues of hitting a wall on progression. We can agree that past systems were very overbearing in some regards, but we have officially become the other side of the coin where the progression system is so limited and artificially restraining that it overlooks the fact that the “other things to do” quickly run out b4 more WQs are available, besides, im doubtful people want to play 100 alts to kill time, as people don’t play the game to just “kill time”.
“Besides, there’s already people with max renown in some of the factions, so you can very clearly go unchained and get those crafting recipes and story quests you keep going on about being gated. All these people complaining about “nothing to do” do y’all have maxed renown for each of the factions like some people already do?”
Speaking in this manner is a massive generalization. People are maximized reknown with the expedition because they, as admitted, farmed packs and dirt for 3 days straight, of which the developers stealth nerfed it into the ground, so much so, that many players, such as myself, cannot even find them anymore, which is a huge issue because outside dirt and packs, the only viable option for Expedition rep gain is WQs.
People are not max renowned with the rest.
“But no, clearly like your responses are showing- you’re just wanting a less grindy way to achieve rewards quicker, to in turn do what? Have less of a reason to play?”
Riddle me this… How is wanting to do dailies, every day, for the 1-3 weeks it may take to make key progression… Against being grindy? "
“We’re one reset into the expansion and WoW will never have enough content for you to do if you’ve done it all. Even if they added “daily wqs” all it does is take you 5 WQs to reach 300 rep vs the 1 it may take now, how is that worth it for the vast majority of the playerbase that is unable to log in everyday?”
Again, you are openly ignoring multiple key parts of this discussion and overall issue. People weren’t running out of things to do with how WQs were originally laid out. The issue is that the change created an issue where theres is now nothing to progress to on a daily basis, only 2 of the 7 days of the week give you any opportunity to grow, of which the growth is high insignificant.
And, again, as many people ask, how does this system hurt the casual player? This change has done nothing to help the casual player. All it did was bring non-casual players to their level, in that now daily players can only progress as much as the non-casual player, in that now we are barred of progress to only 2 days a week, mimicing the rate of which casual players play.